123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235 |
- /**
- * QML Virtual Keyboard main file
- * Copyright © 2012 Pavel Ustinov aka rotoZOOM
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- */
- import QtQuick 1.1
- Rectangle {
- id: root
- property Style style : Style { } // inspired by colibri keyboard
- anchors.fill: parent
- color: style.col_background
- signal sigButtonPressed (string key) // signal what key was pressed for outside use, just connect it
- signal sigStickedButtonLatched (string special_key) // special(sticked) key latched event (ctrl,shift,alt,capslock etc)
- signal sigStickedButtonUnlatched (string special_key) // special(sticked) key unlatched event (ctrl,shift,alt,capslock etc)
- onWidthChanged: checkOutSizes()
- onHeightChanged: checkOutSizes()
- Component.onCompleted: {
- shift_button.sigState.connect(shiftPressed)
- lang_switcher.sigLanguageSwitch.connect (rusLatPressed)
- root.sigButtonPressed.connect (buttonPressed) // only for test purposes
- walkThroughKeyboard (function(key)
- {
- if (key.sigState !== undefined)
- {
- /// sticked key
- key.sigState.connect(stickedButtonClicked)
- }
- else
- {
- key.sigButtonPressed.connect(sigButtonPressed)
- }
- }
- )
- }
- Column {
- id: keyboard
- spacing: style.row_spacing
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- Row {
- id: row1
- spacing: style.col_spacing
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "Esc"; id: escape_button; fixed: true; grad: style.grad_but_esc; special: "esc" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "`"; shift_label_en: "~"; label_ru: "ё"; shift_label_ru: "Ё" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "1"; shift_label_en: "!"; label_ru: "1"; shift_label_ru: "!" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "2"; shift_label_en: "@"; label_ru: "2"; shift_label_ru: "\"" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "3"; shift_label_en: "#"; label_ru: "3"; shift_label_ru: "№" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "4"; shift_label_en: "$"; label_ru: "4"; shift_label_ru: ";" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "5"; shift_label_en: "%"; label_ru: "5"; shift_label_ru: "%" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "6"; shift_label_en: "^"; label_ru: "6"; shift_label_ru: ":" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "7"; shift_label_en: "&"; label_ru: "7"; shift_label_ru: "?" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "8"; shift_label_en: "*"; label_ru: "8"; shift_label_ru: "*" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "9"; shift_label_en: "("; label_ru: "9"; shift_label_ru: "(" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "0"; shift_label_en: ")"; label_ru: "0"; shift_label_ru: ")" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "-"; shift_label_en: "_"; label_ru: "-"; shift_label_ru: "_" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "="; shift_label_en: "+"; label_ru: "="; shift_label_ru: "+" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "<html>←</html>"; width: style.but_width_and_half; fixed: true; special: "backspace" }
- }
- Row {
- id: row2
- spacing: root.style.col_spacing
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: root.style.but_width
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "q"; shift_label_en: "Q"; label_ru: "й"; shift_label_ru: "Й" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "w"; shift_label_en: "W"; label_ru: "ц"; shift_label_ru: "Ц" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "e"; shift_label_en: "E"; label_ru: "у"; shift_label_ru: "У" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "r"; shift_label_en: "R"; label_ru: "к"; shift_label_ru: "К" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "t"; shift_label_en: "T"; label_ru: "е"; shift_label_ru: "Е" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "y"; shift_label_en: "Y"; label_ru: "н"; shift_label_ru: "Н" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "u"; shift_label_en: "U"; label_ru: "г"; shift_label_ru: "Г" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "i"; shift_label_en: "I"; label_ru: "ш"; shift_label_ru: "Ш" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "o"; shift_label_en: "O"; label_ru: "щ"; shift_label_ru: "Щ" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "p"; shift_label_en: "P"; label_ru: "з"; shift_label_ru: "З" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "["; shift_label_en: "{"; label_ru: "х"; shift_label_ru: "Х" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "]"; shift_label_en: "}"; label_ru: "ъ"; shift_label_ru: "Ъ" }
- }
- Row {
- id: row3
- spacing: style.col_spacing
- anchors.left: parent.left
- anchors.leftMargin: root.style.but_width_and_half
