1. Version 1.1.2
  2. -------------
  3. - Performance improvement in the evaluation of subformulas of the form
  4. phi AND psi, where the free variables of phi are form a subset of the
  5. free variables of psi.
  6. - An accompanying translation from MFOTL formulas to SQL queries.
  7. Version 1.1.1
  8. -------------
  9. - Small bug fixes.
  10. Version 1.1.0
  11. -------------
  12. - Implemented two log filters which filter tuples and empty time
  13. points based on the input formula
  14. - Implemented a new algorithm to incrementally compute the satisfying
  15. tuples for temporal subformulas (see the Sliding module)
  16. - Relation.minus is now computed as an anti-join instead of a
  17. equi-join follows by a set difference.
  18. - Improvement in computing the satisfying tuples for some temporal
  19. subformulas, by merging time-points with equal time-stamps.
  20. - Signature files should now contain both variable names and
  21. corresponding types.
  22. - Saving and loading the monitor state currently disabled.
  23. - Minor bug fixes.
  24. Version 1.0.1
  25. -------------
  26. - Minor bug fix.
  27. - Added an example (the more complex policy from the RV'11 tool
  28. paper).
  29. - Empty relations accepted in the log files.
  30. Version 1.0.0
  31. -------------
  32. First release.