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- CS35 Lab 8: Plagiarism Detector, AVL Trees
- Name 1: (First and Last Name)
- Name 2: (NONE if you worked alone)
- userName1:
- userName2:
- ---------------------------------
- The questions are posted on the write-up. Please answer
- them here:
- ----------------------------------
- Lab Questionnaire
- (None of these questions will have an impact on your grade, this is to
- help provide use the feedback we need to make the course the best it can be)
- Approximately, how many hours *per partner* did you take to complete
- this lab (provide your answer as a single integer on the line below).
- How difficult did you find this lab?
- (1-5, with 5 being very difficult and 1 being very easy)
- Describe the biggest challenge you faced on this lab.