qdeclarativesparticles_p.h 5.3 KB

  1. /****************************************************************************
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  7. ** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
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  43. #include <QtDeclarative/qdeclarativeitem.h>
  46. QT_MODULE(Declarative)
  47. class QDeclarativeSParticlesPrivate;
  48. class QDeclarativeSParticles : public QDeclarativeItem
  49. {
  50. Q_OBJECT
  51. // Q_PROPERTY(QUrl source READ source WRITE setSource NOTIFY sourceChanged)
  52. // Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count WRITE setCount NOTIFY countChanged)
  53. // Q_PROPERTY(int emissionRate READ emissionRate WRITE setEmissionRate NOTIFY emissionRateChanged)
  54. // Q_PROPERTY(qreal emissionVariance READ emissionVariance WRITE setEmissionVariance NOTIFY emissionVarianceChanged)
  55. // Q_PROPERTY(int lifeSpan READ lifeSpan WRITE setLifeSpan NOTIFY lifeSpanChanged)
  56. // Q_PROPERTY(int lifeSpanDeviation READ lifeSpanDeviation WRITE setLifeSpanDeviation NOTIFY lifeSpanDeviationChanged)
  57. // Q_PROPERTY(int fadeInDuration READ fadeInDuration WRITE setFadeInDuration NOTIFY fadeInDurationChanged)
  58. // Q_PROPERTY(int fadeOutDuration READ fadeOutDuration WRITE setFadeOutDuration NOTIFY fadeOutDurationChanged)
  59. // Q_PROPERTY(qreal angle READ angle WRITE setAngle NOTIFY angleChanged)
  60. // Q_PROPERTY(qreal angleDeviation READ angleDeviation WRITE setAngleDeviation NOTIFY angleDeviationChanged)
  61. // Q_PROPERTY(qreal velocity READ velocity WRITE setVelocity NOTIFY velocityChanged)
  62. // Q_PROPERTY(qreal velocityDeviation READ velocityDeviation WRITE setVelocityDeviation NOTIFY velocityDeviationChanged)
  63. // Q_PROPERTY(QDeclarativeParticleMotion *motion READ motion WRITE setMotion NOTIFY motionChanged)
  64. // Q_CLASSINFO("DefaultProperty", "motion")
  65. public:
  66. QDeclarativeSParticles(QDeclarativeItem *parent=0);
  67. ~QDeclarativeSParticles();
  68. // QUrl source() const;
  69. // void setSource(const QUrl &);
  70. // int count() const;
  71. // void setCount(int cnt);
  72. // int emissionRate() const;
  73. // void setEmissionRate(int);
  74. // qreal emissionVariance() const;
  75. // void setEmissionVariance(qreal);
  76. // int lifeSpan() const;
  77. // void setLifeSpan(int);
  78. // int lifeSpanDeviation() const;
  79. // void setLifeSpanDeviation(int);
  80. // int fadeInDuration() const;
  81. // void setFadeInDuration(int);
  82. // int fadeOutDuration() const;
  83. // void setFadeOutDuration(int);
  84. // qreal angle() const;
  85. // void setAngle(qreal);
  86. // qreal angleDeviation() const;
  87. // void setAngleDeviation(qreal);
  88. // qreal velocity() const;
  89. // void setVelocity(qreal);
  90. // qreal velocityDeviation() const;
  91. // void setVelocityDeviation(qreal);
  92. // QDeclarativeParticleMotion *motion() const;
  93. // void setMotion(QDeclarativeParticleMotion *);
  94. void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *);
  95. public Q_SLOTS:
  96. // void burst(int count, int emissionRate=-1);
  97. protected:
  98. virtual void componentComplete();
  99. Q_SIGNALS:
  100. void sourceChanged();
  101. void countChanged();
  102. void emissionRateChanged();
  103. void emissionVarianceChanged();
  104. void lifeSpanChanged();
  105. void lifeSpanDeviationChanged();
  106. void fadeInDurationChanged();
  107. void fadeOutDurationChanged();
  108. void angleChanged();
  109. void angleDeviationChanged();
  110. void velocityChanged();
  111. void velocityDeviationChanged();
  112. void emittingChanged();
  113. void motionChanged();
  114. private Q_SLOTS:
  115. void imageLoaded();
  116. private:
  117. Q_DISABLE_COPY(QDeclarativeParticles)
  118. Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE_D(QGraphicsItem::d_ptr.data(), QDeclarativeSParticles)
  119. };
  121. //QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QDeclarativeParticleMotion)
  122. //QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QDeclarativeParticleMotionLinear)
  123. //QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QDeclarativeParticleMotionGravity)
  124. //QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QDeclarativeParticleMotionWander)
  125. QML_DECLARE_TYPE(QDeclarativeParticles)
  127. #endif