1. CS35 Lab 8: Plagiarism Detector, AVL Trees
  2. Name 1: (First and Last Name)
  3. Name 2: (NONE if you worked alone)
  4. userName1:
  5. userName2:
  6. ---------------------------------
  7. The questions are posted on the write-up. Please answer
  8. them here:
  9. ----------------------------------
  10. Lab Questionnaire
  11. (None of these questions will have an impact on your grade, this is to
  12. help provide use the feedback we need to make the course the best it can be)
  13. Approximately, how many hours *per partner* did you take to complete
  14. this lab (provide your answer as a single integer on the line below).
  15. How difficult did you find this lab?
  16. (1-5, with 5 being very difficult and 1 being very easy)
  17. Describe the biggest challenge you faced on this lab.