123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation.
- */
- import Qt 4.7
- import "demoitemcore.js" as Core
- Item {
- id: gridItem
- property string qmlFolder // the path to demo qml
- property alias qmlCode: textEditor.text // the QML sourcecode
- property alias thumbnail: skin.source // the thumbnail of the demo
- property alias codeTemplateModel: textEditor.codeTemplateModel
- property int index // index of demo item in demo chooser
- signal startSignal(int index) // signaled when demo item is clicked
- signal codeEditorSignal(int index) // signaled when entering to code editor
- signal closeSignal(int index) // signaled when exiting from demo and code editor
- function hide() { hideAnimation.start() }
- function show() { showAnimation.start() }
- state: "default"
- Rectangle {
- id: container
- width: parent.width; height: parent.height
- color: "#373737"; clip: true; radius: 10
- // mouse area which does nothing to prevent item under gridItem to receive clicks
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent }
- TextEditor {
- id: textEditor
- anchors.fill: parent
- onTryDemoClicked: { startSignal(index) }
- onBackClicked: { closeSignal(index) }
- }
- Image {
- id: skin
- width: parent.width; height: parent.height; smooth: true
- MouseArea {
- anchors.fill: parent
- onClicked: { startSignal(index) }
- onPressAndHold: { codeEditorSignal(index) }
- }
- Rectangle {
- width: parent.width / 4
- height: parent.height / 4
- anchors { right: parent.right; bottom: parent.bottom }
- color: "gray"; radius: 6; opacity: 0.3
- MouseArea {
- id: mouseCorner
- property int xpressed
- property int ypressed
- anchors.fill: parent
- onPressed: { xpressed = mouseX; ypressed = mouseY }
- onPositionChanged: {
- if(gridItem.state == "inCodeEditorState") { return }
- var relX = xpressed - mouseX
- var relY = ypressed - mouseY
- var relMax = Math.max(relX, relY)
- // Only allow skin to be moved to upper left direction
- if((skin.x - relMax) <= 0) { skin.x = skin.x - relMax; skin.y = skin.y - relMax }
- if(skin.x < (gridItem.width / -5)) { codeEditorSignal(index) }
- }
- onReleased: { if(gridItem.state != "inCodeEditorState") { skin.x = 0; skin.y = 0 } }
- }
- }
- }
- // This will hold the dynamically loaded demo
- Item {
- id: demoHolder
- anchors { left: parent.left; top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom; right: sidePanel.left }
- opacity: 0
- ErrorDialog { id: errorDialog; anchors.centerIn: parent; onClosed: { textEditor.selectLine(lineNumber); codeEditorSignal(index) } }
- }
- SidePanel {
- id: sidePanel
- opacity: 0; width: 70
- source: "sidebar.png"
- anchors { right: parent.right; top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom }
- onCloseClicked: { if(errorDialog.opacity != 0) errorDialog.forceClose(); closeSignal(index) }
- onCodeEditorClicked: { if(errorDialog.opacity != 0) errorDialog.forceClose(); codeEditorSignal(index) }
- }
- }
- // These two animations are used to hide (and show) "the other" demos when the user selected demo is started or to it's code editor is entered
- // by this way the performance of the application will be a lot greater!
