loclang.hpp 23 KB

  1. #define MYesNo "_Yes_No"
  2. #define MYesNoAll "_Yes_No_All"
  3. #define MYesNoAllQ "_Yes_No_All_nEver_Quit"
  4. #define MYesNoAllRenQ "_Yes_No_All_nEver_Rename_Quit"
  5. #define MContinueQuit "_Continue_Quit"
  6. #define MRetryAbort "_Retry_Abort"
  7. #define MCopyright "\nRAR %s Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal %d %s %d"
  8. #define MRegTo "\nRegistered to %s\n"
  9. #define MShare "\nShareware version Type RAR -? for help\n"
  10. #define MUCopyright "\nUNRAR %s freeware Copyright (c) 1993-%d Alexander Roshal\n"
  11. #define MBeta "beta"
  12. #define MMonthJan "Jan"
  13. #define MMonthFeb "Feb"
  14. #define MMonthMar "Mar"
  15. #define MMonthApr "Apr"
  16. #define MMonthMay "May"
  17. #define MMonthJun "Jun"
  18. #define MMonthJul "Jul"
  19. #define MMonthAug "Aug"
  20. #define MMonthSep "Sep"
  21. #define MMonthOct "Oct"
  22. #define MMonthNov "Nov"
  23. #define MMonthDec "Dec"
  24. #define MRARTitle1 "\nUsage: rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>"
  25. #define MUNRARTitle1 "\nUsage: unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>"
  26. #define MRARTitle2 "\n <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\\>"
  27. #define MCHelpCmd "\n\n<Commands>"
  28. #define MCHelpCmdA "\n a Add files to archive"
  29. #define MCHelpCmdC "\n c Add archive comment"
  30. #define MCHelpCmdCF "\n cf Add files comment"
  31. #define MCHelpCmdCH "\n ch Change archive parameters"
  32. #define MCHelpCmdCW "\n cw Write archive comment to file"
  33. #define MCHelpCmdD "\n d Delete files from archive"
  34. #define MCHelpCmdE "\n e Extract files to current directory"
  35. #define MCHelpCmdF "\n f Freshen files in archive"
  36. #define MCHelpCmdI "\n i[par]=<str> Find string in archives"
  37. #define MCHelpCmdK "\n k Lock archive"
  38. #define MCHelpCmdL "\n l[t,b] List archive [technical, bare]"
  39. #define MCHelpCmdM "\n m[f] Move to archive [files only]"
  40. #define MCHelpCmdP "\n p Print file to stdout"
  41. #define MCHelpCmdR "\n r Repair archive"
  42. #define MCHelpCmdRC "\n rc Reconstruct missing volumes"
  43. #define MCHelpCmdRN "\n rn Rename archived files"
  44. #define MCHelpCmdRR "\n rr[N] Add data recovery record"
  45. #define MCHelpCmdRV "\n rv[N] Create recovery volumes"
  46. #define MCHelpCmdS "\n s[name|-] Convert archive to or from SFX"
  47. #define MCHelpCmdT "\n t Test archive files"
  48. #define MCHelpCmdU "\n u Update files in archive"
  49. #define MCHelpCmdV "\n v[t,b] Verbosely list archive [technical,bare]"
  50. #define MCHelpCmdX "\n x Extract files with full path"
  51. #define MCHelpSw "\n\n<Switches>"
  52. #define MCHelpSwm "\n - Stop switches scanning"
  53. #define MCHelpSwAT "\n @[+] Disable [enable] file lists"
  54. #define MCHelpSwAC "\n ac Clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction"
  55. #define MCHelpSwAD "\n ad Append archive name to destination path"
  56. #define MCHelpSwAG "\n ag[format] Generate archive name using the current date"
  57. #define MCHelpSwAI "\n ai Ignore file attributes"
  58. #define MCHelpSwAO "\n ao Add files with Archive attribute set"
  59. #define MCHelpSwAP "\n ap<path> Set path inside archive"
  60. #define MCHelpSwAS "\n as Synchronize archive contents"
