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- Web Feeds
- =========
- Web Feeds is a client for various Web-based feed aggregator services. It aims to
- provide an alternative to Harmattan's built in feed reader application.
- ================
- 1. Make sure you have installed the QtSDK 1.2.1 or newer.
- 2. Start QtCreator and open the webfeeds.pro file located in the root folder of
- the project.
- 3. Don't allow QtCreator to modify the source files of the project! QtCreator
- may suggest to update the qmlapplicationviewer.cpp file, in this case select
- No. QtCreator might also complain about missing deployment information for
- some targets like the plugins (google_reader.pro, newsblur.pro), don't
- create deployment information for any of these targets since they're just
- static libraries!
- 4. Select a Harmattan build target for the project (PR1.0, PR1.1 or PR1.2)
- 5. Start the build procedure by selecting Build > Build All.
- 6. Select a device configuration on the project's Run tab and select
- Build > Run to create and install the package to the target device.