1. The Asterisk Open Source PBX
  2. by Mark Spencer <>
  3. Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Digium
  4. ================================================================
  6. It is imperative that you read and fully understand the contents of
  7. the SECURITY file before you attempt to configure an Asterisk server.
  9. Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
  10. sense, middleware between Internet and telephony channels on the bottom,
  11. and Internet and telephony applications at the top. For more information
  12. on the project itself, please visit the Asterisk home page at:
  14. In addition you'll find lot's of information compiled by the Asterisk
  15. community on this Wiki:
  18. Asterisk is distributed under GNU General Public License. The GPL also
  19. must apply to all loadable modules as well, except as defined below.
  20. Digium, Inc. (formerly Linux Support Services) retains copyright to all
  21. of the core Asterisk system, and therefore can grant, at its sole discretion,
  22. the ability for companies, individuals, or organizations to create proprietary
  23. or Open Source (but non-GPL'd) modules which may be dynamically linked at
  24. runtime with the portions of Asterisk which fall under our copyright
  25. umbrella, or are distributed under more flexible licenses than GPL.
  26. If you wish to use our code in other GPL programs, don't worry -- there
  27. is no requirement that you provide the same exemption in your GPL'd
  28. products (although if you've written a module for Asterisk we would
  29. strongly encourage you to make the same exemption that we do).
  30. Specific permission is also granted to OpenSSL and OpenH323 to link to
  31. Asterisk.
  32. If you have any questions, whatsoever, regarding our licensing policy,
  33. please contact us.
  34. Modules that are GPL-licensed and not available under Digium's
  35. licensing scheme are added to the Asterisk-addons CVS module.
  37. == Linux ==
  38. Currently, the Asterisk Open Source PBX is only known to run on the
  39. Linux OS, although it may be portable to other UNIX-like operating systems
  40. (like FreeBSD) as well.
  42. First, be sure you've got supported hardware (but note that you don't need ANY hardware, not even a soundcard) to install and run Asterisk. Supported are:
  43. * All Wildcard (tm) products from Digium (
  44. * QuickNet Internet PhoneJack and LineJack (
  45. * Full Duplex Sound Card supported by Linux
  46. * Adtran Atlas 800 Plus
  47. * ISDN4Linux compatible ISDN card
  48. * Tormenta Dual T1 card (
  49. Hint: CAPI compatible ISDN cards can be run using the add-on channel chan_capi.
  50. So let's proceed:
  51. 1) Run "make"
  52. 2) Run "make install"
  53. If this is your first time working with Asterisk, you may wish to install
  54. the sample PBX, with demonstration extensions, etc. If so, run:
  55. "make samples"
  56. Doing so will overwrite any existing config files you have. If you are lacking a soundcard you won't be able to use the DIAL command on the console, though.
  57. Finally, you can launch Asterisk with:
  58. ./asterisk -vvvc
  59. You'll see a bunch of verbose messages fly by your screen as Asterisk
  60. initializes (that's the "very very verbose" mode). When it's ready, if
  61. you specified the "c" then you'll get a command line console, that looks
  62. like this:
  63. *CLI>
  64. You can type "help" at any time to get help with the system. For help
  65. with a specific command, type "help <command>". To start the PBX using
  66. your sound card, you can type "dial" to dial the PBX. Then you can use
  67. "answer", "hangup", and "dial" to simulate the actions of a telephone.
  68. Remember that if you don't have a full duplex sound card (And asterisk
  69. will tell you somewhere in its verbose messages if you do/don't) than it
  70. won't work right (not yet).
  71. Feel free to look over the configuration files in /etc/asterisk, where
  72. you'll find a lot of information about what you can do with Asterisk.