  61. #define MCHelpSwAV "\n av Put authenticity verification (registered versions only)"
  62. #define MCHelpSwAVm "\n av- Disable authenticity verification check"
  63. #define MCHelpSwCm "\n c- Disable comments show"
  64. #define MCHelpSwCFGm "\n cfg- Disable read configuration"
  65. #define MCHelpSwCL "\n cl Convert names to lower case"
  66. #define MCHelpSwCU "\n cu Convert names to upper case"
  67. #define MCHelpSwDF "\n df Delete files after archiving"
  68. #define MCHelpSwDH "\n dh Open shared files"
  69. #define MCHelpSwDR "\n dr Delete files to Recycle Bin"
  70. #define MCHelpSwDS "\n ds Disable name sort for solid archive"
  71. #define MCHelpSwDW "\n dw Wipe files after archiving"
  72. #define MCHelpSwEa "\n e[+]<attr> Set file exclude and include attributes"
  73. #define MCHelpSwED "\n ed Do not add empty directories"
  74. #define MCHelpSwEE "\n ee Do not save and extract extended attributes"
  75. #define MCHelpSwEN "\n en Do not put 'end of archive' block"
  76. #define MCHelpSwEP "\n ep Exclude paths from names"
  77. #define MCHelpSwEP1 "\n ep1 Exclude base directory from names"
  78. #define MCHelpSwEP2 "\n ep2 Expand paths to full"
  79. #define MCHelpSwEP3 "\n ep3 Expand paths to full including the drive letter"
  80. #define MCHelpSwF "\n f Freshen files"
  81. #define MCHelpSwHP "\n hp[password] Encrypt both file data and headers"
  82. #define MCHelpSwIDP "\n id[c,d,p,q] Disable messages"
  83. #define MCHelpSwIEML "\n ieml[addr] Send archive by email"
  84. #define MCHelpSwIERR "\n ierr Send all messages to stderr"
  85. #define MCHelpSwILOG "\n ilog[name] Log errors to file (registered versions only)"
  86. #define MCHelpSwINUL "\n inul Disable all messages"
  87. #define MCHelpSwIOFF "\n ioff Turn PC off after completing an operation"
  88. #define MCHelpSwISND "\n isnd Enable sound"
  89. #define MCHelpSwK "\n k Lock archive"
  90. #define MCHelpSwKB "\n kb Keep broken extracted files"
  91. #define MCHelpSwLog "\n log[f][=name] Write names to log file"
  92. #define MCHelpSwMn "\n m<0..5> Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)"
  93. #define MCHelpSwMC "\n mc<par> Set advanced compression parameters"
  94. #define MCHelpSwMD "\n md<size> Dictionary size in KB (64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096 or A-G)"
  95. #define MCHelpSwMS "\n ms[ext;ext] Specify file types to store"
  96. #define MCHelpSwMT "\n mt<threads> Set the number of threads"
  97. #define MCHelpSwN "\n n<file> Include only specified file"
  98. #define MCHelpSwNa "\n n@ Read file names to include from stdin"
  99. #define MCHelpSwNal "\n n@<list> Include files listed in specified list file"
  100. #define MCHelpSwO "\n o[+|-] Set the overwrite mode"
  101. #define MCHelpSwOC "\n oc Set NTFS Compressed attribute"
  102. #define MCHelpSwOL "\n ol Save symbolic links as the link instead of the file"
  103. #define MCHelpSwOR "\n or Rename files automatically"
  104. #define MCHelpSwOS "\n os Save NTFS streams"
  105. #define MCHelpSwOW "\n ow Save or restore file owner and group"
  106. #define MCHelpSwP "\n p[password] Set password"
  107. #define MCHelpSwPm "\n p- Do not query password"
  108. #define MCHelpSwR "\n r Recurse subdirectories"
  109. #define MCHelpSwRm "\n r- Disable recursion"
