layout: default permalink: /usage/
use League\Pipeline\Pipeline;
class TimesTwoStage
public function __invoke($payload)
return $payload * 2;
class AddOneStage
public function __invoke($payload)
return $payload + 1;
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new TimeTwoStage)
->pipe(new AddOneStage);
// Returns 21
Because the PipelineInterface is an extension of the StageInterface pipelines can be re-used as stages. This creates a highly composable model to create complex execution patterns while keeping the cognitive load low.
For example, if we'd want to compose a pipeline to process API calls, we'd create something along these lines:
$processApiRequest = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new ExecuteHttpRequest) // 2
->pipe(new ParseJsonResponse); // 3
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new ConvertToPsr7Request) // 1
->pipe($processApiRequest) // (2,3)
->pipe(new ConvertToResponseDto); // 4
$pipeline->process(new DeleteBlogPost($postId));
Because Pipelines themselves are immutable, pipeline builders are introduced to facilitate distributed composition of a pipeline.
The PipelineBuilder's collect stages and allow you to create a pipelines at any given time.
use League\Pipeline\PipelineBuilder;
// Prepare the builder
$pipelineBuilder = (new PipelineBuilder)
->add(new LogicalStage)
->add(new AnotherStage)
->add(new LastStage);
// Build the pipeline
$pipeline = $pipelineBuilder->build();
This package is completely transparent when dealing with exception. In no case will this package catch an exception or silence an error. Exception should be dealt with on a per-case basis. Either inside a stage or at time when the pipeline processes a payload.
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(function () {
throw new LogicException();
try {
} catch(LogicException $e) {
// Handle the exception.