main.lua 2.2 KB

  1. player = {}
  2. fish = {}
  3. cwide = 520
  4. chigh = 333
  5. love.window.setTitle(' Hello Game Wörld ')
  6. love.window.setMode(cwide, chigh)
  7. function love.load()
  8. fish.x = 0
  9. fish.y = 0
  10. fish.img = 'images/fish.png' )
  11. fish.wide = fish.img:getWidth()
  12. fish.high = fish.img:getHeight()
  13. player.x = 150
  14. player.y = 150
  15. player.img ='images/tux.png')
  16. player.wide = player.img:getWidth()
  17. player.high = player.img:getHeight()
  18. player.speed = 10
  19. end
  20. function love.update(dt)
  21. if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
  22. if player.x <= ( - player.img:getWidth()) then
  23. player.x = player.x+player.speed
  24. rotate_right()
  25. end
  26. elseif love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
  27. if player.x <= ( + player.wide - player.img:getWidth()) then
  28. player.x = player.x-player.speed
  29. rotate_left()
  30. end
  31. elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
  32. player.y = player.y-player.speed
  33. elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
  34. player.y = player.y+player.speed
  35. end
  36. if CheckCollision(fish.x,fish.y,151,61, player.x,player.y,player.img:getWidth(),player.img:getHeight() ) then
  37. fdead()
  38. else
  39. falive()
  40. end
  41. automove(fish,1,0,fish.wide,fish.high)
  42. end
  43. function love.draw()
  44.,player.x,player.y,0,1,1,0, 0)
  45., fish.x, fish.y, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
  46. end
  47. function automove(obj,x,y,ox,oy)
  48. if obj.x == cwide-fish.img:getWidth() then
  49. edgeright = 0
  50. elseif obj.x == 0 then
  51. edgeright = 1
  52. end
  53. if edgeright == 1 then
  54. obj.x = obj.x + x
  55. else
  56. obj.x = obj.x - x
  57. end
  58. end
  59. function CheckCollision(x1,y1,w1,h1, x2,y2,w2,h2)
  60. return x1 < x2+w2 and
  61. x2 < x1+w1 and
  62. y1 < y2+h2 and
  63. y2 < y1+h1
  64. end
  65. function rotate_left()
  66. player.img ='images/tuxleft.png')
  67. end
  68. function rotate_right()
  69. player.img ='images/tux.png' )
  70. end
  71. function falive()
  72. fish.img ='images/fish.png')
  73. end
  74. function fdead()
  75. fish.img ='images/fishbones.png')
  76. end