  74. All Asterisk configuration files share a common format. Comments are
  75. delimited by ';' (since '#' of course, being a DTMF digit, may occur in
  76. many places). A configuration file is divided into sections whose names
  77. appear in []'s. Each section typically contains two types of statements,
  78. those of the form 'variable = value', and those of the form 'object =>
  79. parameters'. Internally the use of '=' and '=>' is exactly the same, so
  80. they're used only to help make the configuration file easier to
  81. understand, and do not affect how it is actually parsed.
  82. Entries of the form 'variable=value' set the value of some parameter in
  83. asterisk. For example, in tormenta.conf, one might specify:
  84. switchtype=national
  85. In order to indicate to Asterisk that the switch they are connecting to is
  86. of the type "national". In general, the parameter will apply to
  87. instantiations which occur below its specification. For example, if the
  88. configuration file read:
  89. switchtype = national
  90. channel => 1-4
  91. channel => 10-12
  92. switchtype = dms100
  93. channel => 25-47
  94. Then, the "national" switchtype would be applied to channels one through
  95. four and channels 10 through 12, whereas the "dms100" switchtype would
  96. apply to channels 25 through 47.
  97. The "object => parameters" instantiates an object with the given
  98. parameters. For example, the line "channel => 25-47" creates objects for
  99. the channels 25 through 47 of the tormenta card, obtaining the settings
  100. from the variables specified above.
  102. Those using SIP phones should be aware the Asterisk is sensitive to
  103. large jumps in time. Manually changing the system time using date(1)
  104. (or other similar commands) may cause SIP registrations and other
  105. internal processes to fail. If your system cannot keep accurate time
  106. by itself use NTP ( to keep the system clock
  107. synchronized to "real time". NTP is designed to keep the system clock
  108. synchronized by speeding up or slowing down the system clock until it
  109. is synchronized to "real time" rather than by jumping the time and
  110. causing discontinuities. Most Linux distributions include precompiled
  111. versions of NTP. Beware of some time synchronization methods that get
  112. the correct real time periodically and then manually set the system
  113. clock.
  114. Apparent time changes due to daylight savings time are just that,
  115. apparent. The use of daylight savings time in a Linux system is
  116. purely a user interface issue and does not affect the operation of the
  117. Linux kernel or Asterisk. The system clock on Linux kernels operates
  118. on UTC. UTC does not use daylight savings time.
  119. Also note that this issue is separate from the clocking of TDM
  120. channels, and is known to at least affect SIP registrations.
  122. Depending on the size of your system and your configuration,
  123. Asterisk can consume a large number of file descriptors. In UNIX,
  124. file descriptors are used for more than just files on disk. File
  125. descriptors are also used for handling network communication
  126. (e.g. SIP, IAX2, or H.323 calls) and hardware access (e.g. analog and
  127. digital trunk hardware). Asterisk accesses many on-disk files for
  128. everything from configuration information to voicemail storage.
  129. Most systems limit the number of file descriptors that Asterisk can
  130. have open at one time. This can limit the number of simultaneous
  131. calls that your system can handle. For example, if the limit is set
  132. at 1024 (a common default value) Asterisk can handle approxiately 150
  133. SIP calls simultaneously. To change the number of file descriptors
  134. follow the instructions for your system below:
  135. == PAM-based Linux System ==
  136. If your system uses PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) edit
  137. /etc/security/limits.conf. Add these lines to the bottom of the file:
  138. root soft nofile 4096
  139. root hard nofile 8196
  140. asterisk soft nofile 4096
  141. asterisk hard nofile 8196
  142. (adjust the numbers to taste). You may need to reboot the system for
  143. these changes to take effect.
  144. == Generic UNIX System ==
  145. If there are no instructions specifically adapted to your system
  146. above you can try adding the command "ulimit -n 8192" to the script
  147. that starts Asterisk.
  149. See the doc directory for more documentation.
  150. Finally, you may wish to visit the web site and join the mailing list if
  151. you're interested in getting more information.
  153. Welcome to the growing worldwide community of Asterisk users!
  154. Mark Spencer