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- text: qsTr("With Time Calculator, you can add or subtract a number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds (decimal supported) to or from a date / time value:\n")
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- text: qsTr("\nYou can also find out the difference between two date/time:\n")
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- text: qsTr("According to the definition of the Gregorian calendar, the following assumptions are made in this application:\n\n" +
- " 1 Year = 365.25 days\n" +
- " 1 Month = 30.436875 days\n" +
- " 1 Week = 7 days\n" +
- " 1 Day = 24 hours\n" +
- " 1 Business Day = A day in between Monday and Friday inclusive, except local public holidays.\n" +
- " 1 Hour = 60 Minutes\n" +
- " 1 Minute = 60 Seconds\n" +
- " Earliest date supported: 4713/01/02 B.C.\n" +
- " Earliest Selectable Date: 1900/01/01 00:00:00\n" +
- " Latest Selectable Date: 2099/12/31 23:59:59\n" +
- " Largest Plus/Minus Value: 99999\n" +
- " A.D. 2012 - 2012 years = 1 B.C., as there is no Year 0 by definition\n\n" +
- "Notice: Calculation results of this application are for reference purpose only; their accuracy is not guaranteed.\n")
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- acceptButtonText: qsTr("OK")
- message: qsTr("for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan\n(C)Amanda Lam, 2012 All rights reserved.")
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- text: qsTr("Plus/Minus Time")
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- text: qsTr("Get Time Difference")
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- appWindow.pageStack.push(timeDiffPage)
- }
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- text: qsTr("About this app")
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