123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556 |
- # -*- mode: gnumakefile; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*-
- # vim: tabstop=4
- #
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- #
- # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
- # This Makefile does an out-of-source CMake build in ../build_`OS`_`CPU`
- # eg:
- # ../build_linux_i386
- # This is for users who like to configure & build blender with a single command.
- define HELP_TEXT
- Convenience Targets
- Provided for building Blender, (multiple at once can be used).
- * debug: Build a debug binary.
- * full: Enable all supported dependencies & options.
- * lite: Disable non essential features for a smaller binary and faster build.
- * headless: Build without an interface (renderfarm or server automation).
- * cycles: Build Cycles standalone only, without Blender.
- * bpy: Build as a python module which can be loaded from python directly.
- * deps: Build library dependencies (intended only for platform maintainers).
- * config: Run cmake configuration tool to set build options.
- Note: passing the argument 'BUILD_DIR=path' when calling make will override the default build dir.
- Note: passing the argument 'BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS=args' lets you add cmake arguments.
- Project Files
- Generate poject files for development environments.
- * project_qtcreator: QtCreator Project Files.
- * project_netbeans: NetBeans Project Files.
- * project_eclipse: Eclipse CDT4 Project Files.
- Package Targets
- * package_debian: Build a debian package.
- * package_pacman: Build an arch linux pacman package.
- * package_archive: Build an archive package.
- Testing Targets
- Not associated with building Blender.
- * test:
- Run ctest, currently tests import/export,
- operator execution and that python modules load
- * test_cmake:
- Runs our own cmake file checker
- which detects errors in the cmake file list definitions
- * test_pep8:
- Checks all python script are pep8
- which are tagged to use the stricter formatting
- * test_deprecated:
- Checks for deprecation tags in our code which may need to be removed
- * test_style_c:
- Checks C/C++ conforms with blenders style guide:
- https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Source/Code_Style
- * test_style_c_qtc:
- Same as test_style but outputs QtCreator tasks format
- * test_style_osl:
- Checks OpenShadingLanguage conforms with blenders style guide:
- https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Source/Code_Style
- * test_style_osl_qtc:
- Checks OpenShadingLanguage conforms with blenders style guide:
- https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Source/Code_Style
- Static Source Code Checking
- Not associated with building Blender.
- * check_cppcheck: Run blender source through cppcheck (C & C++).
- * check_clang_array: Run blender source through clang array checking script (C & C++).
- * check_splint: Run blenders source through splint (C only).
- * check_sparse: Run blenders source through sparse (C only).
- * check_smatch: Run blenders source through smatch (C only).
- * check_spelling_c: Check for spelling errors (C/C++ only).
- * check_spelling_c_qtc: Same as check_spelling_c but outputs QtCreator tasks format.
- * check_spelling_osl: Check for spelling errors (OSL only).
- * check_spelling_py: Check for spelling errors (Python only).
- * check_descriptions: Check for duplicate/invalid descriptions.
- Utilities
- Not associated with building Blender.
- * icons:
- Updates PNG icons from SVG files.
- Optionally pass in variables: 'BLENDER_BIN', 'INKSCAPE_BIN'
- otherwise default paths are used.
- Example
- make icons INKSCAPE_BIN=/path/to/inkscape
- * icons_geom:
- Updates Geometry icons from BLEND file.
- Optionally pass in variable: 'BLENDER_BIN'
- otherwise default paths are used.
- Example
- make icons_geom BLENDER_BIN=/path/to/blender
- * tgz:
- Create a compressed archive of the source code.
- * update:
- updates git and all submodules
- * format
- Format source code using clang (uses PATHS if passed in). For example::
- make format PATHS="source/blender/blenlib source/blender/blenkernel"
- Environment Variables
- * BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS: Arguments passed to CMake.
- * BUILD_DIR: Override default build path.
- * PYTHON: Use this for the Python command (used for checking tools).
- * NPROCS: Number of processes to use building (auto-detect when omitted).
- Documentation Targets
- Not associated with building Blender.
- * doc_py: Generate sphinx python api docs.
- * doc_doxy: Generate doxygen C/C++ docs.
- * doc_dna: Generate blender file format reference.
- * doc_man: Generate manpage.
- Information
- * help: This help message.
- * help_features: Show a list of optional features when building.
