123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
- # You can set these variables from the command line.
- SPHINXBUILD ?= $(PY_ENV_BIN)/sphinx-build
- SPHINX_CONF ?= conf.py
- DOCS_FOLDER = ./docs
- DOCS_BUILD = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)build/docs
- DOCS_DIST = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)dist/docs
- GH_PAGES ?= build/gh-pages
- BOOKS_FOLDER = ./docs
- BOOKS_DIST = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)dist/books
- ifeq ($(KBUILD_VERBOSE),1)
- else
- endif
- docs-help:
- @echo 'makefile.sphinx:'
- @echo ' docs-clean - clean intermediate doc objects'
- @echo ' $(GH_PAGES) - create & upload github pages'
- @echo ' sphinx-pdf - run sphinx latex & pdf targets'
- @echo ''
- @echo ' books/{name}.html : build only the HTML of document {name}'
- @echo ' valid values for books/{name}.html are:'
- @echo ' $(BOOKS_HTML)' | $(FMT)
- @echo ' books/{name}.pdf : build only the PDF of document {name}'
- @echo ' valid values for books/{name}.pdf are:'
- @echo ' $(BOOKS_PDF) ' | $(FMT)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # requirements
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PHONY += msg-texlive texlive
- ifeq ($(shell which xelatex >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
- texlive: msg-TeXLive
- $(error The 'xelatex' command was not found)
- else
- texlive:
- @:
- endif
- msg-texlive:
- $(Q)echo "\n\
- The TeX/PDF output and the *math* extension require TexLive and latexmk:\n\n\
- Make sure you have a updated TeXLive with XeTeX engine installed, grab it\n\
- it from https://www.tug.org/texlive or install it from your package manager.\n\n\
- Install latexmk from your package manager or visit https://ctan.org/pkg/latexmk\n\n\
- Sphinx-doc produce (Xe)LaTeX files which might use additional TeX-packages\n\
- and fonts. To process these LaTeX files, a TexLive installation with the\n\
- additional packages is required. On debian based OS these requirements\n\
- are installed by::\n\n\
- sudo -H apt-get install\n\
- latexmk\n\
- texlive-base texlive-xetex texlive-latex-recommended\n\
- texlive-extra-utils dvipng ttf-dejavu\n"
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # commands
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $2 sphinx builder e.g. "html"
- # $3 path where configuration file (conf.py) is located
- # $4 sourcedir
- # $5 dest subfolder e.g. "man" for man pages at $(DOCS_DIST)/man
- quiet_cmd_sphinx = SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_DIST)/$5)
- cmd_sphinx = SPHINX_CONF=$(abspath $4/$(SPHINX_CONF))\
- -b $2 -c $3 -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/.doctrees $4 $(DOCS_DIST)/$5
- quiet_cmd_sphinx_autobuild = SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_DIST)/$5)
- cmd_sphinx_autobuild = PATH="$(PY_ENV_BIN):$(PATH)" $(PY_ENV_BIN)/sphinx-autobuild $(SPHINX_VERBOSE) --open-browser --host $(SPHINXOPTS)\
- -b $2 -c $3 -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/.doctrees $4 $(DOCS_DIST)/$5
- quiet_cmd_sphinx_clean = CLEAN $@
- cmd_sphinx_clean = rm -rf $(DOCS_BUILD) $(DOCS_DIST) $(GH_PAGES)/* $(GH_PAGES)/.buildinfo
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # targets
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # build PDF of whole documentation in: $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf
- PHONY += sphinx-pdf
- sphinx-pdf: sphinx-latex
- $(Q)cd $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/; make all-pdf
- $(Q)mkdir -p $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf
- $(Q)cp $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/*.pdf $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf
- @echo "SPHINX *.pdf --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_DIST)/pdf)"
- PHONY += sphinx-latex
