Historial de Commits

Autor SHA1 Mensaje Fecha
  Hugo Sales df9dfb1bc0 [DEPENDENCIES] Add PHPStan as a dev dependency hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales faf3951842 [DEPENDENCIES] Update dependencies hace 3 años
  Diogo Peralta Cordeiro 5be4c6a22e [VideoEncoder] Add plugin composer dependency php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg hace 3 años
  Diogo Peralta Cordeiro c155f4e30e [DEV] Add PsySH REPL hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales 6d2f8daeae [DEPENDENCIES] Add symfonycasts/reset-password-bundle as a dependency hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales 4f0bdade45 [DEPENDENCIES] Add doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle, which allows populating the database in the testing environment hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales 78a17425f9 [DEPENDENCIES] Add oroinc/doctrine-extensions, which provides cross database platform date functions hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales c3473e45d2 [DEPENDENCIES] Add 'embed/embed', 'nyholm/psr7' and 'symfony/dom-crawler' hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales ec8ad1888a [DEPENDENCIES] Add php-vips hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales 8c6881f526 [COMPOSER][Media] Add example composer.json in plugins/Media hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales efd2719481 [Embed][StoreRemoteMedia][Media] Copy and cleanup plugins from v2 hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales 988c5af6d3 [DEPENDENCIES] Add jchook/phpunit-assert-throws and update dependencies hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales a1546a51cd [DEPENDENCIES] Upgrade to Symfony 5.2 to get my upstream ICU translation feature hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales cfc8af675f [DEPENDENCIES] Update all dependencies hace 3 años
  Hugo Sales 1f4f080bd2 [DEPENDENCIES] Update dependencies hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 9a0c64c3d1 [DEPENDENCY] Add tgalopin/html-sanitizer-bundle and transitively tgalopin/html-sanitizer hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 3934d403ef [DEPENDENCY] Update dependencies hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales d0c999199b [DEPENDENCY] Add odolbeau/phone-number-bundle hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 7ca22ecc1d [DEPENDENCY] Add mock polyfill implementations of the redis and memcached extension hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales e5babcd36e [PHP][EXTENSION][POLYFILL] Add php-ds polyfill, which is used if the native extension is not available hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 69341880d3 [DEPENDENCY] Add symfony/messenger as a dependency hace 4 años
  rainydaysavings 443a5438be [DEPENDENCY] Add erusev/parsedown and twig/markdown-extra as dependencies hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 652c3b5d62 [DEPENDENCY] Upgrade Symfony framework from 5.0 to 5.1 hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales e5a97611d0 [DEPENDENCY] Added alchemy/zippy, which adds support for multiple archive formats. Used to allow theme uploads in zip, tar, gz, or other formats hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales d8d2ad3e10 [CORE][EXTENSIONS] Added extension (modules, plugins) loading and test plugin, which is able to handle events hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 6546c088d9 [DOCTRINE][SCHEMADEF] Create a new metadata driver to allow us to continue using static schemaDef functions hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 69550a1036 [COMPOSER] Update composer dependencies hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales cc47efe4b5 [CORE][EVENTS] Bring existing Events and Boostrapper back hace 4 años
  Hugo Sales 86b5bfe075 [V3] Big Bang hace 4 años