1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 |
- attribute highp vec2 inVertex;
- attribute mediump vec2 inWordIndex;
- attribute mediump vec2 inTexCoords;
- // inWordIndex: { horizontal multiplier | vertical muliplier }
- varying mediump vec2 TexCoord;
- uniform highp mat4 ModelViewProjMatrix;
- uniform mediump vec3 PivotDirection;
- uniform mediump vec3 Up;
- void main()
- {
- // Span a quad depending on the texture coordinates and the camera's up and right vector
- // Convert each vertex into projection-space and output the value
- mediump vec3 offset = PivotDirection * inWordIndex.x + Up * inWordIndex.y;
- // Pass the texcoords
- TexCoord = inTexCoords;
- // Calculate the world position of the vertex
- highp vec4 vInVertex = vec4(vec3(inVertex, 0.0) + offset, 1.0);
- // Transform the vertex
- gl_Position = ModelViewProjMatrix * vInVertex;
- }