123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658 |
- /*
- * Copyright 2011-2013 Blender Foundation
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- #ifdef WITH_OPENCL
- # include "device/device.h"
- # include "device/device_denoising.h"
- # include "device/device_split_kernel.h"
- # include "util/util_map.h"
- # include "util/util_param.h"
- # include "util/util_string.h"
- # include "clew.h"
- # include "device/opencl/memory_manager.h"
- /* Disable workarounds, seems to be working fine on latest drivers. */
- /* Define CYCLES_DISABLE_DRIVER_WORKAROUNDS to disable workaounds for testing */
- /* Work around AMD driver hangs by ensuring each command is finished before doing anything else. */
- # undef clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
- # define clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) \
- CLEW_GET_FUN(__clewEnqueueNDRangeKernel)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); \
- clFinish(a);
- # undef clEnqueueWriteBuffer
- # define clEnqueueWriteBuffer(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) \
- CLEW_GET_FUN(__clewEnqueueWriteBuffer)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); \
- clFinish(a);
- # undef clEnqueueReadBuffer
- # define clEnqueueReadBuffer(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) \
- CLEW_GET_FUN(__clewEnqueueReadBuffer)(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); \
- clFinish(a);
- # define CL_MEM_PTR(p) ((cl_mem)(uintptr_t)(p))
- struct OpenCLPlatformDevice {
- OpenCLPlatformDevice(cl_platform_id platform_id,
- const string &platform_name,
- cl_device_id device_id,
- cl_device_type device_type,
- const string &device_name,
- const string &hardware_id,
- const string &device_extensions)
- : platform_id(platform_id),
- platform_name(platform_name),
- device_id(device_id),
- device_type(device_type),
- device_name(device_name),
- hardware_id(hardware_id),
- device_extensions(device_extensions)
- {
- }
- cl_platform_id platform_id;
- string platform_name;
- cl_device_id device_id;
- cl_device_type device_type;
- string device_name;
- string hardware_id;
- string device_extensions;
- };
- /* Contains all static OpenCL helper functions. */
- class OpenCLInfo {
- public:
- static cl_device_type device_type();
- static bool use_debug();
- static bool device_supported(const string &platform_name, const cl_device_id device_id);
- static bool platform_version_check(cl_platform_id platform, string *error = NULL);
- static bool device_version_check(cl_device_id device, string *error = NULL);
- static string get_hardware_id(const string &platform_name, cl_device_id device_id);
- static void get_usable_devices(vector<OpenCLPlatformDevice> *usable_devices,
- bool force_all = false);
- /* ** Some handy shortcuts to low level cl*GetInfo() functions. ** */
- /* Platform information. */
- static bool get_num_platforms(cl_uint *num_platforms, cl_int *error = NULL);
- static cl_uint get_num_platforms();
- static bool get_platforms(vector<cl_platform_id> *platform_ids, cl_int *error = NULL);
- static vector<cl_platform_id> get_platforms();
- static bool get_platform_name(cl_platform_id platform_id, string *platform_name);
- static string get_platform_name(cl_platform_id platform_id);
- static bool get_num_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id,
- cl_device_type device_type,
- cl_uint *num_devices,
- cl_int *error = NULL);
- static cl_uint get_num_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id, cl_device_type device_type);
- static bool get_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id,
- cl_device_type device_type,
- vector<cl_device_id> *device_ids,
- cl_int *error = NULL);
- static vector<cl_device_id> get_platform_devices(cl_platform_id platform_id,
- cl_device_type device_type);
- /* Device information. */
- static bool get_device_name(cl_device_id device_id, string *device_name, cl_int *error = NULL);
- static string get_device_name(cl_device_id device_id);
- static bool get_device_extensions(cl_device_id device_id,
- string *device_extensions,
- cl_int *error = NULL);
- static string get_device_extensions(cl_device_id device_id);
- static bool get_device_type(cl_device_id device_id,
- cl_device_type *device_type,
- cl_int *error = NULL);
- static cl_device_type get_device_type(cl_device_id device_id);
- static bool get_driver_version(cl_device_id device_id,
- int *major,
- int *minor,
- cl_int *error = NULL);
- static int mem_sub_ptr_alignment(cl_device_id device_id);
- /* Get somewhat more readable device name.
- * Main difference is AMD OpenCL here which only gives code name
- * for the regular device name. This will give more sane device
- * name using some extensions.
- */
- static string get_readable_device_name(cl_device_id device_id);
- };
- /* Thread safe cache for contexts and programs.
