readme.txt 4.2 KB

  1. EPONG
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Nokia Developer 2011
  4. Introduction
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. This a Symbian Pong game, which is made as an easy to understand game example
  7. for Symbian^3 platform. It builds on the Symbian platform, but attempts to
  8. separate platform dependant code from the actual game code. The actual game
  9. code is thus portable and should be familiar to developers with experience
  10. on other mobile platforms, e.g. iPhone, Android and Meego.
  11. Compatibility
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. This example is targeted towards Symbian^3 devices, e.g. Nokia N8 and Nokia E7.
  14. Emulator build is not supported, the game relies on OpenGL ES 2.0, which is
  15. not supported in WINSCW emulator.
  16. Highlights
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. This example demonstrates on the following aspects:
  19. - Entering Symbian game programming without previous Symbian experience.
  20. - Writing platform independent game engine
  21. - Writing C++ game with multiple platforms in mind
  22. - Using existing bitmap asset as application icon
  23. - Handling Symbian multitasking (game pausing, releasing graphics resources)
  24. - How to incorporate sound engine (public domain OGG decoder)
  25. - How to mix sounds on top of sound engine
  26. - Loading PNG graphics to OpenGL texture (stb_image.c, public domain)
  27. - Handling keyboard events
  28. - Handling touch events (multitouch on E7)
  29. - Implementing hardware volume keys
  30. - Honouring silent profile (warning tones on/off)
  31. - Reading accellerometer sensor
  32. - Using floating point math hardware
  33. - Using haptic feedback
  34. - Launching browser (using no Symbian capabilities)
  35. - Implementing HDMI output with check for cable connection
  36. Required software
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. Carbide C++ 3.2 OR Nokia Qt SDK 1.3
  39. Nokia Symbian^3 SDK v1.0
  40. * NOTE! The Symbian^1 target is NOT supported.
  41. Building
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. Note about GOOM monitor API: This API is not supplied with SDK 1.0. You can
  44. enable it by copying goomapi directory contents to your SDK's epoc32 directory.
  45. Enabling USE_GOOM_MONITOR flag from inc/epong.hrh then set project to use GOOM
  46. to signal memory allocation.
  47. Import project folder into Carbide by selecting File/Import... and selecting
  48. "Symbian OS bld.inf file". Browse to this example's EpocPong\group directory.
  49. Enable GCCE phone configuration and SBSv1 project builder.
  50. To create a SIS package when building, selct Project/Properties, select Carbide
  51. C++ and Build Settings. Add sis/epong.pkg file to SIS builder. Use self-signed
  52. for trial version.
  53. For Ovi Store, you need to use trusted range UID (starts with 0x2), these need to
  54. be signed with developer certificate. This package also contains full Ovi Store
  55. game, which can be compiled by commenting out TRIAL_VERSION macro in
  56. group/epong.mmp file
  57. Directories
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. This example is structured as follows
  60. game_engine
  61. Header definitions for platform independent game engine
  62. epong_game_logic
  63. Platform independent game code
  64. epong_graphics
  65. Graphics assets
  66. epong_sounds
  67. Sound assets
  68. epong_s3_build
  69. group
  70. Symbian specific project files
  71. src
  72. Symbian source code, which implements game engine using Symbian
  73. application framework
  74. inc
  75. Symbian source headers
  76. gfx
  77. Symbian icon
  78. data
  79. Symbian resource files and includes
  80. sis
  81. Symbian packaging files
  82. tools
  83. Simple tool for extracting 32bit png into two separate bmp files
  84. epong_qt_build
  85. Qt source code, project file and assets.
  86. Known Issues
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. There are problems in multitouch with Nokia N8. This causes the axis to get
  89. mixed from time to time. This makes multiplayer-mode problematic with N8 device.
  90. HDMI output displays game only using HDMI, not on the internal display.