Eliseu Amaro 6303f480f7 [TWIG] Note actions extra structural changes to reflect standard note actions styling 3 lat temu
arrow-down.svg.twig 6ef07e04d1 [Posting][CSS] Right panel form uses a select box instead of radio buttons. Hover and focus of <a> elements using just an underline. Note author and actions padding redone. File-picker font is now correct. Left panel hierarchy should now be more clear. 3 lat temu
avatar.svg.twig a44e81a1ed [TWIG][CSS][ICONS] New profile and notice creation panel, alternative text set correctly for header icons. WIP in base styling and panels. 3 lat temu
checkmark.svg.twig 80d1be323d [COMPONENTS][Search][CSS] Extra header forms now accessible through a details element. Re-organizing templates structure. 3 lat temu
edit.svg.twig fa7fa81e35 [ICONS][Edit] Add icon class twig block 3 lat temu
kebab.svg.twig 6303f480f7 [TWIG] Note actions extra structural changes to reflect standard note actions styling 3 lat temu
logo.svg.twig e7ee558f4a [TWIG] Fix empty accessibility menu anchor, accesskey anchors placement 3 lat temu
menu.svg.twig 6e6b2ea87b [CSS][Icons] Icons width and height wasn't consistent, problem lied within the SVGs themselves. 3 lat temu
notes.svg.twig 6e6b2ea87b [CSS][Icons] Icons width and height wasn't consistent, problem lied within the SVGs themselves. 3 lat temu