123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325 |
- /** \file itasc/Distance.cpp
- * \ingroup itasc
- */
- /*
- * Distance.cpp
- *
- * Created on: Jan 30, 2009
- * Author: rsmits
- */
- #include "Distance.hpp"
- #include "kdl/kinfam_io.hpp"
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- namespace iTaSC
- {
- // a distance constraint is characterized by 5 values: alpha, tolerance, K, yd, yddot
- static const unsigned int distanceCacheSize = sizeof(double)*5 + sizeof(e_scalar)*6;
- Distance::Distance(double armlength, double accuracy, unsigned int maximum_iterations):
- ConstraintSet(1,accuracy,maximum_iterations),
- m_chiKdl(6),m_jac(6),m_cache(NULL),
- m_distCCh(-1),m_distCTs(0)
- {
- m_chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint::RotZ)));
- m_chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint::RotX)));
- m_chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint::TransY)));
- m_chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint::RotZ)));
- m_chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint::RotY)));
- m_chain.addSegment(Segment(Joint(Joint::RotX)));
- m_fksolver = new KDL::ChainFkSolverPos_recursive(m_chain);
- m_jacsolver = new KDL::ChainJntToJacSolver(m_chain);
- m_Cf(0,2)=1.0;
- m_alpha = 1.0;
- m_tolerance = 0.05;
- m_maxerror = armlength/2.0;
- m_K = 20.0;
- m_Wy(0) = m_alpha/*/(m_tolerance*m_K)*/;
- m_yddot = m_nextyddot = 0.0;
- m_yd = m_nextyd = KDL::epsilon;
- memset(&m_data, 0, sizeof(m_data));
- // initialize the data with normally fixed values
- m_data.id = ID_DISTANCE;
- m_values.id = ID_DISTANCE;
- m_values.number = 1;
- m_values.alpha = m_alpha;
- m_values.feedback = m_K;
- m_values.tolerance = m_tolerance;
- m_values.values = &m_data;
- }
- Distance::~Distance()
- {
- delete m_fksolver;
- delete m_jacsolver;
- }
- bool Distance::computeChi(Frame& pose)
- {
- double dist, alpha, beta, gamma;
- dist = pose.p.Norm();
- Rotation basis;
- if (dist < KDL::epsilon) {
- // distance is almost 0, no need for initial rotation
- m_chi(0) = 0.0;
- m_chi(1) = 0.0;
- } else {
- // find the XZ angles that bring the Y axis to point to init_pose.p
- Vector axis(pose.p/dist);
- beta = 0.0;
- if (fabs(axis(2)) > 1-KDL::epsilon) {
- // direction is aligned on Z axis, just rotation on X
- alpha = 0.0;
- gamma = KDL::sign(axis(2))*KDL::PI/2;
- } else {
- alpha = -KDL::atan2(axis(0), axis(1));
- gamma = KDL::atan2(axis(2), KDL::sqrt(KDL::sqr(axis(0))+KDL::sqr(axis(1))));
- }
- // rotation after first 2 joints
- basis = Rotation::EulerZYX(alpha, beta, gamma);
- m_chi(0) = alpha;
- m_chi(1) = gamma;
- }
- m_chi(2) = dist;
- basis = basis.Inverse()*pose.M;
- basis.GetEulerZYX(alpha, beta, gamma);
- // alpha = rotation on Z
- // beta = rotation on Y
- // gamma = rotation on X in that order
- // it corresponds to the joint order, so just assign
- m_chi(3) = alpha;
- m_chi(4) = beta;
- m_chi(5) = gamma;
- return true;
- }
- bool Distance::initialise(Frame& init_pose)
- {
- // we will initialize m_chi to values that match the pose
- m_externalPose=init_pose;
- computeChi(m_externalPose);
- // get current Jf and update internal pose
- updateJacobian();
- return true;
- }
- bool Distance::closeLoop()
- {
- if (!Equal(m_internalPose.Inverse()*m_externalPose,F_identity,m_threshold)){
- computeChi(m_externalPose);
- updateJacobian();
- }
- return true;
- }
- void Distance::initCache(Cache *_cache)
- {
- m_cache = _cache;
- m_distCCh = -1;
- if (m_cache) {
- // create one channel for the coordinates
- m_distCCh = m_cache->addChannel(this, "Xf", distanceCacheSize);
- // save initial constraint in cache position 0
- pushDist(0);
- }
- }
- void Distance::pushDist(CacheTS timestamp)
- {
- if (m_distCCh >= 0) {
- double *item = (double*)m_cache->addCacheItem(this, m_distCCh, timestamp, NULL, distanceCacheSize);
- if (item) {
- *item++ = m_K;
- *item++ = m_tolerance;
- *item++ = m_yd;
- *item++ = m_yddot;
- *item++ = m_alpha;
- memcpy(item, &m_chi[0], 6*sizeof(e_scalar));
- }
- m_distCTs = timestamp;
- }
- }
- bool Distance::popDist(CacheTS timestamp)
- {
- if (m_distCCh >= 0) {
- double *item = (double*)m_cache->getPreviousCacheItem(this, m_distCCh, ×tamp);
- if (item && timestamp != m_distCTs) {
- m_values.feedback = m_K = *item++;
- m_values.tolerance = m_tolerance = *item++;
- m_yd = *item++;
- m_yddot = *item++;
- m_values.alpha = m_alpha = *item++;
- memcpy(&m_chi[0], item, 6*sizeof(e_scalar));
- m_distCTs = timestamp;
- m_Wy(0) = m_alpha/*/(m_tolerance*m_K)*/;
- updateJacobian();
- }
- return (item) ? true : false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void Distance::pushCache(const Timestamp& timestamp)