- */
- class OpenCLCache {
- struct Slot {
- struct ProgramEntry {
- ProgramEntry();
- ProgramEntry(const ProgramEntry &rhs);
- ~ProgramEntry();
- cl_program program;
- thread_mutex *mutex;
- };
- Slot();
- Slot(const Slot &rhs);
- ~Slot();
- thread_mutex *context_mutex;
- cl_context context;
- typedef map<ustring, ProgramEntry> EntryMap;
- EntryMap programs;
- };
- /* key is combination of platform ID and device ID */
- typedef pair<cl_platform_id, cl_device_id> PlatformDevicePair;
- /* map of Slot objects */
- typedef map<PlatformDevicePair, Slot> CacheMap;
- CacheMap cache;
- /* MD5 hash of the kernel source. */
- string kernel_md5;
- thread_mutex cache_lock;
- thread_mutex kernel_md5_lock;
- /* lazy instantiate */
- static OpenCLCache &global_instance();
- public:
- enum ProgramName {
- };
- /* Lookup context in the cache. If this returns NULL, slot_locker
- * will be holding a lock for the cache. slot_locker should refer to a
- * default constructed thread_scoped_lock. */
- static cl_context get_context(cl_platform_id platform,
- cl_device_id device,
- thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker);
- /* Same as above. */
- static cl_program get_program(cl_platform_id platform,
- cl_device_id device,
- ustring key,
- thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker);
- /* Store context in the cache. You MUST have tried to get the item before storing to it. */
- static void store_context(cl_platform_id platform,
- cl_device_id device,
- cl_context context,
- thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker);
- /* Same as above. */
- static void store_program(cl_platform_id platform,
- cl_device_id device,
- cl_program program,
- ustring key,
- thread_scoped_lock &slot_locker);
- static string get_kernel_md5();
- };
- # define opencl_device_assert(device, stmt) \
- { \
- cl_int err = stmt; \
- \
- if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { \
- string message = string_printf( \
- "OpenCL error: %s in %s (%s:%d)", clewErrorString(err), #stmt, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
- if ((device)->error_message() == "") \
- (device)->set_error(message); \
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message.c_str()); \
- } \
- } \
- (void)0
- # define opencl_assert(stmt) \
- { \
- cl_int err = stmt; \
- \
- if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { \
- string message = string_printf( \
- "OpenCL error: %s in %s (%s:%d)", clewErrorString(err), #stmt, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
- if (error_msg == "") \
- error_msg = message; \
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", message.c_str()); \
- } \
- } \
- (void)0
- class OpenCLDevice : public Device {
- public:
- DedicatedTaskPool task_pool;
- /* Task pool for required kernels (base, AO kernels during foreground rendering) */
- TaskPool load_required_kernel_task_pool;
- /* Task pool for optional kernels (feature kernels during foreground rendering) */
- TaskPool load_kernel_task_pool;
- cl_context cxContext;
- cl_command_queue cqCommandQueue;
- cl_platform_id cpPlatform;
- cl_device_id cdDevice;
- cl_int ciErr;
- int device_num;
- bool use_preview_kernels;
- class OpenCLProgram {
- public:
- OpenCLProgram() : loaded(false), needs_compiling(true), program(NULL), device(NULL)
- {
- }
- OpenCLProgram(OpenCLDevice *device,
- const string &program_name,
- const string &kernel_name,
- const string &kernel_build_options,
- bool use_stdout = true);
- ~OpenCLProgram();
- void add_kernel(ustring name);
- /* Try to load the program from device cache or disk */
- bool load();
- /* Compile the kernel (first separate, failback to local) */
- void compile();
- /* Create the OpenCL kernels after loading or compiling */
- void create_kernels();
- bool is_loaded() const
- {
- return loaded;
- }
- const string &get_log() const
- {
- return log;
- }
- void report_error();
- /* Wait until this kernel is available to be used
- * It will return true when the kernel is available.
- * It will return false when the kernel is not available
- * or could not be loaded. */
- bool wait_for_availability();
- cl_kernel operator()();
- cl_kernel operator()(ustring name);
- void release();
- private:
- bool build_kernel(const string *debug_src);
- /* Build the program by calling the own process.
- * This is required for multithreaded OpenCL compilation, since most Frameworks serialize
- * build calls internally if they come from the same process.
- * If that is not supported, this function just returns false.
