123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160 |
- /******************************************************************************
- @File PVRTPFXParserAPI.h
- @Title OGLES2/PVRTPFXParserAPI.h
- @Version
- @Copyright Copyright (C) Imagination Technologies Limited.
- @Platform Windows + Linux
- @Description Declaration of PFX file parser
- ******************************************************************************/
- #include "../PVRTError.h"
- /****************************************************************************
- ** Structures
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*! Application supplies an array of these so PVRTPFX can translate strings to numbers */
- struct SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic
- {
- const char *p; // String containing semantic
- unsigned int n; // Application-defined semantic value
- };
- /*! PVRTPFX returns an array of these to indicate GL locations & semantics to the application */
- struct SPVRTPFXUniform
- {
- unsigned int nLocation; // GL location of the Uniform
- unsigned int nSemantic; // Application-defined semantic value
- unsigned int nIdx; // Index; for example two semantics might be LIGHTPOSITION0 and LIGHTPOSITION1
- };
- /*! An array of these is gained from PVRTPFX so the application can fill in the texture handles*/
- struct SPVRTPFXTexture
- {
- const char *p; // texture FileName
- GLuint ui; // Loaded texture handle
- };
- /*!**************************************************************************
- @Class CPVRTPFXEffect
- @Brief PFX effect
- ****************************************************************************/
- class CPVRTPFXEffect
- {
- public:
- SPVRTContext *m_psContext;
- CPVRTPFXParser *m_pParser;
- unsigned int m_nEffect;
- GLuint m_uiProgram; // Loaded program
- unsigned int *m_pnTextureIdx; // Array of indices into the texture array
- SPVRTPFXTexture *m_psTextures; // Array of loaded textures
- public:
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function CPVRTPFXEffect Blank Constructor
- @Description Sets the context and initialises the member variables to zero.
- *****************************************************************************/
- CPVRTPFXEffect();
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function CPVRTPFXEffect Constructor
- @Description Sets the context and initialises the member variables to zero.
- *****************************************************************************/
- CPVRTPFXEffect(SPVRTContext &sContext);
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function CPVRTPFXEffect Destructor
- @Description Calls Destroy().
- *****************************************************************************/
- ~CPVRTPFXEffect();
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function Load
- @Input src PFX Parser Object
- @Input pszEffect Effect name
- @Input pszFileName Effect file name
- @Output pReturnError Error string
- @Returns EPVRTError PVR_SUCCESS if load succeeded
- @Description Loads the specified effect from the CPVRTPFXParser object.
- Compiles and links the shaders. Initialises texture data.
- *****************************************************************************/
- EPVRTError Load(CPVRTPFXParser &src, const char * const pszEffect, const char * const pszFileName, CPVRTString *pReturnError);
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function Destroy
- @Description Deletes the gl program object and texture data.
- *****************************************************************************/
- void Destroy();
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function Activate
- @Returns PVR_SUCCESS if activate succeeded
- @Description Selects the gl program object and binds the textures.
- *****************************************************************************/
- EPVRTError Activate();
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function BuildUniformTable
- @Output ppsUniforms pointer to uniform data array
- @Output pnUniformCount pointer to number of uniforms
- @Output pnUnknownUniformCount pointer to number of unknown uniforms
- @Input psUniformSemantics pointer to uniform semantic data array
- @Input nSemantics number of uniform semantics
- @Output pReturnError error string
- @Returns EPVRTError PVR_SUCCESS if succeeded
- @Description Builds the uniform table from the semantics.
- *****************************************************************************/
- EPVRTError BuildUniformTable(
- SPVRTPFXUniform ** const ppsUniforms,
- unsigned int * const pnUniformCount,
- unsigned int * const pnUnknownUniformCount,
- const SPVRTPFXUniformSemantic * const psUniformSemantics,
- const unsigned int nSemantics,
- CPVRTString *pReturnError);
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function GetTextureArray
- @Output nCount number of textures
- @Returns SPVRTPFXTexture* pointer to the texture data array
- @Description Gets the texture data array.
- *****************************************************************************/
- const SPVRTPFXTexture *GetTextureArray(unsigned int &nCount) const;
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function SetTexture
- @Input nIdx texture number
- @Input ui opengl texture handle
- @Input u32flags texture flags
- @Description Sets the textrue and applys the filtering.
- *****************************************************************************/
- void SetTexture(const unsigned int nIdx, const GLuint ui, const unsigned int u32flags=0);
- /*!***************************************************************************
- @Function SetDefaultSemanticValue
- @Input pszName name of uniform
- @Input psDefaultValue pointer to default value
- @Description Sets the dafault value for the uniform semantic.
- *****************************************************************************/
- void SetDefaultUniformValue(const char *const pszName, const SPVRTSemanticDefaultData *psDefaultValue);
- };
- #endif /* _PVRTPFXPARSERAPI_H_ */
- /*****************************************************************************
- End of file (PVRTPFXParserAPI.h)
- *****************************************************************************/