Hugo Sales 2fd46ca886 [TOOLS] Continue raising PHPStan level to 6 1 year ago
Controller abe35428da [CORE][DB] Rename App\Core\DB\DB to App\Core\DB 2 years ago
Entity abe35428da [CORE][DB] Rename App\Core\DB\DB to App\Core\DB 2 years ago
Exception ec28f23025 [TOOLS] Run CS-fixer on all files 2 years ago
Util 483983790a [CORE][Router] Rename \App\Core\Router\Router to \App\Core\Router and merge \App\Core\Router\RouteLoader with \App\Core\Router 2 years ago
translations 8544fe157b [FreeNetwork] First steps porting webfinger/lrdd to v3, GET webfinger requests already have a basic result 2 years ago
EVENTS.txt 8544fe157b [FreeNetwork] First steps porting webfinger/lrdd to v3, GET webfinger requests already have a basic result 2 years ago
FreeNetwork.php 2fd46ca886 [TOOLS] Continue raising PHPStan level to 6 1 year ago 8544fe157b [FreeNetwork] First steps porting webfinger/lrdd to v3, GET webfinger requests already have a basic result 2 years ago
composer.json 8544fe157b [FreeNetwork] First steps porting webfinger/lrdd to v3, GET webfinger requests already have a basic result 2 years ago

The FreeNetwork component adds WebFinger (RFC7033) lookup and implements Link-based Resource Descriptor Discovery (LRDD) based on RFC6415, Web Host Metadata.