123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337 |
- #include "rar.hpp"
- RarTime::RarTime()
- {
- Reset();
- }
- #ifdef _WIN_ALL
- RarTime& RarTime::operator =(FILETIME &ft)
- {
- FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ft,&lft);
- FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft,&st);
- rlt.Year=st.wYear;
- rlt.Month=st.wMonth;
- rlt.Day=st.wDay;
- rlt.Hour=st.wHour;
- rlt.Minute=st.wMinute;
- rlt.Second=st.wSecond;
- rlt.wDay=st.wDayOfWeek;
- rlt.yDay=rlt.Day-1;
- for (uint I=1;I<rlt.Month;I++)
- {
- static int mdays[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
- rlt.yDay+=mdays[I-1];
- }
- if (rlt.Month>2 && IsLeapYear(rlt.Year))
- rlt.yDay++;
- st.wMilliseconds=0;
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&zft);
- // Calculate the time reminder, which is the part of time smaller
- // than 1 second, represented in 100-nanosecond intervals.
- rlt.Reminder=INT32TO64(lft.dwHighDateTime,lft.dwLowDateTime)-
- INT32TO64(zft.dwHighDateTime,zft.dwLowDateTime);
- return(*this);
- }
- void RarTime::GetWin32(FILETIME *ft)
- {
- st.wYear=rlt.Year;
- st.wMonth=rlt.Month;
- st.wDay=rlt.Day;
- st.wHour=rlt.Hour;
- st.wMinute=rlt.Minute;
- st.wSecond=rlt.Second;
- st.wMilliseconds=0;
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&lft);
- lft.dwLowDateTime+=rlt.Reminder;
- if (lft.dwLowDateTime<rlt.Reminder)
- lft.dwHighDateTime++;
- LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&lft,ft);
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(_UNIX) || defined(_EMX)
- RarTime& RarTime::operator =(time_t ut)
- {
- struct tm *t;
- t=localtime(&ut);
- rlt.Year=t->tm_year+1900;
- rlt.Month=t->tm_mon+1;
- rlt.Day=t->tm_mday;
- rlt.Hour=t->tm_hour;
- rlt.Minute=t->tm_min;
- rlt.Second=t->tm_sec;
- rlt.Reminder=0;
- rlt.wDay=t->tm_wday;
- rlt.yDay=t->tm_yday;
- return(*this);
- }
- time_t RarTime::GetUnix()
- {
- struct tm t;
- t.tm_sec=rlt.Second;
- t.tm_min=rlt.Minute;
- t.tm_hour=rlt.Hour;
- t.tm_mday=rlt.Day;
- t.tm_mon=rlt.Month-1;
- t.tm_year=rlt.Year-1900;
- t.tm_isdst=-1;
- return(mktime(&t));
- }
- #endif
- // Return the stored time as 64-bit number of 100-nanosecond intervals
- // since January 1, 1601 for Windows and since January 1, 1970 for Unix.
- // Actually we do not care since which date this time starts from
- // as long as this date is the same for GetRaw and SetRaw. We use the value
- // returned by GetRaw() for time comparisons and for relative operations
- // like SetRaw(GetRaw()-C).
- int64 RarTime::GetRaw()
- {
- if (!IsSet())
- return(0);
- #ifdef _WIN_ALL
- GetWin32(&ft);
- return(INT32TO64(ft.dwHighDateTime,ft.dwLowDateTime));
- #elif defined(_UNIX) || defined(_EMX)
- time_t ut=GetUnix();
- return(INT32TO64(0,ut)*10000000+rlt.Reminder);
- #else
- // We should never be here. It is better to use standard time functions.
- // Days since 1970. We do not care about leap years for code simplicity.
- // It should be acceptable for comprisons.
- int64 r=(rlt.Year-1970)*365; // Days since 1970.
- // Cumulative day value for beginning of every month.
- static int MonthToDay[12]={0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335};
- r+=MonthToDay[rlt.Month-1]+(rlt.Day-1); // Add days since beginning of year.
- r=r*24+rlt.Hour; // Hours.
- r=r*60+rlt.Minute; // Minutes.
- r=r*60+rlt.Second; // Seconds.
- r=r*10000000+rlt.Reminder; // 100-nanosecond intervals.
- return(r);
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef SFX_MODULE
- void RarTime::SetRaw(int64 RawTime)
- {
- #ifdef _WIN_ALL
- ft.dwHighDateTime=(DWORD)(RawTime>>32);
- ft.dwLowDateTime=(DWORD)RawTime;
- *this=ft;
- #elif defined(_UNIX) || defined(_EMX)
- time_t ut=(time_t)(RawTime/10000000);
- *this=ut;
- rlt.Reminder=(uint)(RawTime%10000000);
- #else
- // We should never be here. It is better to use standard time functions.
- rlt.Reminder=RawTime%10000000;
- RawTime/=10000000; // Seconds.
- rlt.Second=uint(RawTime%60);
- RawTime/=60; // Minutes.
- rlt.Minute=uint(RawTime%60);
- RawTime/=60; // Hours.
- rlt.Hour=uint(RawTime%24);
- RawTime/=24; // Days since 1970.