- SequentialAnimation {
- id: hideAnimation
- alwaysRunToEnd: true
- PropertyAction { target: textEditor; properties: "visible"; value: false }
- PropertyAnimation { target: container; properties: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 500 }
- }
- SequentialAnimation {
- id: showAnimation
- alwaysRunToEnd: true
- PauseAnimation { duration: 1500 }
- PropertyAnimation { target: container; properties: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 500 }
- PropertyAction { target: textEditor; properties: "visible"; value: true }
- }
- states: [
- State {
- name: "default" //default
- PropertyChanges { target: skin; x: 0; y: 0 }
- StateChangeScript { name: "scriptUnloadDemo"; script: Core.unloadDemo() }
- },
- State {
- name: "maximizedState"
- PropertyChanges { target: gridItem; z: 1 }
- ParentChange { target: container; parent: demoChooser }
- PropertyChanges { target: container; x: 0; y: 0; width: parent.width; height: parent.height; opacity: 1; radius: 0; color: "black" }
- PropertyChanges { target: skin; x: 0; y: 0; opacity: 0.0 }
- StateChangeScript { name: "scriptLoadDemo"; script: Core.loadDemo() }
- PropertyChanges { target: demoHolder; opacity: 1 }
- PropertyChanges { target: sidePanel; opacity: 1}
- PropertyChanges { target: textEditor; opacity: 0 }
- StateChangeScript { name: "scriptStartDemo"; script: Core.startDemo() }
- },
- State {
- name: "inCodeEditorState"
- ParentChange { target: container; parent: demoChooser }
- PropertyChanges { target: skin; x: -1 * container.width; y: -1 * container.height; opacity: 0.0 }
- PropertyChanges { target: gridItem; z: 1 }
- PropertyChanges { target: container; x:0; y: 0; width: parent.width; height: parent.height; radius: 0 }
- StateChangeScript { name: "scriptUnloadDemo"; script: Core.unloadDemo() }
- }
- ]
- transitions: [
- Transition {
- from: "default"
- to: "maximizedState"
- reversible: false
- SequentialAnimation {
- PauseAnimation { duration: 500 }
- PropertyAction { target: textEditor; property: "opacity" }
- PropertyAction { target: gridItem; property: "z" }
- ParentAnimation {
- target: container
- PropertyAnimation { target: container; properties: "x,y,width,height,radius"; duration: 1000; easing.type: "InOutCubic" }
- PropertyAnimation { target: skin; property: "opacity" }
- }
- ScriptAction { scriptName: "scriptLoadDemo" }
- ParallelAnimation {
- PropertyAnimation { target: demoHolder; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- PropertyAnimation { target: sidePanel; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- }
- PauseAnimation { duration: 100 }
- ScriptAction { scriptName: "scriptStartDemo" }
- }
- },
- Transition {
- from: "maximizedState"
- to: "default"
- reversible: false
- SequentialAnimation {
- PropertyAnimation { target: demoHolder; property: "opacity"; duration: 500 }
- ScriptAction { scriptName: "scriptUnloadDemo" }
- ParentAnimation {
- target: container
- PropertyAnimation { target: container; properties: "x,y,width,height,opacity,radius"; duration: 1000; easing.type: "InOutCubic" }
- }
- PropertyAnimation { target: skin; property: "opacity" }
- PropertyAction { target: container; property: "color" }
- PropertyAction { target: textEditor; property: "opacity" }
- PropertyAction { target: gridItem; property: "z" }
- }
- },
- Transition {
- from: "default"
- to: "inCodeEditorState"
- reversible: false
- SequentialAnimation {
- PropertyAnimation { target: skin; properties: "x,y,opacity"; duration: 700 }
- ParentAnimation {
- target: container
- PropertyAnimation { target: textEditor; property: "radius"; duration: 1000 }
- PropertyAnimation { target: container; properties: "x,y,width,height,radius"; duration: 1000; easing.type: "InOutCubic" }
- }
- }
- },
- Transition {
- from: "inCodeEditorState"
- to: "default"
- reversible: false
- SequentialAnimation {
- ParentAnimation {
- target: container
- PropertyAnimation { target: container; properties: "x,y,width,height,opacity,radius"; duration: 1000; easing.type: "InOutCubic" }
- }
- PropertyAnimation { target: skin; properties: "x,y,opacity"; duration: 500 }
- PropertyAction { target: gridItem; property: "z" }
- }
- },
- Transition {
- from: "inCodeEditorState"
- to: "maximizedState"
- reversible: false
- SequentialAnimation {
- ParallelAnimation {
- PropertyAnimation { target: textEditor; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- ColorAnimation { target: container; duration: 1000 }
- }
- ScriptAction { scriptName: "scriptLoadDemo" }
- ParallelAnimation {
- PropertyAnimation { target: demoHolder; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- PropertyAnimation { target: sidePanel; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- }
- PauseAnimation { duration: 100 }
- ScriptAction { scriptName: "scriptStartDemo" }
- }
- },
- Transition {
- from: "maximizedState"
- to: "inCodeEditorState"
- reversible: false
- SequentialAnimation {
- PropertyAction { target: skin; properties: "x,y" }
- ParallelAnimation {
- PropertyAnimation { target: sidePanel; property: "opacity"; duration : 1000 }
- PropertyAnimation { target: demoHolder; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- }
- ScriptAction { scriptName: "scriptUnloadDemo" }
- ParallelAnimation {
- ColorAnimation { target: container; duration: 200 }
- PropertyAnimation { target: textEditor; property: "opacity"; duration: 1000 }
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }