Diner.pro 2.8 KB

  1. #
  2. # Basic Qt configuration
  3. #
  4. QT += declarative
  5. CONFIG += qt qt-components
  6. # Version number & version string definition (for using it inside the app)
  7. VERSION = 1.5.0
  8. VERSTR = '\\"$${VERSION}\\"'
  9. DEFINES += VER=\"$${VERSTR}\"
  10. #Speed up launching on MeeGo/Harmattan when using applauncherd daemon
  11. #CONFIG += qdeclarative-boostable
  12. # Add more folders to ship with the application, here
  13. common_qml.source = qml/common/RestaurantAppComponents
  14. common_qml.target = qml
  15. DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS = common_qml
  16. # Additional import path used to resolve QML modules in Creator's code model
  18. # The .cpp, .h & packaging files
  19. HEADERS += loadhelper.h
  20. SOURCES += main.cpp \
  21. loadhelper.cpp
  22. OTHER_FILES += \
  23. qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/rules \
  24. qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/README \
  25. qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/copyright \
  26. qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/control \
  27. qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/compat \
  28. qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/changelog \
  29. qtc_packaging/debian_fremantle/rules \
  30. qtc_packaging/debian_fremantle/README \
  31. qtc_packaging/debian_fremantle/copyright \
  32. qtc_packaging/debian_fremantle/control \
  33. qtc_packaging/debian_fremantle/compat \
  34. qtc_packaging/debian_fremantle/changelog
  35. # Platform specific files and configuration
  36. symbian {
  37. TARGET.UID3 = 0xE4E7F3E9
  38. # Allow network access on Symbian
  39. TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices
  40. platform_qml.source = qml/symbian/RestaurantAppComponents
  41. platform_qml.target = qml
  42. QML_IMPORT_PATH = qml/symbian/RestaurantAppComponents
  43. } else:maemo5 {
  44. QT += opengl
  45. platform_qml.source = qml/maemo/RestaurantAppComponents
  46. platform_qml.target = qml
  47. QML_IMPORT_PATH = qml/maemo/RestaurantAppComponents
  48. } else:simulator {
  49. platform_qml.source = qml/symbian/RestaurantAppComponents
  50. platform_qml.target = qml
  51. QML_IMPORT_PATH = qml/symbian/RestaurantAppComponents
  52. } else:win32{
  53. # Windows
  54. platform_qml.source = qml/desktop/RestaurantAppComponents
  55. platform_qml.target = qml
  56. QML_IMPORT_PATH = qml/desktop/RestaurantAppComponents
  57. }
  58. contains(MEEGO_EDITION,harmattan) {
  59. #QT += opengl
  61. platform_qml.source = qml/harmattan/RestaurantAppComponents
  62. platform_qml.target = qml
  63. QML_IMPORT_PATH = qml/harmattan/RestaurantAppComponents
  64. # Desktop & icon -files
  65. desktop.files = diner.desktop
  66. desktop.path = /usr/share/applications
  67. icon_file.files = Diner.svg
  68. icon_file.path = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps
  69. INSTALLS += desktop icon_file
  70. }
  71. # Take the platform specific QML-folder files.
  72. DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS += platform_qml
  73. # Please do not modify the following two lines. Required for deployment.
  74. include(qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.pri)
  75. qtcAddDeployment()