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "a"; shift_label_en: "A"; label_ru: "ф"; shift_label_ru: "Ф" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "s"; shift_label_en: "S"; label_ru: "ы"; shift_label_ru: "Ы" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "d"; shift_label_en: "D"; label_ru: "в"; shift_label_ru: "В" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "f"; shift_label_en: "F"; label_ru: "а"; shift_label_ru: "А" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "g"; shift_label_en: "G"; label_ru: "п"; shift_label_ru: "П" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "h"; shift_label_en: "H"; label_ru: "р"; shift_label_ru: "Р" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "j"; shift_label_en: "J"; label_ru: "о"; shift_label_ru: "О" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "k"; shift_label_en: "K"; label_ru: "л"; shift_label_ru: "Л" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "l"; shift_label_en: "L"; label_ru: "д"; shift_label_ru: "Д" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: ";"; shift_label_en: ":"; label_ru: "ж"; shift_label_ru: "Ж" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "'"; shift_label_en: "\""; label_ru: "э"; shift_label_ru: "Э" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "\\"; shift_label_en: "|"; label_ru: "\\"; shift_label_ru: "/" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "Enter"; width: style.but_width_and_half; fixed: true; special: "enter" }
- }
- Row {
- id: row4
- spacing: style.col_spacing
- StickedButton { style: root.style; id: shift_button; label_en: "<html>↑</html>"; width: style.but_doubled_width; fixed: true; special: "shift" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "z"; shift_label_en: "Z"; label_ru: "я"; shift_label_ru: "Я" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "x"; shift_label_en: "X"; label_ru: "ч"; shift_label_ru: "Ч" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "c"; shift_label_en: "C"; label_ru: "с"; shift_label_ru: "С" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "v"; shift_label_en: "V"; label_ru: "м"; shift_label_ru: "М" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "b"; shift_label_en: "B"; label_ru: "и"; shift_label_ru: "И" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "n"; shift_label_en: "N"; label_ru: "т"; shift_label_ru: "Т" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "m"; shift_label_en: "M"; label_ru: "ь"; shift_label_ru: "Ь" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: ","; shift_label_en: "<"; label_ru: "б"; shift_label_ru: "Б" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "."; shift_label_en: ">"; label_ru: "ю"; shift_label_ru: "Ю" }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "/"; shift_label_en: "?"; label_ru: "."; shift_label_ru: "," }
- }
- Row {
- id: row5
- spacing: style.col_spacing
- StickedButton { style: root.style; id: ctrl_button; label_en: "Ctrl"; width: style.but_doubled_width; fixed: true; special: "ctrl" }
- StickedButton { style: root.style; id: alt_button; label_en: "Alt"; fixed: true; special: "alt" }
- RusLatButton { style: root.style; id: lang_switcher}
- Button { style: root.style; id: space_button; width: style.but_doubled_width*4; fixed: true; special: " " }
- }
- }
- Column {
- id: arrow_keys
- anchors.right: keyboard.right
- anchors.bottom: keyboard.bottom
- spacing: root.style.row_spacing
- Row {
- anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "<html>↑</html>"; special: "up"; fixed: true }
- }
- Row {
- spacing: root.style.col_spacing
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "<html>←</html>"; special: "left"; fixed: true }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "<html>↓</html>"; special: "down"; fixed: true }
- Button { style: root.style; label_en: "<html>→</html>"; special: "right"; fixed: true }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test function TODO: remove from release
- */
- function buttonPressed (key)
- {
- console.log (key)
- }
- function stickedButtonClicked (key, is_checked)
- {
- console.log ([key,is_checked]) /// for debugging purpose TODO: remove from release
- if (is_checked)
- {
- sigStickedButtonLatched (key)
- }
- else
- {
- sigStickedButtonUnlatched (key)
- }
- }
- /**
- * Shift press/release handler
- */
- function shiftPressed (key, is_checked)
- {
- walkThroughKeyboard (function(key){
- if (!key.fixed)
- {
- key.changeShiftState (is_checked)
- }
- })
- }
- /**
- * Language switch key pressed
- */
- function rusLatPressed (lng)
- {
- walkThroughKeyboard (function(key){
- if (!key.fixed)
- {
- key.lang = lng == "ru" ? "ru" : "en"
- }
- })
- }
- /**
- * Walk through all keys and invoke visitor function on each key
- */
- function walkThroughKeyboard (visitor)
- {
- var i, j, row, key; // it's my paranoya from C++ :)
- for (i = 0 ; i < keyboard.children.length ; i++)
- {
- row = keyboard.children[i];
- for (j = 0 ; j < row.children.length ; j++)
- {
- key = row.children[j];
- visitor (key) /// call user function
- }
- }
- for (i = 0 ; i < arrow_keys.children.length ; i++)
- {
- row = arrow_keys.children[i];
- for (j = 0 ; j < row.children.length ; j++)
- {
- key = row.children[j];
- visitor (key) /// call user function
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Correct button's size depends on pane width and height
- * P.S. the worst place in code (ughhh so ugly), must to do it more nicely!!!
- */
- function checkOutSizes ()
- {
- /// calculate base button width
- /// it bases on the most lengthy row (number 1 at the moment),
- /// 14 normal and one long keys
- var x = Math.round((root.width - 14 * style.col_spacing) / 15.5) - 1;
- style.but_width = Math.max (x,style.min_but_width);
- /// calculate base button height
- x = Math.round((root.height - 4 * style.row_spacing) / 5) - 1;
- style.but_height = Math.max(x,style.min_but_height);
- }
- }