Information and screenshots of this vim setup are on

Francis Rowe c6a87ee845 optimize the text on the page 9 gadi atpakaļ
site c6a87ee845 optimize the text on the page 9 gadi atpakaļ
LICENSE b8fc3ae1e6 initial site 9 gadi atpakaļ b79649dde3 add missing instructions for creating directories 9 gadi atpakaļ

Francis's Vim configuration file

Based on but with some modifications.

Move the included vimrc.txt file to your ~ and rename it to .vimrc The vim file is site/vimrc.txt in this repository.

Trisquel 7 setup instructions (also works on Debian Testing, maybe 8.x and up)

sudo apt-get install vim-gtk git

mkdir -p ~/.vim/{backups,bundle,tags,undo}

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim cd ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/ git reset --hard 50cd52f2ad cd -

sudo apt-get install ctags vim +PluginInstall +qall

Installing powerline font for Vim powerline

For Debian Testing (maybe 8.x, and maybe Trisquel 8 and up)

sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline

For Trisquel 7

wget mkdir -p ~/.fonts/ && mv PowerlineSymbols.otf ~/.fonts/ fc-cache -vf ~/.fonts mkdir -p ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/ && mv 10-powerline-symbols.conf ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/