check_submodules.cmd 503 B

  1. if NOT exist "%BLENDER_DIR%\source\tools\.git" (
  2. echo Checking out sub-modules
  3. if not "%GIT%" == "" (
  4. "%GIT%" submodule update --init --recursive --progress
  5. if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
  6. "%GIT%" submodule foreach git checkout master
  7. if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
  8. "%GIT%" submodule foreach git pull --rebase origin master
  9. if errorlevel 1 goto FAIL
  10. goto EOF
  11. ) else (
  12. echo Blender submodules not found, and git not found in path to retrieve them.
  13. goto FAIL
  14. )
  15. )
  16. goto EOF
  17. :FAIL
  18. exit /b 1
  19. :EOF