find_dependencies.cmd 410 B

  1. REM find all dependencies and set the corresponding environment variables.
  2. for %%X in (svn.exe) do (set SVN=%%~$PATH:X)
  3. for %%X in (cmake.exe) do (set CMAKE=%%~$PATH:X)
  4. for %%X in (git.exe) do (set GIT=%%~$PATH:X)
  5. if NOT "%verbose%" == "" (
  6. echo svn : "%SVN%"
  7. echo cmake : "%CMAKE%"
  8. echo git : "%GIT%"
  9. )
  10. if "%CMAKE%" == "" (
  11. echo Cmake not found in path, required for building, exiting...
  12. exit /b 1
  13. )