- endef
- # HELP_TEXT (end)
- # System Vars
- OS:=$(shell uname -s)
- OS_NCASE:=$(shell uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
- CPU:=$(shell uname -m)
- # Source and Build DIR's
- BLENDER_DIR:=$(shell pwd -P)
- BUILD_TYPE:=Release
- endif
- ifndef BUILD_DIR
- BUILD_DIR:=$(shell dirname "$(BLENDER_DIR)")/build_$(OS_NCASE)
- endif
- # Dependencies DIR's
- DEPS_SOURCE_DIR:=$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/build_environment
- endif
- DEPS_INSTALL_DIR:=$(shell dirname "$(BLENDER_DIR)")/lib/$(OS_NCASE)
- ifneq ($(OS_NCASE),darwin)
- # Add processor type to directory name
- endif
- endif
- # Allow to use alternative binary (pypy3, etc)
- ifndef PYTHON
- PYTHON:=python3
- endif
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # additional targets for the build configuration
- # support 'make debug'
- ifneq "$(findstring debug, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- endif
- ifneq "$(findstring full, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS:=$(BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS) -C"$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/config/blender_full.cmake"
- endif
- ifneq "$(findstring lite, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS:=$(BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS) -C"$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/config/blender_lite.cmake"
- endif
- ifneq "$(findstring cycles, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)_cycles
- BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS:=$(BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS) -C"$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/config/cycles_standalone.cmake"
- endif
- ifneq "$(findstring headless, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)_headless
- BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS:=$(BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS) -C"$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/config/blender_headless.cmake"
- endif
- ifneq "$(findstring bpy, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS:=$(BUILD_CMAKE_ARGS) -C"$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/config/bpy_module.cmake"
- endif
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Blender binary path
- # Allow passing in own BLENDER_BIN so developers who don't
- # use the default build path can still use utility helpers.
- ifeq ($(OS), Darwin)
- BLENDER_BIN?="$(BUILD_DIR)/bin/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender"
- else
- BLENDER_BIN?="$(BUILD_DIR)/bin/blender"
- endif
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Get the number of cores for threaded build
- ifndef NPROCS
- ifeq ($(OS), Linux)
- NPROCS:=$(shell nproc)
- endif
- ifneq (,$(filter $(OS),Darwin FreeBSD NetBSD))
- NPROCS:=$(shell sysctl -n hw.ncpu)
- endif
- endif
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Macro for configuring cmake
- -H"$(BLENDER_DIR)" \
- -B"$(BUILD_DIR)" \
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Tool for 'make config'
- # X11 spesific
- ifdef DISPLAY
- CMAKE_CONFIG_TOOL = cmake-gui
- else
- endif
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build Blender
- all: .FORCE
- @echo
- @echo Configuring Blender in \"$(BUILD_DIR)\" ...
- # # if test ! -f $(BUILD_DIR)/CMakeCache.txt ; then \
- # # $(CMAKE_CONFIG); \
- # # fi
- # # do this always incase of failed initial build, could be smarter here...
- @echo
- @echo Building Blender ...
- $(MAKE) -C "$(BUILD_DIR)" -s -j $(NPROCS) install
- @echo
- @echo edit build configuration with: "$(BUILD_DIR)/CMakeCache.txt" run make again to rebuild.
- @echo Blender successfully built, run from: $(BLENDER_BIN)
- @echo
- debug: all
- full: all
- lite: all
- cycles: all
- headless: all
- bpy: all
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Build dependencies
- DEPS_TARGET = install
- ifneq "$(findstring clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" ""
- DEPS_TARGET = clean
- endif
- deps: .FORCE
- @echo
- @echo Configuring dependencies in \"$(DEPS_BUILD_DIR)\"
- @cmake -H"$(DEPS_SOURCE_DIR)" \
- @echo
- @echo Building dependencies ...
- @echo
- @echo Dependencies successfully built and installed to $(DEPS_INSTALL_DIR).
- @echo
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Configuration (save some cd'ing around)
- config: .FORCE
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Help for build targets
- export HELP_TEXT
- help: .FORCE
- @echo "$$HELP_TEXT"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Packages
- #
- package_debian: .FORCE
- cd build_files/package_spec ; DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=$(NPROCS)" sh ./build_debian.sh
- package_pacman: .FORCE
- cd build_files/package_spec/pacman ; MAKEFLAGS="-j$(NPROCS)" makepkg
- package_archive: .FORCE
- make -C "$(BUILD_DIR)" -s package_archive
- @echo archive in "$(BUILD_DIR)/release"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Tests
- #
- test: .FORCE
- cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; ctest . --output-on-failure
- # run pep8 check check on scripts we distribute.
- test_pep8: .FORCE
- $(PYTHON) tests/python/pep8.py > test_pep8.log 2>&1
- @echo "written: test_pep8.log"
- # run some checks on our cmakefiles.
- test_cmake: .FORCE
- $(PYTHON) build_files/cmake/cmake_consistency_check.py > test_cmake_consistency.log 2>&1
- @echo "written: test_cmake_consistency.log"
- # run deprecation tests, see if we have anything to remove.