  110. #define MCHelpSwR0 "\n r0 Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only"
  111. #define MCHelpSwRI "\n ri<P>[:<S>] Set priority (0-default,1-min..15-max) and sleep time in ms"
  112. #define MCHelpSwRR "\n rr[N] Add data recovery record"
  113. #define MCHelpSwRV "\n rv[N] Create recovery volumes"
  114. #define MCHelpSwS "\n s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive"
  115. #define MCHelpSwSm "\n s- Disable solid archiving"
  116. #define MCHelpSwSC "\n sc<chr>[obj] Specify the character set"
  117. #define MCHelpSwSFX "\n sfx[name] Create SFX archive"
  118. #define MCHelpSwSI "\n si[name] Read data from standard input (stdin)"
  119. #define MCHelpSwSL "\n sl<size> Process files with size less than specified"
  120. #define MCHelpSwSM "\n sm<size> Process files with size more than specified"
  121. #define MCHelpSwT "\n t Test files after archiving"
  122. #define MCHelpSwTK "\n tk Keep original archive time"
  123. #define MCHelpSwTL "\n tl Set archive time to latest file"
  124. #define MCHelpSwTN "\n tn<time> Process files newer than <time>"
  125. #define MCHelpSwTO "\n to<time> Process files older than <time>"
  126. #define MCHelpSwTA "\n ta<date> Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format"
  127. #define MCHelpSwTB "\n tb<date> Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format"
  128. #define MCHelpSwTS "\n ts<m,c,a>[N] Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)"
  129. #define MCHelpSwU "\n u Update files"
  130. #define MCHelpSwV "\n v Create volumes with size autodetection or list all volumes"
  131. #define MCHelpSwVUnr "\n v List all volumes"
  132. #define MCHelpSwVn "\n v<size>[k,b] Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]"
  133. #define MCHelpSwVD "\n vd Erase disk contents before creating volume"
  134. #define MCHelpSwVER "\n ver[n] File version control"
  135. #define MCHelpSwVN "\n vn Use the old style volume naming scheme"
  136. #define MCHelpSwVP "\n vp Pause before each volume"
  137. #define MCHelpSwW "\n w<path> Assign work directory"
  138. #define MCHelpSwX "\n x<file> Exclude specified file"
  139. #define MCHelpSwXa "\n x@ Read file names to exclude from stdin"
  140. #define MCHelpSwXal "\n x@<list> Exclude files listed in specified list file"
  141. #define MCHelpSwY "\n y Assume Yes on all queries"
  142. #define MCHelpSwZ "\n z[file] Read archive comment from file"
  143. #define MBadArc "\nERROR: Bad archive %s\n"
  144. #define MAskPsw "Enter password (will not be echoed)"
  145. #define MAskPswEcho "Enter password"
  146. #define MReAskPsw "\nReenter password: "
  147. #define MFor " for "
  148. #define MNotMatchPsw "\nERROR: Passwords do not match\n"
  149. #define MErrWrite "Write error in the file %s"
  150. #define MErrRead "Read error in the file %s"
  151. #define MErrSeek "Seek error in the file %s"
  152. #define MErrFClose "Cannot close the file %s"
  153. #define MErrOutMem "Not enough memory"
  154. #define MErrBrokenArc "Corrupt archive - use 'Repair' command"
  155. #define MProgAborted "Program aborted"
  156. #define MErrRename "\nCannot rename %s to %s"
  157. #define MAbsNextVol "\nCannot find volume %s"
  158. #define MBreak "\nUser break\n"
  159. #define MAskCreatVol "\nCreate next volume ?"
