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  17. <h1>Accessibility</h1>
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  22. <h2>Accessibility</h2>
  23. <p>jQuery Mobile is built upon standard, semantic HTML, allowing pages to be accessible to the broadest range of devices possible. For A-Grade browsers, many of the components in jQuery Mobile leverage techniques such as focus management, keyboard navigation, and HTML attributes specified in the W3C's <a href="">WAI-ARIA</a> specification.</p>
  24. <p>By utilizing these techniques, we do our best to ensure an accessible experience to users with disabilities such as blindness, who may use screen readers (like <em>VoiceOver</em>, on Apple's iPhone device) or other assistive technology to access the web.</p>
  25. <p>While our accessibility implementation is currently a work in progress, we aim to provide a fully accessible suite of components for version 1.0.</p>
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  29. <h3>More in this section</h3>
  30. <ul data-role="listview" data-theme="c" data-dividertheme="d">
  31. <li data-role="list-divider">Overview</li>
  32. <li><a href="../../docs/about/intro.html">Intro to jQuery Mobile</a></li>
  33. <li><a href="../../docs/about/getting-started.html">Quick start guide</a></li>
  34. <li><a href="../../docs/about/features.html">Features</a></li>
  35. <li data-theme="a"><a href="../../docs/about/accessibility.html">Accessibility</a></li>
  36. <li><a href="../../docs/about/platforms.html">Supported platforms</a></li>
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