qnetman abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
ima de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
qml abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
qmlapplicationviewer 6ae28088ee * Improved: the project now is using qxmpp version 0.7.4 ( 12 yıl önce
qtc_packaging abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
qxmpp 6ae28088ee * Improved: the project now is using qxmpp version 0.7.4 ( 12 yıl önce
smiles abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
MyXmppClient.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
MyXmppClient.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
README 6ae28088ee * Improved: the project now is using qxmpp version 0.7.4 ( 12 yıl önce
accountsitemmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
accountsitemmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
accountslistmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
accountslistmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
chatsitemmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
chatsitemmodel.h de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
chatslistmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
chatslistmodel.h de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
harmattanfeed.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
harmattanfeed.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
listmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
listmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
main.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
meegim.desktop de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
meegim.svg de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
meegim64.png f81f27eec4 * added animation received messages 12 yıl önce
meegim80.png f81f27eec4 * added animation received messages 12 yıl önce
meegim_harmattan.desktop de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
meegimsettings.cpp 48151a5a6d * Added: support of multi-users chats ( you can only receive an invitation and join multi-user chat ) 12 yıl önce
meegimsettings.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
messagewrapper.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
messagewrapper.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
msgitemmodel.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
msgitemmodel.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
msglistmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
msglistmodel.h de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
mycache.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
mycache.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
mysettings.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
mysettings.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
mysmiles.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
mysmiles.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
qmlrostermodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
qmlrostermodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
qmlvcard.cpp 215fe0de73 * Added: a new user can be added 12 yıl önce
qmlvcard.h 215fe0de73 * Added: a new user can be added 12 yıl önce
qmlxmppclient.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
qmlxmppclient.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
resources.qrc db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
rosteritemmodel.cpp 48151a5a6d * Added: support of multi-users chats ( you can only receive an invitation and join multi-user chat ) 12 yıl önce
rosteritemmodel.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
rosterlistmodel.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
rosterlistmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
rosterxml.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
rosterxml.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
smilesitemmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
smilesitemmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
smileslistmodel.cpp 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
smileslistmodel.h 06e01ca2af * new init of source code 12 yıl önce
smthemeitemmodel.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
smthemeitemmodel.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
smthemelistmodel.cpp abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
smthemelistmodel.h abcedcbe02 * fixed status changing when 2 (or more) clients connected to the same account 12 yıl önce
storevcard.cpp de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
storevcard.h de0dce3111 init 12 yıl önce
xmppmuc.cpp db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce
xmppmuc.h db5cb534ee * when the client is offline some items in the roster menu are not available 12 yıl önce


helperToXmlAddAttribute( xmlWriter, "id", d->receiptId );

============== XmppClient ==================

* bareJidLastMsg - this property holds a jid who sent the last message (ro)
* resourceJidLastMsg: (ro)
* stateConnect : XmppClient.Disconnect v XmppClient.Connected v XmppClient.Connecting (ro)
* status: (rw)
* statusText: (rw)
* isTyping: (ro)
* roster: (ro)
* myBareJid: xmpp jid (rw)
* myPassword: xmpp password (rw)
* host: (rw)
* port: (rw)
* resource: (rw)
* openChats: (ro)
* messages: (ro)
* vCard: (ro)
* showOffline: (rw)
* keepAlive: (rw)
* reconnectOnError: (rw)

* messageReceived()
* connectingChanged()
* statusChanged()
* statusTextChanged()
* typingChanges( QString bareJid, bool isTyping );
* rosterChanged()
* myJidChanged()
* myPasswordChanged()
* presenceJidChanged( const QString &presenceBareJid, const QString &presenceTextStatus, const QString &presencePicStatus );
* subscriptionReceived( const QString bareJid )

* setMyPresence( StatusXmpp status, QString statusText )
* typingStart( QString bareJid )
* typingStop( QString bareJid )
* incUnreadMessage( QString bareJid )
* resetUnreadMessages( QString bareJid )
* connectToXmppServer()
* disconnectFromXmppServer()
* requestVCard( QString bareJid )
* getPicPresenceByJid(QString bareJid)
* getStatusTextByJid(QString bareJid)
* getAvatarByJid(QString bareJid)
* addContact( QString bareJid, QString nick, QString group, bool sendSubscribe )
* removeContact( QString bareJid )
* renameContact(QString bareJid, QString name)
* subscribe( const QString bareJid )
* unsubscribe( const QString bareJid )
* acceptSubscribtion( const QString bareJid )
* rejectSubscribtion( const QString bareJid )

------------------ MeegIMSettings ----------------------
* accounts - list of xmpp accounts (ro)
* soundIncomingMessage - path to wav-file (rw): sound of incoming message
* soundOutcomingMessage - path to wav-file (rw): sound of outcoming message
* notifyConnection
* notifyOnline
* notifyOffline
* notifyMessage
* notifyTyping
* reconnectWhenError
* keepAliveInterval

* accountsListChanged - signal emit when "accounts" is changed

* initListOfAccounts() - initial list of accounts.
* setAccount( QString _jid, QString _pass, bool isDflt, QString _resource = "", QString _host = "", QString _port = "" )
* removeAccount( QString _jid )
* accIsDefault( int index )
* accGetJid( int index )
* accGetPassword( int index )
* accGetResource( int index )
* accGetHost( int index )
* accGetPort( int index )
* saveStatusText( QString text )

--------------------------------- XmppVCard ---------------------------------
* vcard: (rw)
* photo: (ro)
* nickname: (ro)
* name: (ro)
* middlename: (ro)
* lastname: (ro)
* fullname: (ro)
* email: (ro)
* birthday: (ro)
* url: (ro)
* jid: (ro)

* onVCardChanged - signal emit when "vcardData" is changed

* clearData()

-------------------------------------- MSmiles --------------------------------------
* file - XML file contains information about symbols and files of smiles (rw)
* smilesModel - model for GridView (ro)

* parseMsgString( const QString inString )
* htmlToPlainText( const QString inStr )