  160. #define MAskNextDisk "\nDisk full. Insert next"
  161. #define MCreatVol "\n\nCreating %sarchive %s\n"
  162. #define MAskNextVol "\nInsert disk with %s"
  163. #define MTestVol "\n\nTesting archive %s\n"
  164. #define MExtrVol "\n\nExtracting from %s\n"
  165. #define MConverting "\nConverting %s"
  166. #define MCvtToSFX "\nConvert archives to SFX"
  167. #define MCvtFromSFX "\nRemoving SFX module"
  168. #define MNotSFX "\n%s is not SFX archive"
  169. #define MNotRAR "\n%s is not RAR archive"
  170. #define MNotFirstVol "\n%s is not the first volume"
  171. #define MCvtOldFormat "\n%s - cannot convert to SFX archive with old format"
  172. #define MCannotCreate "\nCannot create %s"
  173. #define MCannotOpen "\nCannot open %s"
  174. #define MUnknownMeth "\nUnknown method in %s"
  175. #define MVerRequired "\nYou need RAR %d.%d to unpack it"
  176. #define MOk " OK"
  177. #define MDone "\nDone"
  178. #define MLockingArc "\nLocking archive"
  179. #define MNotMdfOld "\n\nERROR: Cannot modify old format archive"
  180. #define MNotMdfLock "\n\nERROR: Locked archive"
  181. #define MNotMdfVol "\n\nERROR: Cannot modify volume"
  182. #define MVerifyAV "\nVerifying authenticity information ... "
  183. #define MFailedAV " Failed\n"
  184. #define MStrAV1 "\n\nArchive %s"
  185. #define MStrAV2 "\ncreated at %s"
  186. #define MStrAV3 "\nby %s\n"
  187. #define MLogFailedAV "Invalid authenticity information"
  188. #define MAddingAV "\nAdding authenticity verification "
  189. #define MAVOldStyle "\n\nOld style authenticity information"
  190. #define MPackAskReg "\nEvaluation copy. Please register.\n"
  191. #define MCreateArchive "\nCreating %sarchive %s\n"
  192. #define MUpdateArchive "\nUpdating %sarchive %s\n"
  193. #define MAddSolid "solid "
  194. #define MAddFile "\nAdding %-58s "
  195. #define MUpdFile "\nUpdating %-58s "
  196. #define MAddPoints "\n... %-58s "
  197. #define MCannotUpdPswSolid "\nERROR: Cannot update solid archives with password\n"
  198. #define MMoveDelFiles "\n\nDeleting files %s..."
  199. #define MMoveDelDirs "and directories"
  200. #define MMoveDelFile "\nDeleting %-30s"
  201. #define MMoveDeleted " deleted"
  202. #define MMoveNotDeleted " NOT DELETED"
  203. #define MClearAttrib "\n\nClearing attributes..."
  204. #define MMoveDelDir "\nDeleting directory %-30s"
  205. #define MWarErrFOpen "\nWARNING: Cannot open %d %s"
  206. #define MErrOpenFiles "files"
  207. #define MErrOpenFile "file"
  208. #define MAddNoFiles "\nWARNING: No files"
  209. #define MMdfEncrSol "\n%s: encrypted"
  210. #define MCannotMdfEncrSol "\nCannot modify solid archive containing encrypted files"
  211. #define MAddAnalyze "\nAnalyzing archived files: "
  212. #define MRepacking "\nRepacking archived files: "
  213. #define MCRCFailed "\n%-20s - CRC failed"
  214. #define MExtrTest "\n\nTesting archive %s\n"
  215. #define MExtracting "\n\nExtracting from %s\n"
  216. #define MUseCurPsw "\n%s - use current password ?"
  217. #define MCreatDir "\nCreating %-56s"
  218. #define MExtrSkipFile "\nSkipping %-56s"
  219. #define MExtrTestFile "\nTesting %-56s"
  220. #define MExtrFile "\nExtracting %-56s"
  221. #define MExtrPoints "\n... %-56s"
  222. #define MExtrErrMkDir "\nCannot create directory %s"
  223. #define MExtrPrinting "\n------ Printing %s\n\n"
  224. #define MEncrBadCRC "\nCRC failed in the encrypted file %s. Corrupt file or wrong password."
  225. #define MExtrNoFiles "\nNo files to extract"
  226. #define MExtrAllOk "\nAll OK"
  227. #define MExtrTotalErr "\nTotal errors: %ld"
  228. #define MFileExists "\n\n%s already exists. Overwrite it ?"
  229. #define MAskOverwrite "\nOverwrite %s ?"