- sphinx-latex: pyenvinstall texlive
- -b latex \
- -c $(DOCS_FOLDER) \
- -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/.doctrees \
- $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex
- # Sphinx projects, we call them *books* (what is more common). Books are
- # folders under $(BOOKS_FOLDER) containing a conf.py file. The HTML output goes
- # to folder $(BOOKS_DIST)/<name> while PDF is placed (BOOKS_DIST)/<name>/pdf
- BOOKS=$(patsubst $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/%/conf.py,books/%,$(wildcard $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/*/conf.py))
- # fine grained targets
- BOOKS_HTML = $(patsubst %,%.html,$(BOOKS))
- BOOKS_CLEAN = $(patsubst %,%.clean,$(BOOKS))
- BOOKS_LATEX = $(patsubst %,%.latex,$(BOOKS))
- BOOKS_PDF = $(patsubst %,%.pdf,$(BOOKS))
- BOOKS_LIVE = $(patsubst %,%.live,$(BOOKS))
- mkdir -p $(BOOKS_DIST)
- $(BOOKS_HTML): pyenvinstall | $(BOOKS_DIST)
- SPHINX_CONF=$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@)/conf.py \
- -b html \
- -c $(DOCS_FOLDER) \
- -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@)/.doctrees \
- $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@) \
- $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@)
- @echo "SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.html,%,$@))"
- $(BOOKS_LIVE): pyenvinstall | $(BOOKS_DIST)
- PATH="$(PY_ENV_BIN):$(PATH)" \
- SPHINX_CONF=$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@)/conf.py \
- $(PY_ENV_BIN)/sphinx-autobuild --poll -B --host --port 8080 $(SPHINX_VERBOSE) $(SPHINXOPTS)\
- -b html \
- -c $(DOCS_FOLDER) \
- -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@)/.doctrees \
- $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@) \
- $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.live,%,$@)
- $(BOOKS_PDF): %.pdf : %.latex
- $(Q)cd $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@); make all-pdf
- $(Q)mkdir -p $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@)/pdf
- $(Q)cp -v $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@)/*.pdf $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@)/pdf
- @echo "SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.pdf,%,$@))/pdf"
- $(BOOKS_LATEX): pyenvinstall | $(BOOKS_DIST)
- SPHINX_CONF=$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@)/conf.py \
- -b latex \
- -c $(DOCS_FOLDER) \
- -d $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@)/.doctrees \
- $(BOOKS_FOLDER)/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@) \
- $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@)
- @echo "SPHINX $@ --> file://$(abspath $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.latex,%,$@))"
- $(Q)rm -rf $(BOOKS_DIST)/$(patsubst books/%.clean,%,$@) \
- $(DOCS_BUILD)/books/$(patsubst books/%.clean,%,$@) \
- $(DOCS_BUILD)/latex/$(patsubst books/%.clean,%,$@)
- # github pages
- PHONY += prepare-gh-pages
- prepare-gh-pages:
- cp -r $(DOCS_DIST)/* $(GH_PAGES)/
- touch $(GH_PAGES)/.nojekyll
- echo "<html><head><META http-equiv='refresh' content='0;URL=index.html'></head></html>" > $(GH_PAGES)/404.html
- PHONY += gh-pages
- gh-pages: docs-clean docs
- - git worktree remove -f $(GH_PAGES) || exit 0
- - git branch -D gh-pages || exit 0
- git worktree add --no-checkout $(GH_PAGES) master
- cd $(GH_PAGES); git checkout --orphan gh-pages && git rm -rfq .
- $(MAKE) prepare-gh-pages
- cd $(GH_PAGES);\
- git add --all . ;\
- git commit -q -m "make gh-pages: from $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url)@$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)" ;\
- git push -f origin gh-pages
- PHONY += ci-gh-pages
- ci-gh-pages: docs-clean docs
- rm -Rf $(GH_PAGES)
- mkdir -p $(GH_PAGES)
- $(MAKE) prepare-gh-pages
- PHONY += docs-clean
- docs-clean: $(BOOKS_CLEAN)
- $(call cmd,sphinx_clean)