123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291 |
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #
- # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
- # <pep8 compliant>
- import bpy
- from bpy.types import Menu, Panel, UIList
- from rna_prop_ui import PropertyPanel
- from bl_ui.utils import PresetPanel
- from bl_ui.properties_grease_pencil_common import (
- GreasePencilMaterialsPanel,
- )
- class GPENCIL_MT_color_context_menu(Menu):
- bl_label = "Layer"
- def draw(self, _context):
- layout = self.layout
- layout.operator("gpencil.color_reveal", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF', text="Show All")
- layout.operator("gpencil.color_hide", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_ON', text="Hide Others").unselected = True
- layout.separator()
- layout.operator("gpencil.color_lock_all", icon='LOCKED', text="Lock All")
- layout.operator("gpencil.color_unlock_all", icon='UNLOCKED', text="UnLock All")
- layout.operator("gpencil.stroke_lock_color", text="Lock Unselected")
- layout.operator("gpencil.lock_layer", text="Lock Unused")
- class GPENCIL_UL_matslots(UIList):
- def draw_item(self, _context, layout, _data, item, icon, _active_data, _active_propname, _index):
- slot = item
- ma = slot.material
- if (ma is not None) and (ma.grease_pencil is not None):
- gpcolor = ma.grease_pencil
- if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}:
- if gpcolor.lock:
- layout.active = False
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.enabled = not gpcolor.lock
- row.prop(ma, "name", text="", emboss=False, icon_value=icon)
- row = layout.row(align=True)
- row.prop(gpcolor, "lock", text="", emboss=False)
- row.prop(gpcolor, "hide", text="", emboss=False)
- if gpcolor.ghost is True:
- icon = 'ONIONSKIN_OFF'
- else:
- icon = 'ONIONSKIN_ON'
- row.prop(gpcolor, "ghost", text="", icon=icon, emboss=False)
- elif self.layout_type == 'GRID':
- layout.alignment = 'CENTER'
- layout.label(text="", icon_value=icon)
- class GPMaterialButtonsPanel:
- bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
- bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
- bl_context = "material"
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- ma = context.material
- return ma and ma.grease_pencil
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_slots(GreasePencilMaterialsPanel, Panel):
- bl_label = "Grease Pencil Material Slots"
- bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
- bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
- bl_context = "material"
- bl_options = {'HIDE_HEADER'}
- @classmethod
- def poll(cls, context):
- ob = context.object
- ma = context.material
- return (ma and ma.grease_pencil) or (ob and ob.type == 'GPENCIL')
- # Used as parent for "Stroke" and "Fill" panels
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_surface(GPMaterialButtonsPanel, Panel):
- bl_label = "Surface"
- def draw_header_preset(self, _context):
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_material_presets.draw_panel_header(self.layout)
- def draw(self, _context):
- layout = self.layout
- layout.use_property_split = True
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_strokecolor(GPMaterialButtonsPanel, Panel):
- bl_label = "Stroke"
- bl_parent_id = 'MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_surface'
- def draw_header(self, context):
- ma = context.material
- if ma is not None and ma.grease_pencil is not None:
- gpcolor = ma.grease_pencil
- self.layout.prop(gpcolor, "show_stroke", text="")
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- layout.use_property_split = True
- ma = context.material
- if ma is not None and ma.grease_pencil is not None:
- gpcolor = ma.grease_pencil
- col = layout.column()
- col.active = not gpcolor.lock
- col.prop(gpcolor, "mode")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "stroke_style", text="Style")
- if gpcolor.stroke_style == 'TEXTURE':
- row = col.row()
- row.enabled = not gpcolor.lock
- col = row.column(align=True)
- col.template_ID(gpcolor, "stroke_image", open="image.open")
- if gpcolor.mode == 'LINE':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "pixel_size", text="UV Factor")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "use_stroke_pattern", text="Use As Stencil Mask")
- if gpcolor.use_stroke_pattern is False:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "use_stroke_texture_mix", text="Mix Color")
- if gpcolor.use_stroke_texture_mix is True:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "mix_stroke_factor", text="Factor")
- if (
- gpcolor.stroke_style == 'SOLID' or
- gpcolor.use_stroke_pattern or
- gpcolor.use_stroke_texture_mix
- ):
- col.prop(gpcolor, "color", text="Color")
- if gpcolor.mode in {'DOTS', 'BOX'}:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "alignment_mode")
