glossary 1.6 KB

  1. +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
  2. |information entropy |Difficulty judging an observation's predictability. |
  3. |hyperfae frequency |Information entropy from evermore logical extremes. |
  4. |hypofae frequency |Information entropy found relatively far from extremes.|
  5. |masokinist |Who receives hyperfae frequent exposure euphorically. |
  6. |sainist |Who causes hyperfae frequent exposure euphorically. |
  7. |ke |A gender ascribed to: |
  8. |(gender) |Who mixes more sainism with less masokinism. |
  9. |key |A gender ascribed to: |
  10. |(gender) |Who mixes more masokinism with less sainism. |
  11. |anome |Moral death caused by ke or key. |
  12. |zeal |Moral liveliness. |
  13. |nanaki |What entity causes zeal through ke characteristics. |
  14. |cryptiethic nanaki |What entity causes zeal through key characteristics. |
  15. +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+
  16. |toxopathy |Parsing for observedly anomenizing information. |
  17. |pathogenicity |Exploiting anome with moralizing rhetoric or grammar. |
  18. |god-tulpa |What entity pathogenicity summons in an anomic vacuum. |
  19. |dubless |Toxopathic grammar designed to anomenize a god-tulpa. |
  20. +-----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+