  230. #define MAskNewName "\nEnter new name: "
  231. #define MLogMainHead "\nThe archive header is corrupt"
  232. #define MLogFileHead "\n%s - the file header is corrupt"
  233. #define MLogCommHead "\nThe comment header is corrupt\n"
  234. #define MLogProtectHead "The data recovery header is corrupt"
  235. #define MReadStdinCmt "\nReading comment from stdin\n"
  236. #define MReadCommFrom "\nReading comment from %s"
  237. #define MDelComment "\nDeleting comment from %s"
  238. #define MAddComment "\nAdding comment to %s"
  239. #define MFCommAdd "\nAdding file comments"
  240. #define MAskFComm "\n\nReading comment for %s : %s from stdin\n"
  241. #define MLogCommBrk "\nThe archive comment is corrupt"
  242. #define MCommAskCont "\nPress 'Enter' to continue or 'Q' to quit:"
  243. #define MLogBrokFCmt "\nThe file comment is corrupt"
  244. #define MWriteCommTo "\nWrite comment to %s"
  245. #define MCommNotPres "\nComment is not present"
  246. #define MDelFrom "\nDeleting from %s"
  247. #define MDeleting "\nDeleting %s"
  248. #define MEraseArc "\nErasing empty archive %s"
  249. #define MNoDelFiles "\nNo files to delete"
  250. #define MLogTitle "\n\n-------- %2d %s %d, archive %s\n"
  251. #define MPathTooLong "\nERROR: Path too long\n"
  252. #define MListSolid "Solid "
  253. #define MListSFX "SFX "
  254. #define MListVol1 "volume"
  255. #define MListVol2 "Volume"
  256. #define MListArc1 "archive"
  257. #define MListArc2 "Archive"
  258. #define MListRecRec "\nRecovery record is present\n"
  259. #define MListLock "\nLock is present\n"
  260. #define MListPathComm "\nPathname/Comment\n "
  261. #define MListName "\n Name "
  262. #define MListTitle " Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver\n"
  263. #define MListTechTitle " Host OS Solid Old\n"
  264. #define MListEAHead "\n OS/2 extended attributes"
  265. #define MListUOHead "\n Unix Owner/Group data: %-14s %-14s"
  266. #define MListBeEAHead "\n BeOS extended attributes"
  267. #define MListNTACLHead "\n NTFS security data"
  268. #define MListStrmHead "\n NTFS stream: %s"
  269. #define MListUnkHead "\n Unknown subheader type: 0x%04x"
  270. #define MFileComment "\nComment: "
  271. #define MYes "Yes"
  272. #define MNo "No"
  273. #define MListNoFiles " 0 files\n"
  274. #define MRprReconstr "\nReconstructing %s"
  275. #define MRprBuild "\nBuilding %s"
  276. #define MRprOldFormat "\nCannot repair archive with old format"
  277. #define MRprFind "\nFound %s"
  278. #define MRprAskIsSol "\nThe archive header is corrupt. Mark archive as solid ?"
  279. #define MRprNoFiles "\nNo files found"
  280. #define MRprSuspEntry "\n\nSuspicious entry %s"
  281. #define MRprDir "\nDirectory"
  282. #define MRprSuspSize "\nSize %ld Packed %ld"
  283. #define MRprSuspAdd "\nAdd it to archive ?"
  284. #define MLogUnexpEOF "\nUnexpected end of archive"
  285. #define MRepAskReconst "\nReconstruct archive structure ?"
  286. #define MRecScanning "\nScanning..."
  287. #define MRecRNotFound "\nData recovery record not found"
  288. #define MRecRFound "\nData recovery record found"
  289. #define MRecSecDamage "\nSector %ld (offsets %lX...%lX) damaged"
  290. #define MRecCorrected " - data recovered"
  291. #define MRecFailed " - cannot recover data"
  292. #define MAddRecRec "\nAdding data recovery record"
  293. #define MEraseForVolume "\n\nErasing contents of drive %c:\n"
  294. #define MGetOwnersError "\nWARNING: Cannot get %s owner and group\n"
  295. #define MErrGetOwnerID "\nWARNING: Cannot get owner %s ID\n"
  296. #define MErrGetGroupID "\nWARNING: Cannot get group %s ID\n"
  297. #define MOwnersBroken "\nERROR: %s group and owner data are corrupt\n"
  298. #define MSetOwnersError "\nWARNING: Cannot set %s owner and group\n"
  299. #define MErrLnkRead "\nWARNING: Cannot read symbolic link %s"
  300. #define MErrCreateLnk "\nWARNING: Cannot create link %s"
  301. #define MSymLinkExists "\nWARNING: Symbolic link %s already exists"
  302. #define MAskRetryCreate "\nCannot create %s. Retry ?"
