WhatIsNew.0.11.3 624 B

  1. DONE new library view, including book covers
  2. DONE new network library view
  3. DONE image scaling
  4. DONE Chinese localization (by Shucang.Com)
  5. DONE integration with Shucang.Com library
  6. DONE full integration with LitRes.ru (allows to buy books)
  7. DONE windows build
  8. ** arm (SmartQ 7) build
  9. DONE A crash in EReader code has been fixed
  10. DONE language/encoding detection has been fixed
  11. DONE improved mobipocket support: correct processing for "full" tags (<tag/>), added support for <mbp:pagebreak> tag
  12. DONE improved internal chm hyperlinks support: supported references like "href=xxx.html#label" where label is not defined in xxx.html