qnetman abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
ima de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
qml abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
qmlapplicationviewer 6ae28088ee * Improved: the project now is using qxmpp version 0.7.4 ( 12 년 전
qtc_packaging abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
qxmpp 6ae28088ee * Improved: the project now is using qxmpp version 0.7.4 ( 12 년 전
smiles abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
MyXmppClient.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
MyXmppClient.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
README 6ae28088ee * Improved: the project now is using qxmpp version 0.7.4 ( 12 년 전
accountsitemmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
accountsitemmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
accountslistmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
accountslistmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
chatsitemmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
chatsitemmodel.h de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
chatslistmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
chatslistmodel.h de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
harmattanfeed.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
harmattanfeed.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
listmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
listmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
main.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
meegim.desktop de0dce3111 init 12 년 전 abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
meegim.svg de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
meegim64.png f81f27eec4 * added animation received messages 12 년 전
meegim80.png f81f27eec4 * added animation received messages 12 년 전
meegim_harmattan.desktop de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
meegimsettings.cpp 48151a5a6d * Added: support of multi-users chats ( you can only receive an invitation and join multi-user chat ) 12 년 전
meegimsettings.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
messagewrapper.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
messagewrapper.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
msgitemmodel.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
msgitemmodel.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
msglistmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
msglistmodel.h de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
mycache.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
mycache.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
mysettings.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
mysettings.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
mysmiles.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
mysmiles.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
qmlrostermodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
qmlrostermodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
qmlvcard.cpp 215fe0de73 * Added: a new user can be added 12 년 전
qmlvcard.h 215fe0de73 * Added: a new user can be added 12 년 전
qmlxmppclient.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
qmlxmppclient.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
resources.qrc db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
rosteritemmodel.cpp 48151a5a6d * Added: support of multi-users chats ( you can only receive an invitation and join multi-user chat ) 12 년 전
rosteritemmodel.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
rosterlistmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
rosterlistmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
rosterxml.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
rosterxml.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
smilesitemmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
smilesitemmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
smileslistmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
smileslistmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 년 전
smthemeitemmodel.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
smthemeitemmodel.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
smthemelistmodel.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
smthemelistmodel.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 년 전
storevcard.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
storevcard.h de0dce3111 init 12 년 전
xmppmuc.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전
xmppmuc.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 년 전


helperToXmlAddAttribute( xmlWriter, "id", d->receiptId );

============== XmppClient ==================

* bareJidLastMsg - this property holds a jid who sent the last message (ro)
* resourceJidLastMsg: (ro)
* stateConnect : XmppClient.Disconnect v XmppClient.Connected v XmppClient.Connecting (ro)
* status: (rw)
* statusText: (rw)
* isTyping: (ro)
* roster: (ro)
* myBareJid: xmpp jid (rw)
* myPassword: xmpp password (rw)
* host: (rw)
* port: (rw)
* resource: (rw)
* openChats: (ro)
* messages: (ro)
* vCard: (ro)
* showOffline: (rw)
* keepAlive: (rw)
* reconnectOnError: (rw)

* messageReceived()
* connectingChanged()
* statusChanged()
* statusTextChanged()
* typingChanges( QString bareJid, bool isTyping );
* rosterChanged()
* myJidChanged()
* myPasswordChanged()
* presenceJidChanged( const QString &presenceBareJid, const QString &presenceTextStatus, const QString &presencePicStatus );
* subscriptionReceived( const QString bareJid )

* setMyPresence( StatusXmpp status, QString statusText )
* typingStart( QString bareJid )
* typingStop( QString bareJid )
* incUnreadMessage( QString bareJid )
* resetUnreadMessages( QString bareJid )
* connectToXmppServer()
* disconnectFromXmppServer()
* requestVCard( QString bareJid )
* getPicPresenceByJid(QString bareJid)
* getStatusTextByJid(QString bareJid)
* getAvatarByJid(QString bareJid)
* addContact( QString bareJid, QString nick, QString group, bool sendSubscribe )
* removeContact( QString bareJid )
* renameContact(QString bareJid, QString name)
* subscribe( const QString bareJid )
* unsubscribe( const QString bareJid )
* acceptSubscribtion( const QString bareJid )
* rejectSubscribtion( const QString bareJid )

------------------ MeegIMSettings ----------------------
* accounts - list of xmpp accounts (ro)
* soundIncomingMessage - path to wav-file (rw): sound of incoming message
* soundOutcomingMessage - path to wav-file (rw): sound of outcoming message
* notifyConnection
* notifyOnline
* notifyOffline
* notifyMessage
* notifyTyping
* reconnectWhenError
* keepAliveInterval

* accountsListChanged - signal emit when "accounts" is changed

* initListOfAccounts() - initial list of accounts.
* setAccount( QString _jid, QString _pass, bool isDflt, QString _resource = "", QString _host = "", QString _port = "" )
* removeAccount( QString _jid )
* accIsDefault( int index )
* accGetJid( int index )
* accGetPassword( int index )
* accGetResource( int index )
* accGetHost( int index )
* accGetPort( int index )
* saveStatusText( QString text )

--------------------------------- XmppVCard ---------------------------------
* vcard: (rw)
* photo: (ro)
* nickname: (ro)
* name: (ro)
* middlename: (ro)
* lastname: (ro)
* fullname: (ro)
* email: (ro)
* birthday: (ro)
* url: (ro)
* jid: (ro)

* onVCardChanged - signal emit when "vcardData" is changed

* clearData()

-------------------------------------- MSmiles --------------------------------------
* file - XML file contains information about symbols and files of smiles (rw)
* smilesModel - model for GridView (ro)

* parseMsgString( const QString inString )
* htmlToPlainText( const QString inStr )