- {
- if (!timestamp.substep && timestamp.cache)
- pushDist(timestamp.cacheTimestamp);
- }
- void Distance::updateKinematics(const Timestamp& timestamp)
- {
- if (timestamp.interpolate) {
- //the internal pose and Jf is already up to date (see model_update)
- //update the desired output based on yddot
- if (timestamp.substep) {
- m_yd += m_yddot*timestamp.realTimestep;
- if (m_yd < KDL::epsilon)
- m_yd = KDL::epsilon;
- } else {
- m_yd = m_nextyd;
- m_yddot = m_nextyddot;
- }
- }
- pushCache(timestamp);
- }
- void Distance::updateJacobian()
- {
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++)
- m_chiKdl[i]=m_chi[i];
- m_fksolver->JntToCart(m_chiKdl,m_internalPose);
- m_jacsolver->JntToJac(m_chiKdl,m_jac);
- changeRefPoint(m_jac,-m_internalPose.p,m_jac);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<6;i++)
- for(unsigned int j=0;j<6;j++)
- m_Jf(i,j)=m_jac(i,j);
- }
- bool Distance::setControlParameters(struct ConstraintValues* _values, unsigned int _nvalues, double timestep)
- {
- int action = 0;
- int i;
- ConstraintSingleValue* _data;
- while (_nvalues > 0) {
- if (_values->id == ID_DISTANCE) {
- if ((_values->action & ACT_ALPHA) && _values->alpha >= 0.0) {
- m_alpha = _values->alpha;
- action |= ACT_ALPHA;
- }
- if ((_values->action & ACT_TOLERANCE) && _values->tolerance > KDL::epsilon) {
- m_tolerance = _values->tolerance;
- action |= ACT_TOLERANCE;
- }
- if ((_values->action & ACT_FEEDBACK) && _values->feedback > KDL::epsilon) {
- m_K = _values->feedback;
- action |= ACT_FEEDBACK;
- }
- for (_data = _values->values, i=0; i<_values->number; i++, _data++) {
- if (_data->id == ID_DISTANCE) {
- switch (_data->action & (ACT_VALUE|ACT_VELOCITY)) {
- case 0:
- // no indication, keep current values
- break;
- // only the velocity is given estimate the new value by integration
- _data->yd = m_yd+_data->yddot*timestep;
- // walkthrough for negative value correction
- case ACT_VALUE:
- // only the value is given, estimate the velocity from previous value
- if (_data->yd < KDL::epsilon)
- _data->yd = KDL::epsilon;
- m_nextyd = _data->yd;
- // if the user sets the value, we assume future velocity is zero
- // (until the user changes the value again)
- m_nextyddot = (_data->action & ACT_VALUE) ? 0.0 : _data->yddot;
- if (timestep>0.0) {
- m_yddot = (_data->yd-m_yd)/timestep;
- } else {
- // allow the user to change target instantenously when this function
- // if called from setControlParameter with timestep = 0
- m_yddot = m_nextyddot;
- m_yd = m_nextyd;
- }
- break;
- // the user should not set the value and velocity at the same time.
- // In this case, we will assume that he want to set the future value
- // and we compute the current value to match the velocity
- if (_data->yd < KDL::epsilon)
- _data->yd = KDL::epsilon;
- m_yd = _data->yd - _data->yddot*timestep;
- if (m_yd < KDL::epsilon)
- m_yd = KDL::epsilon;
- m_nextyd = _data->yd;
- m_nextyddot = _data->yddot;
- if (timestep>0.0) {
- m_yddot = (_data->yd-m_yd)/timestep;
- } else {
- m_yd = m_nextyd;
- m_yddot = m_nextyddot;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _nvalues--;
- _values++;
- }
- // recompute the weight
- m_Wy(0) = m_alpha/*/(m_tolerance*m_K)*/;
- }
- return true;
- }
- const ConstraintValues* Distance::getControlParameters(unsigned int* _nvalues)
- {
- *(double*)&m_data.y = m_chi(2);
- *(double*)&m_data.ydot = m_ydot(0);
- m_data.yd = m_yd;
- m_data.yddot = m_yddot;
- m_data.action = 0;
- m_values.action = 0;
- if (_nvalues)
- *_nvalues=1;
- return &m_values;
- }
- void Distance::updateControlOutput(const Timestamp& timestamp)
- {
- bool cacheAvail = true;
- if (!timestamp.substep) {
- if (!timestamp.reiterate)
- cacheAvail = popDist(timestamp.cacheTimestamp);
- }
- if (m_constraintCallback && (m_substep || (!timestamp.reiterate && !timestamp.substep))) {
- // initialize first callback the application to get the current values
- *(double*)&m_data.y = m_chi(2);
- *(double*)&m_data.ydot = m_ydot(0);
- m_data.yd = m_yd;
- m_data.yddot = m_yddot;
- m_data.action = 0;
- m_values.action = 0;
- if ((*m_constraintCallback)(timestamp, &m_values, 1, m_constraintParam)) {
- setControlParameters(&m_values, 1, timestamp.realTimestep);
- }
- }
- if (!cacheAvail || !timestamp.interpolate) {
- // first position in cache: set the desired output immediately as we cannot interpolate
- m_yd = m_nextyd;
- m_yddot = m_nextyddot;
- }
- double error = m_yd-m_chi(2);
- if (KDL::Norm(error) > m_maxerror)
- error = KDL::sign(error)*m_maxerror;
- m_ydot(0)=m_yddot+m_K*error;
- }
- }