123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119 |
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation.
- */
- import QtQuick 1.0
- Item {
- id: container
- objectName: "infoView"
- anchors.fill: parent
- opacity: 0
- // Mouse area for hiding this info view
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: container.opacity = 0;
- }
- Rectangle {
- anchors.fill: parent
- anchors.margins: 30
- radius: 5
- color: "black"
- border.color: "white"
- border.width: 2
- Behavior on opacity {
- PropertyAnimation {
- duration: 500
- }
- }
- Flickable {
- id: flickable
- anchors {
- fill: parent
- topMargin: 20
- leftMargin: 10
- rightMargin: 5
- bottomMargin: 10
- }
- contentHeight: infoText.height + closeButton.height
- clip: true
- Text {
- id: infoText
- width: flickable.width - 10 // Save room for scroll bar
- color: "white"
- wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
- font.pixelSize: container.width * 0.055
- text: {
- infoText.text =
- "<a href=\"https://projects.developer.nokia.com/quickhit\">" +
- "QuickHit</a>" +
- "<p>A Nokia Developer Qt Quick Game Example</p>" +
- "<p>QuickHit is essentially a basic arcade-style " +
- "shooting game, but differentiated from other such " +
- "games by its levels which are implemented as " +
- "separate Qt plug-ins.</p>";
- if (GameEngine.isSymbian()) {
- // IAP API is only available on Symbian
- infoText.text +=
- "<p>Try In-App Purchase to buy more " +
- "levels by selecting 'Buy Levels' from " +
- "the main menu.</p>";
- }
- infoText.text +=
- "</p>Sounds were loaded from freesound.org, under " +
- "Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 license.</p>" +
- "<p>The sounds were created by:<br />" +
- "HardPCM, Matt_G, klankbeeld, steveygos93, " +
- "joe93barlow, ljudman, Jovica, patchen and " +
- "nthompson</p><br />";
- }
- onLinkActivated: Qt.openUrlExternally(link);
- }
- // Close button
- TextLabel {
- id: closeButton
- width: parent.width * 0.75
- height: 60
- anchors {
- horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
- rightMargin: 5
- bottom: parent.bottom
- }
- // Close icon
- Image {
- id: icon
- anchors {
- verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
- left: parent.left
- }
- source: "gfx/icon_exit.png"
- smooth: true
- }
- mouseAreaEnabled: true
- text: "Close"
- textLeftMargin: icon.width
- onClicked: container.opacity = 0;
- }
- } // Flickable
- ScrollBar { flickableItem: flickable }
- }
- }