- rlt.Year=uint(1970+RawTime/365);
- RawTime%=365; // Days since beginning of year.
- // Cumulative day value for beginning of every month.
- static int MonthToDay[12]={0,31,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335};
- for (int I=0;I<12;I++)
- if (RawTime>=MonthToDay[I])
- {
- rlt.Day=uint(RawTime-MonthToDay[I]+1);
- rlt.Month=I+1;
- }
- rlt.wDay=0;
- rlt.yDay=0;
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- bool RarTime::operator == (RarTime &rt)
- {
- return(rlt.Year==rt.rlt.Year && rlt.Month==rt.rlt.Month &&
- rlt.Day==rt.rlt.Day && rlt.Hour==rt.rlt.Hour &&
- rlt.Minute==rt.rlt.Minute && rlt.Second==rt.rlt.Second &&
- rlt.Reminder==rt.rlt.Reminder);
- }
- bool RarTime::operator < (RarTime &rt)
- {
- return(GetRaw()<rt.GetRaw());
- }
- bool RarTime::operator <= (RarTime &rt)
- {
- return(*this<rt || *this==rt);
- }
- bool RarTime::operator > (RarTime &rt)
- {
- return(GetRaw()>rt.GetRaw());
- }
- bool RarTime::operator >= (RarTime &rt)
- {
- return(*this>rt || *this==rt);
- }
- uint RarTime::GetDos()
- {
- uint DosTime=(rlt.Second/2)|(rlt.Minute<<5)|(rlt.Hour<<11)|
- (rlt.Day<<16)|(rlt.Month<<21)|((rlt.Year-1980)<<25);
- return(DosTime);
- }
- void RarTime::SetDos(uint DosTime)
- {
- rlt.Second=(DosTime & 0x1f)*2;
- rlt.Minute=(DosTime>>5) & 0x3f;
- rlt.Hour=(DosTime>>11) & 0x1f;
- rlt.Day=(DosTime>>16) & 0x1f;
- rlt.Month=(DosTime>>21) & 0x0f;
- rlt.Year=(DosTime>>25)+1980;
- rlt.Reminder=0;
- }
- #if !defined(GUI) || !defined(SFX_MODULE)
- void RarTime::GetText(char *DateStr,bool FullYear)
- {
- if (FullYear)
- sprintf(DateStr,"%02u-%02u-%u %02u:%02u",rlt.Day,rlt.Month,rlt.Year,rlt.Hour,rlt.Minute);
- else
- sprintf(DateStr,"%02u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u",rlt.Day,rlt.Month,rlt.Year%100,rlt.Hour,rlt.Minute);
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef SFX_MODULE
- void RarTime::SetIsoText(const char *TimeText)
- {
- int Field[6];
- memset(Field,0,sizeof(Field));
- for (int DigitCount=0;*TimeText!=0;TimeText++)
- if (IsDigit(*TimeText))
- {
- int FieldPos=DigitCount<4 ? 0:(DigitCount-4)/2+1;
- if (FieldPos<sizeof(Field)/sizeof(Field[0]))
- Field[FieldPos]=Field[FieldPos]*10+*TimeText-'0';
- DigitCount++;
- }
- rlt.Second=Field[5];
- rlt.Minute=Field[4];
- rlt.Hour=Field[3];
- rlt.Day=Field[2]==0 ? 1:Field[2];
- rlt.Month=Field[1]==0 ? 1:Field[1];
- rlt.Year=Field[0];
- rlt.Reminder=0;
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef SFX_MODULE
- void RarTime::SetAgeText(const char *TimeText)
- {
- uint Seconds=0,Value=0;
- for (int I=0;TimeText[I]!=0;I++)
- {
- int Ch=TimeText[I];
- if (IsDigit(Ch))
- Value=Value*10+Ch-'0';
- else
- {
- switch(etoupper(Ch))
- {
- case 'D':
- Seconds+=Value*24*3600;
- break;
- case 'H':
- Seconds+=Value*3600;
- break;
- case 'M':
- Seconds+=Value*60;
- break;
- case 'S':
- Seconds+=Value;
- break;
- }
- Value=0;
- }
- }
- SetCurrentTime();
- int64 RawTime=GetRaw();
- SetRaw(RawTime-INT32TO64(0,Seconds)*10000000);
- }
- #endif
- void RarTime::SetCurrentTime()
- {
- #ifdef _WIN_ALL
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- SystemTimeToFileTime(&st,&ft);
- *this=ft;
- #else
- time_t st;
- time(&st);
- *this=st;
- #endif
- }
- #if !defined(SFX_MODULE) && !defined(_WIN_CE)
- const char *GetMonthName(int Month)
- {
- #ifdef SILENT
- return("");
- #else
- static MSGID MonthID[]={
- MMonthJan,MMonthFeb,MMonthMar,MMonthApr,MMonthMay,MMonthJun,
- MMonthJul,MMonthAug,MMonthSep,MMonthOct,MMonthNov,MMonthDec
- };
- return(St(MonthID[Month]));
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- bool IsLeapYear(int Year)
- {
- return((Year&3)==0 && (Year%100!=0 || Year%400==0));
- }