meego-examples 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Builds 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Demos 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Documentation 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Extras 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Shell 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Starter 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Tools 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
TrainingCourse 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
Utilities 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
debian 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
qtc_packaging 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
INSTALL.txt 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
KNOWNPROBLEMS.txt 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
LICENSE.txt 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
LegalNotice.txt 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
OpenGL ES 2.x SDK.User Guide.1.36f.External.pdf 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش
README.txt 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش 61f7038833 Populated repository. 13 سال پیش


Latest update: 14.6.2011

The OpenGL ES demos (this package) is a collection of OpenGL ES
applications that demonstrate the OpenGL ES capabilities of the N950

The OpenGL ES applications are provided by Imagination Technologies
(IMGTEC) and the Demo Starter application (Starter) is provided by

The Demo Starter is a simple UI wrapper that the user can use to
browse thru the collection of demos in the device and start the ones
s/he is interested of. The Demo Starter is under "./Starter"

How to build the demos

You need to download and install the N950 SDK first. For best
experience running the OpenGL ES demos a N950 device is
recommended. The QEMU emulator might not be able to run all OpenGL ES
demos smoothly or some features might not be present in the emulator
in some SDK supported operating systems.

To build OpenGLES demos in N950 SDK Beta SDK environment:

1. Open Qt Creator.
2. Select "Open project" from welcome page.
3. Locate from file browsing dialog.
4. Select "Platform API for Harmattan (Nokia Qt SDK) Release" target for project.
5. After project is opened to creator press build button.

See also the KNOWNPROBLEMS.txt file for a list of known issues and
problems about these demos.

Legal notes

The ./Starter/LICENSE.txt file refers to the starter shell (./Starter/) provided
by Nokia Corp.

The ./LegalNotice.txt file refers to the rest of the Imagination
Technologies demos and files.