  303. #define MListMACHead1 "\n Mac OS file type: %c%c%c%c ; "
  304. #define MListMACHead2 "file creator: %c%c%c%c\n"
  305. #define MDataBadCRC "\n%-20s : packed data CRC failed in volume %s"
  306. #define MFileRO "\n%s is read-only"
  307. #define MACLGetError "\nWARNING: Cannot get %s security data\n"
  308. #define MACLSetError "\nWARNING: Cannot set %s security data\n"
  309. #define MACLBroken "\nERROR: %s security data are corrupt\n"
  310. #define MACLUnknown "\nWARNING: Unknown format of %s security data\n"
  311. #define MStreamBroken "\nERROR: %s stream data are corrupt\n"
  312. #define MStreamUnknown "\nWARNING: Unknown format of %s stream data\n"
  313. #define MInvalidName "\nERROR: Invalid file name %s"
  314. #define MEABroken "\nERROR: %s extended attributes are corrupt\n"
  315. #define MEAUnknHeader "\nWARNING: %s - unknown format of extended attributes\n"
  316. #define MCannotSetEA "\nWARNING: cannot set extended attributes to %s\n"
  317. #define MCannotGetEA "\nERROR: Cannot get extended attributes of %s\n"
  318. #define MShowEA " (+EA)"
  319. #define MSkipEA "\n...skipping extended attributes"
  320. #define MProcessArc "\n\nProcessing archive %s"
  321. #define MSyncScanError "\nFile search errors, cannot synchronize archive"
  322. #define MCorrectingName "\nWARNING: Attempting to correct the invalid file name"
  323. #define MUnpCannotMerge "\nWARNING: You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack %s"
  324. #define MUnknownOption "\nERROR: Unknown option: %s"
  325. #define MSubHeadCorrupt "\nERROR: Corrupt data header found, ignored"
  326. #define MSubHeadUnknown "\nWARNING: Unknown data header format, ignored"
  327. #define MSubHeadDataCRC "\nERROR: Corrupt %s data block"
  328. #define MSubHeadType "\nData header type: %s"
  329. #define MScanError "\nCannot read contents of %s"
  330. #define MNotVolume "\n%s is not volume"
  331. #define MRecVolDiffSets "\nERROR: %s and %s belong to different sets"
  332. #define MRecVolMissing "\n%d volumes missing"
  333. #define MRecVolFound "\n%d recovery volumes found"
  334. #define MRecVolAllExist "\nNothing to reconstruct"
  335. #define MRecVolCannotFix "\nReconstruction impossible"
  336. #define MReconstructing "\nReconstructing..."
  337. #define MCreating "\nCreating %s"
  338. #define MRenaming "\nRenaming %s to %s"
  339. #define MNTFSRequired "\nWrite error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB"
  340. #define MErrChangeAttr "\nWARNING: Cannot change attributes of %s"
  341. #define MWrongSFXVer "\nERROR: default SFX module does not support RAR %d.%d archives"
  342. #define MCannotEncName "\nCannot encrypt archive already contained encrypted files"
  343. #define MCannotEmail "\nCannot email the file %s"
  344. #define MCopyrightS "\nRAR SFX archive"
  345. #define MSHelpCmd "\n\n<Commands>"
  346. #define MSHelpCmdE "\n -x Extract from archive (default)"
  347. #define MSHelpCmdT "\n -t Test archive files"
  348. #define MSHelpCmdV "\n -v Verbosely list contents of archive"
  349. #define MMaxPathLimit "\nTotal path and file name length must not exceed %d characters"
  350. #define MRecVolLimit "\nTotal number of usual and recovery volumes must not exceed 255"
  351. #define MVolumeNumber "volume %d"
  352. #define MCannotDelete "\nCannot delete %s"
  353. #define MCalcCRC "\nCalculating the control sum"
  354. #define MTooLargeSFXArc "\nWARNING: Too large SFX archive. Windows cannot run the executable file exceeding 4 GB."
  355. #define MCalcCRCAllVol "\nCalculating control sums of all volumes."
  356. #define MNotEnoughDisk "\nERROR: Not enough disk space for %s."