12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 |
- // checksum 0x9a77 version 0x20001
- /*
- This file was generated by the Mobile Qt Application wizard of Qt Creator.
- MainWindow is a convenience class containing mobile device specific code
- such as screen orientation handling.
- It is recommended not to modify this file, since newer versions of Qt Creator
- may offer an updated version of it.
- */
- #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
- #define MAINWINDOW_H
- #include <QtGui/QMainWindow>
- namespace Ui {
- class MainWindow;
- }
- class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
- {
- public:
- enum ScreenOrientation {
- ScreenOrientationLockPortrait,
- ScreenOrientationLockLandscape,
- ScreenOrientationAuto
- };
- explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
- virtual ~MainWindow();
- void setOrientation(ScreenOrientation orientation);
- void showExpanded();
- private:
- Ui::MainWindow *ui;
- };
- #endif // MAINWINDOW_H