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- <title>jQuery Mobile Docs - Inline buttons</title>
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- <h1>Inline buttons</h1>
- <a href="../../" data-icon="home" data-iconpos="notext" data-direction="reverse" class="ui-btn-right jqm-home">Home</a>
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- <p>By default, all buttons in the body content are styled as block-level element so they fill the width of the screen:</p>
- <a href="index.html" data-role="button">Button</a>
- <p>However, if you want a more compact button that is only as wide as the text and icons inside, add the <code> data-inline="true"</code> attribute to the button:</p>
- <a href="index.html" data-role="button" data-inline="true">Button</a>
- <p>If you have multiple buttons that should sit side-by-side on the same line, add the <code> data-inline="true"</code> attribute to each button. This will style the buttons to be the width of their content and float the buttons so they sit on the same line. </p>
- <pre><code>
- <a href="index.html" data-role="button" data-inline="true">Cancel</a>
- <a href="index.html" data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-theme="b">Save</a>
- </code></pre>
- <p>The result is this:</p>
- <a href="index.html" data-role="button" data-inline="true">Cancel</a>
- <a href="index.html" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-inline="true">Save</a>
- <p>If you want buttons to sit side-by-side but stretch to fill the width of the screen, you can use the <a href="../content/content-grids.html">content column grids</a> to put normal full-width buttons into 2- or 3-columns.</p>
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- <div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true" data-theme="b" data-content-theme="d">
- <h3>More in this section</h3>
- <ul data-role="listview" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="d">
- <li data-role="list-divider">Buttons</li>
- <li><a href="buttons-types.html">Button basics</a></li>
- <li><a href="buttons-icons.html">Button icons</a></li>
- <li data-theme="a"><a href="buttons-inline.html">Inline buttons</a></li>
- <li><a href="buttons-grouped.html">Grouped buttons</a></li>
- <li><a href="buttons-themes.html">Theming buttons</a></li>
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