- test_deprecated: .FORCE
- $(PYTHON) tests/check_deprecated.py
- test_style_c: .FORCE
- # run our own checks on C/C++ style
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_style_c.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/blender" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/creator" \
- --no-length-check
- test_style_c_qtc: .FORCE
- # run our own checks on C/C++ style
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_style_c.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/blender" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/creator" \
- --no-length-check \
- > \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/test_style.tasks"
- @echo "written: test_style.tasks"
- test_style_osl: .FORCE
- # run our own checks on C/C++ style
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_style_c.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/cycles/kernel/shaders" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/release/scripts/templates_osl"
- test_style_osl_qtc: .FORCE
- # run our own checks on C/C++ style
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_style_c.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/cycles/kernel/shaders" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/release/scripts/templates_osl" \
- > \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/test_style.tasks"
- @echo "written: test_style.tasks"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Project Files
- #
- project_qtcreator: .FORCE
- $(PYTHON) build_files/cmake/cmake_qtcreator_project.py --build-dir "$(BUILD_DIR)"
- project_netbeans: .FORCE
- $(PYTHON) build_files/cmake/cmake_netbeans_project.py "$(BUILD_DIR)"
- project_eclipse: .FORCE
- cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" -H"$(BLENDER_DIR)" -B"$(BUILD_DIR)"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Static Checking
- #
- check_cppcheck: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- $(PYTHON) "$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/cmake_static_check_cppcheck.py" 2> \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/check_cppcheck.txt"
- @echo "written: check_cppcheck.txt"
- check_clang_array: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- $(PYTHON) "$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/cmake_static_check_clang_array.py"
- check_splint: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- $(PYTHON) "$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/cmake_static_check_splint.py"
- check_sparse: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- $(PYTHON) "$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/cmake_static_check_sparse.py"
- check_smatch: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- $(PYTHON) "$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/cmake_static_check_smatch.py"
- check_spelling_py: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_spelling.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/release/scripts"
- check_spelling_c: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_spelling.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/cycles" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/guardedalloc" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/ghost" \
- check_spelling_c_qtc: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ; USE_QTC_TASK=1 \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_spelling.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/cycles" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/guardedalloc" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/ghost" \
- > \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/check_spelling_c.tasks"
- check_spelling_osl: .FORCE
- cd "$(BUILD_DIR)" ;\
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_spelling.py" \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/intern/cycles/kernel/shaders"
- check_descriptions: .FORCE
- $(BLENDER_BIN) --background -noaudio --factory-startup --python \
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/source/tools/check_source/check_descriptions.py"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Utilities
- #
- tgz: .FORCE
- ./build_files/utils/build_tgz.sh
- INKSCAPE_BIN?="inkscape"
- icons: .FORCE
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/release/datafiles/blender_icons_update.py"
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/release/datafiles/prvicons_update.py"
- icons_geom: .FORCE
- "$(BLENDER_DIR)/release/datafiles/blender_icons_geom_update.py"
- update: .FORCE
- if [ "$(OS_NCASE)" = "darwin" ] && [ ! -d "../lib/$(OS_NCASE)" ]; then \
- svn checkout https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/$(OS_NCASE) ../lib/$(OS_NCASE) ; \
- fi
- if [ -d "../lib" ]; then \
- svn cleanup ../lib/* ; \
- svn update ../lib/* ; \
- fi
- git pull --rebase
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- git submodule foreach git checkout master
- git submodule foreach git pull --rebase origin master
- format: .FORCE
- PATH="../lib/${OS_NCASE}/llvm/bin/:$(PATH)" \
- python3 source/tools/utils_maintenance/clang_format_paths.py $(PATHS)
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Documentation
- #
- # Simple version of ./doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.sh with no PDF generation.
- doc_py: .FORCE
- ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=0 \
- $(BLENDER_BIN) --background -noaudio --factory-startup \
- --python doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.py
- cd doc/python_api ; sphinx-build -b html sphinx-in sphinx-out
- @echo "docs written into: '$(BLENDER_DIR)/doc/python_api/sphinx-out/index.html'"
- doc_doxy: .FORCE
- cd doc/doxygen; doxygen Doxyfile
- @echo "docs written into: '$(BLENDER_DIR)/doc/doxygen/html/index.html'"
- doc_dna: .FORCE
- $(BLENDER_BIN) --background -noaudio --factory-startup \
- --python doc/blender_file_format/BlendFileDnaExporter_25.py
- @echo "docs written into: '$(BLENDER_DIR)/doc/blender_file_format/dna.html'"
- doc_man: .FORCE
- $(PYTHON) doc/manpage/blender.1.py $(BLENDER_BIN) blender.1
- help_features: .FORCE
- @$(PYTHON) "$(BLENDER_DIR)/build_files/cmake/cmake_print_build_options.py" $(BLENDER_DIR)"/CMakeLists.txt"
- clean: .FORCE
- $(MAKE) -C "$(BUILD_DIR)" clean
- .PHONY: all