1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435 |
- #!/usr/bin/env sh
- root="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
- # get the list of changed files
- staged_files="$(git status --porcelain | sed -rn "s/^[^ ][ ] (.*)/\1/p")"
- if (! (: "${SKIP_ALL?}") 2>/dev/null) && (! (: "${SKIP_CS_FIX?}") 2>/dev/null); then
- echo "Running php-cs-fixer on edited files"
- for staged in ${staged_files}; do
- # work only with existing files
- if [ -f "${staged}" ] && expr "${staged}" : '^.*\.php$' > /dev/null; then
- # use php-cs-fixer and get flag of correction
- if "${root}/bin/php-cs-fixer" -q --config="${root}/.php-cs-fixer.php" fix "${staged}"; then
- git add "${staged}" # execute git add directly
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- if (! (: "${SKIP_ALL?}") 2>/dev/null) && (! (: "${SKIP_DOC_CHECK?}") 2>/dev/null); then
- echo "Running php-doc-checker"
- if echo "${staged_files}" | grep -F ".php"; then
- "${root}/bin/php-doc-check" src plugins components
- fi
- fi
- if (! (: "${SKIP_ALL?}") 2>/dev/null) && (! (: "${SKIP_PHPSTAN?}") 2>/dev/null); then
- echo "Running phpstan"
- make phpstan
- fi
- # Only commit if there wasn't an error
- exit $?