config 2.1 KB

  1. #version: 0.0.9
  2. # Using latest master branch because we need the stream isolation and
  3. # disable_namecoin_tlsa features. Once they're in a tagged release, we'll go
  4. # back to using a version number here.
  5. version: '[% c("abbrev") %]'
  6. git_url:
  7. # Using latest master branch because we need the stream isolation and
  8. # disable_namecoin_tlsa features. Once they're in a tagged release, we'll go
  9. # back to using a hash that corresponds to a tag here.
  10. git_hash: 'ca0fe5552806a4275f38468c4d3fbcb2cba1cb79'
  11. filename: '[% project %]-[% c("version") %]-[% c("var/osname") %]-[% c("var/build_id") %].tar.gz'
  12. var:
  13. container:
  14. use_container: 1
  15. go_lib_deps:
  16. - gogroupcache
  17. - godegoutils
  18. - godexlogconfig
  19. - goncbtcjson
  20. - goncrpcclient
  21. - gobtcd
  22. - gopretty
  23. - godns
  24. - gomadns
  25. - goeasyconfig
  26. - goservice
  27. - goxnet
  28. go_lib_install:
  29. -
  30. -
  31. -
  32. -
  33. -
  34. -
  35. -
  36. -
  37. -
  38. -
  39. targets:
  40. linux:
  41. var:
  42. arch_deps:
  43. - 'libcap-dev:[% c("var/arch_debian") %]'
  44. input_files:
  45. - project: container-image
  46. - name: go
  47. project: go
  48. - name: '[% c("var/compiler") %]'
  49. project: '[% c("var/compiler") %]'
  50. - name: binutils
  51. project: binutils
  52. - name: godexlogconfig
  53. project: godexlogconfig
  54. - name: goeasyconfig
  55. project: goeasyconfig
  56. - name: goservice
  57. project: goservice
  58. - name: gogroupcache
  59. project: gogroupcache
  60. - name: goncbtcjson
  61. project: goncbtcjson
  62. - name: goncrpcclient
  63. project: goncrpcclient
  64. - name: gobtcd
  65. project: gobtcd
  66. - name: godns
  67. project: godns
  68. - name: gomadns
  69. project: gomadns
  70. - name: gopretty
  71. project: gopretty
  72. - name: godegoutils
  73. project: godegoutils
  74. - name: goxnet
  75. project: goxnet