123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- # All rights reserved.
- # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
- #
- # Initial Contributors:
- # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- #
- # Contributors:
- #
- # Description:
- ##
- SHELL:=bash
- ifeq ($(CLEANMODE),)
- .PHONY:: all
- all::
- else
- .PHONY:: clean
- clean::
- endif
- include utilbuild.mk # need general settings e.g. INSTALLROOT
- ifeq ($(filter CLEAN,$(MAKECMDGOALS))$(filter clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
- include gccprogram.mk
- #################################################
- ifeq ($(TARGETS),)
- TARGETS:=descramble talon ransleep tmkdir simmer
- ifneq ($(filter $(HOSTPLATFORM),win),win)
- # Some tools not built for windows
- # Some of these don't support our special clean mode
- TARGETS:=$(TARGETS) make python27 bvcpp dialog
- TARGETS:=$(TARGETS) python32
- endif
- ifneq ($(filter $(HOSTPLATFORM),win),)
- endif
- endif
- $(foreach T,$(TARGETS),$(eval -include $(T).mk))
- else
- clean:
- @echo "Cleaning"
- $(MAKE) $(MAKEFILE) CLEANMODE:=1 | grep '<file>' |sed -r 's#.*<file>(.*)</file>.*#\1#' | (read F; while [ $$? -eq 0 ]; do rm -f "$$F"; echo " [rm] $$F"; read F; done; true )
- endif