release_notes.txt 4.9 KB

  1. Qt Bubble Level v1.3.1
  2. ======================
  3. Qt Bubble Level is a simple Qt Quick application that uses accelerometer
  4. sensor information to calculate the inclination of the device and presents
  5. this as a traditional Bubble level. The application provides a calibration
  6. feature to handle any possible errors in accelerometer readings. The UI is
  7. made using Qt Quick and the engine gets the accelerometer data via the
  8. Qt Mobility QAccelerometer sensor. The application is compatible with
  9. Symbian^1, Symbian Anna, Maemo and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan.
  10. FILES
  11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. src/main.cpp
  13. - The main file of the application. In practise, creates a Qt Mobility sensor
  14. and QDeclarativeView and connects a set of signals to the appropriate slots.
  15. The integration of QML and Qt code is done in the main function.
  16. src/taskswitcher.cpp
  17. - Provides a minimise feature via DBus to minimise the application.
  18. src/accelerometerfilter.h
  19. - Provides accelerometer data via Qt Mobility.
  20. src/settings.h
  21. - Provides saving and reading of angle calibration in a platform-independent
  22. way.
  23. src/bubblelevel.qml
  24. - Main QML file, implements the main layout for the graphics. Contains the
  25. location of task switcher and exit button. The location of the glass tube is
  26. also set here. Also contains the function which is used as slot connected in
  27. main.cpp.
  28. src/button.qml
  29. - Implements the functionality of a button with a minor press animation.
  30. src/tube.qml
  31. - Contains the graphics for bubble, scale, and reflection. These are drawn on
  32. different layers to provide the effect that the bubble is inside the glass
  33. tube. The conversion of device inclination to bubble position is made here.
  34. src/debian/
  35. - The directory which contains files related to Debian (Maemo) packaging.
  36. install/
  37. - The compiled installation package is located here.
  39. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. The most important Qt classes used in the application are listed here.
  41. QDeclarativeView - used to interpret QML files
  42. QAccelerometer - used to get accelerometer data from the device
  43. QAccelerometerFilter - used to convert accelerometer data from radians to
  44. degrees and to signal accelerometer data to the UI
  45. QSettings - used to save and restore the correction factor from
  46. the device's memory
  48. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. - None.
  51. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. Preparations
  53. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  54. Check that you have the latest Qt/Qt SDK installed in the development
  55. environment and on the device.
  56. Build & installation instructions using Qt SDK
  57. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  58. 1. Open the Qt PRO file.
  59. File > Open File or Project, select pro-file.
  60. 2. Select target(s), for example 'Qt 4.7.4 for Symbian Anna (Qt SDK)', and
  61. press the Finish button.
  62. 3. Press the Run button to build the project and create the Symbian install
  63. package. The application is installed on the device.
  65. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. Launch Qt Bubble Level on your device. The bubble in the glass tube will show
  67. the level of the device's x-axis relative to gravity. When the device is
  68. tilted to either direction 20 degrees or more, the bubble will be at the
  69. corresponding end of the tube.
  70. The accelerometer sensor of the device can be calibrated by pressing the tool
  71. icon beside the QtBubbleLevel sign, placing the device on a level surface, and
  72. tapping the Calibrate button. The calibration data will be saved into the
  73. device's memory and it will be applied on the next startup of the application.
  74. The application can be minimised with the icon in the upper left corner, or
  75. closed with the X in the upper right corner.
  77. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. - Qt SDK 1.1
  79. - Qt 4.7.4
  80. - Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^1
  81. - Qt Mobility 1.2.1
  82. - Qt Mobility 1.1.3 for Symbian^1
  83. Tested on:
  84. - Nokia N900
  85. - Nokia N950
  86. - Nokia N8-00
  87. - Nokia E7-00
  88. - Nokia N97 mini
  89. - Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
  90. Developed with:
  91. - Qt SDK 1.1
  93. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. 1.3.1 Use of Qt Quick 1.1 elements.
  95. 1.3 Added MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan support.
  96. 1.2 Improved the usability of the calibration feature. Added Symbian^1 support.
  97. 1.1 Added Qt Mobility and Symbian^3 support. Added the calibration feature.
  98. 1.0 Initial version. Supports only Maemo, the accelerometer information is
  99. read using the native Maemo interface. Published in FN Projects only.