- */
- bool compile_separate(const string &clbin);
- /* Build the program by calling OpenCL directly. */
- bool compile_kernel(const string *debug_src);
- /* Loading and saving the program from/to disk. */
- bool load_binary(const string &clbin, const string *debug_src = NULL);
- bool save_binary(const string &clbin);
- void add_log(const string &msg, bool is_debug);
- void add_error(const string &msg);
- bool loaded;
- bool needs_compiling;
- cl_program program;
- OpenCLDevice *device;
- /* Used for the OpenCLCache key. */
- string program_name;
- string kernel_file, kernel_build_options, device_md5;
- bool use_stdout;
- string log, error_msg;
- string compile_output;
- map<ustring, cl_kernel> kernels;
- };
- /* Container for all types of split programs. */
- class OpenCLSplitPrograms {
- public:
- OpenCLDevice *device;
- OpenCLProgram program_split;
- OpenCLProgram program_lamp_emission;
- OpenCLProgram program_do_volume;
- OpenCLProgram program_indirect_background;
- OpenCLProgram program_shader_eval;
- OpenCLProgram program_holdout_emission_blurring_pathtermination_ao;
- OpenCLProgram program_subsurface_scatter;
- OpenCLProgram program_direct_lighting;
- OpenCLProgram program_shadow_blocked_ao;
- OpenCLProgram program_shadow_blocked_dl;
- OpenCLSplitPrograms(OpenCLDevice *device);
- ~OpenCLSplitPrograms();
- /* Load the kernels and put the created kernels in the given
- * `programs` parameter. */
- void load_kernels(vector<OpenCLProgram *> &programs,
- const DeviceRequestedFeatures &requested_features,
- bool is_preview = false);
- };
- DeviceSplitKernel *split_kernel;
- OpenCLProgram base_program;
- OpenCLProgram bake_program;
- OpenCLProgram displace_program;
- OpenCLProgram background_program;
- OpenCLProgram denoising_program;
- OpenCLSplitPrograms kernel_programs;
- OpenCLSplitPrograms preview_programs;
- typedef map<string, device_vector<uchar> *> ConstMemMap;
- typedef map<string, device_ptr> MemMap;
- ConstMemMap const_mem_map;
- MemMap mem_map;
- device_ptr null_mem;
- bool device_initialized;
- string platform_name;
- string device_name;
- bool opencl_error(cl_int err);
- void opencl_error(const string &message);
- void opencl_assert_err(cl_int err, const char *where);
- OpenCLDevice(DeviceInfo &info, Stats &stats, Profiler &profiler, bool background);
- ~OpenCLDevice();
- static void CL_CALLBACK context_notify_callback(const char *err_info,
- const void * /*private_info*/,
- size_t /*cb*/,
- void *user_data);
- bool opencl_version_check();
- OpenCLSplitPrograms *get_split_programs();
- string device_md5_hash(string kernel_custom_build_options = "");
- bool load_kernels(const DeviceRequestedFeatures &requested_features);
- void load_required_kernels(const DeviceRequestedFeatures &requested_features);
- void load_preview_kernels();
- bool wait_for_availability(const DeviceRequestedFeatures &requested_features);
- DeviceKernelStatus get_active_kernel_switch_state();
- /* Get the name of the opencl program for the given kernel */
- const string get_opencl_program_name(const string &kernel_name);
- /* Get the program file name to compile (*.cl) for the given kernel */
- const string get_opencl_program_filename(const string &kernel_name);
- string get_build_options(const DeviceRequestedFeatures &requested_features,
- const string &opencl_program_name,
- bool preview_kernel = false);
- /* Enable the default features to reduce recompilation events */
- void enable_default_features(DeviceRequestedFeatures &features);
- void mem_alloc(device_memory &mem);
- void mem_copy_to(device_memory &mem);
- void mem_copy_from(device_memory &mem, int y, int w, int h, int elem);
- void mem_zero(device_memory &mem);
- void mem_free(device_memory &mem);
- int mem_sub_ptr_alignment();
- void const_copy_to(const char *name, void *host, size_t size);
- void tex_alloc(device_memory &mem);
- void tex_free(device_memory &mem);
- size_t global_size_round_up(int group_size, int global_size);
- void enqueue_kernel(cl_kernel kernel,
- size_t w,
- size_t h,
- bool x_workgroups = false,
- size_t max_workgroup_size = -1);
- void set_kernel_arg_mem(cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint *narg, const char *name);
- void set_kernel_arg_buffers(cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint *narg);
- void film_convert(DeviceTask &task,
- device_ptr buffer,
- device_ptr rgba_byte,
- device_ptr rgba_half);
- void shader(DeviceTask &task);
- void denoise(RenderTile &tile, DenoisingTask &denoising);
- class OpenCLDeviceTask : public DeviceTask {
- public:
- OpenCLDeviceTask(OpenCLDevice *device, DeviceTask &task) : DeviceTask(task)
- {
- run = function_bind(&OpenCLDevice::thread_run, device, this);
- }
- };
- int get_split_task_count(DeviceTask & /*task*/)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- void task_add(DeviceTask &task)
- {
- task_pool.push(new OpenCLDeviceTask(this, task));
- }
- void task_wait()
- {
- task_pool.wait();
- }
- void task_cancel()
- {
- task_pool.cancel();
- }
- void thread_run(DeviceTask *task);
- virtual BVHLayoutMask get_bvh_layout_mask() const
- {
- return BVH_LAYOUT_BVH2;
- }
- virtual bool show_samples() const
- {
- return true;
- }
- protected:
- string kernel_build_options(const string *debug_src = NULL);
- void mem_zero_kernel(device_ptr ptr, size_t size);
- bool denoising_non_local_means(device_ptr image_ptr,
- device_ptr guide_ptr,
- device_ptr variance_ptr,
- device_ptr out_ptr,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_construct_transform(DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_accumulate(device_ptr color_ptr,
- device_ptr color_variance_ptr,
- device_ptr scale_ptr,
- int frame,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_solve(device_ptr output_ptr, DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_combine_halves(device_ptr a_ptr,
- device_ptr b_ptr,
- device_ptr mean_ptr,
- device_ptr variance_ptr,
- int r,
- int4 rect,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_divide_shadow(device_ptr a_ptr,
- device_ptr b_ptr,
- device_ptr sample_variance_ptr,
- device_ptr sv_variance_ptr,
- device_ptr buffer_variance_ptr,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_get_feature(int mean_offset,
- int variance_offset,
- device_ptr mean_ptr,
- device_ptr variance_ptr,
- float scale,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_write_feature(int to_offset,
- device_ptr from_ptr,
- device_ptr buffer_ptr,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- bool denoising_detect_outliers(device_ptr image_ptr,
- device_ptr variance_ptr,
- device_ptr depth_ptr,
- device_ptr output_ptr,
- DenoisingTask *task);
- device_ptr mem_alloc_sub_ptr(device_memory &mem, int offset, int size);
- void mem_free_sub_ptr(device_ptr ptr);
- class ArgumentWrapper {
- public:
- ArgumentWrapper() : size(0), pointer(NULL)
- {
- }
- ArgumentWrapper(device_memory &argument)
- : size(sizeof(void *)), pointer((void *)(&argument.device_pointer))
- {
- }
- template<typename T>
- ArgumentWrapper(device_vector<T> &argument)
- : size(sizeof(void *)), pointer((void *)(&argument.device_pointer))
- {
- }
- template<typename T>
- ArgumentWrapper(device_only_memory<T> &argument)
- : size(sizeof(void *)), pointer((void *)(&argument.device_pointer))
- {
- }
- template<typename T> ArgumentWrapper(T &argument) : size(sizeof(argument)), pointer(&argument)
- {
- }
- ArgumentWrapper(int argument) : size(sizeof(int)), int_value(argument), pointer(&int_value)
- {
- }
- ArgumentWrapper(float argument)
- : size(sizeof(float)), float_value(argument), pointer(&float_value)
- {
- }
- size_t size;
- int int_value;
- float float_value;
- void *pointer;
- };
- /* TODO(sergey): In the future we can use variadic templates, once
- * C++0x is allowed. Should allow to clean this up a bit.
- */
- int kernel_set_args(cl_kernel kernel,
- int start_argument_index,
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg1 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg2 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg3 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg4 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg5 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg6 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg7 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg8 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg9 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg10 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg11 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg12 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg13 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg14 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg15 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg16 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg17 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg18 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg19 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg20 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg21 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg22 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg23 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg24 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg25 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg26 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg27 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg28 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg29 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg30 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg31 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg32 = ArgumentWrapper(),
- const ArgumentWrapper &arg33 = ArgumentWrapper());
- void release_kernel_safe(cl_kernel kernel);
- void release_mem_object_safe(cl_mem mem);
- void release_program_safe(cl_program program);
- /* ** Those guys are for workign around some compiler-specific bugs ** */
- cl_program load_cached_kernel(ustring key, thread_scoped_lock &cache_locker);
- void store_cached_kernel(cl_program program, ustring key, thread_scoped_lock &cache_locker);
- private:
- MemoryManager memory_manager;
- friend class MemoryManager;
- static_assert_align(TextureInfo, 16);
- device_vector<TextureInfo> texture_info;
- typedef map<string, device_memory *> TexturesMap;
- TexturesMap textures;
- bool textures_need_update;
- protected:
- void flush_texture_buffers();
- friend class OpenCLSplitKernel;
- friend class OpenCLSplitKernelFunction;
- };
- Device *opencl_create_split_device(DeviceInfo &info,
- Stats &stats,
- Profiler &profiler,
- bool background);
- #endif