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_fillcolor(GPMaterialButtonsPanel, Panel):
- bl_label = "Fill"
- bl_parent_id = 'MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_surface'
- def draw_header(self, context):
- ma = context.material
- gpcolor = ma.grease_pencil
- self.layout.prop(gpcolor, "show_fill", text="")
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- layout.use_property_split = True
- ma = context.material
- gpcolor = ma.grease_pencil
- # color settings
- col = layout.column()
- col.active = not gpcolor.lock
- col.prop(gpcolor, "fill_style", text="Style")
- if gpcolor.fill_style == 'GRADIENT':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "gradient_type")
- if gpcolor.fill_style != 'TEXTURE':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "fill_color", text="Color")
- if gpcolor.fill_style in {'GRADIENT', 'CHECKER'}:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "mix_color", text="Secondary Color")
- if gpcolor.fill_style == 'GRADIENT':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "mix_factor", text="Mix Factor", slider=True)
- if gpcolor.fill_style in {'GRADIENT', 'CHECKER'}:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "flip", text="Flip Colors")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "pattern_shift", text="Location")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "pattern_scale", text="Scale")
- if gpcolor.gradient_type == 'RADIAL' and gpcolor.fill_style not in {'SOLID', 'CHECKER'}:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "pattern_radius", text="Radius")
- else:
- if gpcolor.fill_style != 'SOLID':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "pattern_angle", text="Angle")
- if gpcolor.fill_style == 'CHECKER':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "pattern_gridsize", text="Box Size")
- # Texture
- if gpcolor.fill_style == 'TEXTURE' or (gpcolor.use_fill_texture_mix is True and gpcolor.fill_style == 'SOLID'):
- col.template_ID(gpcolor, "fill_image", open="image.open")
- if gpcolor.fill_style == 'TEXTURE':
- col.prop(gpcolor, "use_fill_pattern", text="Use As Stencil Mask")
- if gpcolor.use_fill_pattern is True:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "fill_color", text="Color")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "texture_offset", text="Offset")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "texture_scale", text="Scale")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "texture_angle")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "texture_opacity")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "texture_clamp", text="Clip Image")
- if gpcolor.use_fill_pattern is False:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "use_fill_texture_mix", text="Mix With Color")
- if gpcolor.use_fill_texture_mix is True:
- col.prop(gpcolor, "fill_color", text="Mix Color")
- col.prop(gpcolor, "mix_factor", text="Mix Factor", slider=True)
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_preview(GPMaterialButtonsPanel, Panel):
- bl_label = "Preview"
- bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
- def draw(self, context):
- ma = context.material
- self.layout.label(text=ma.name)
- self.layout.template_preview(ma)
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_custom_props(GPMaterialButtonsPanel, PropertyPanel, Panel):
- _context_path = "object.active_material"
- _property_type = bpy.types.Material
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_options(GPMaterialButtonsPanel, Panel):
- bl_label = "Options"
- bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
- def draw(self, context):
- layout = self.layout
- layout.use_property_split = True
- ma = context.material
- gpcolor = ma.grease_pencil
- layout.prop(gpcolor, "pass_index")
- class MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_material_presets(PresetPanel, Panel):
- """Material settings"""
- bl_label = "Material Presets"
- preset_subdir = "gpencil_material"
- preset_operator = "script.execute_preset"
- preset_add_operator = "scene.gpencil_material_preset_add"
- classes = (
- GPENCIL_UL_matslots,
- GPENCIL_MT_color_context_menu,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_slots,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_preview,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_material_presets,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_surface,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_strokecolor,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_fillcolor,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_options,
- MATERIAL_PT_gpencil_custom_props,
- )
- if __name__ == "__main__": # only for live edit.
- from bpy.utils import register_class
- for cls in classes:
- register_class(cls)