1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132 |
- ;; Truncable primes
- (ns (euler solved p037))
- (use (argyle)
- ((euler primes) #:select (prime?)))
- ;;; find sum of only 11 truncable primes
- (def solve ()
- (app + (truncatable-primes)))
- (def truncatable-primes ()
- (loop ((for n (up-from 10))
- (where primes '()
- (if (and (prime? n) (truncatable? n))
- (cons n primes)
- primes))
- (while (< (len primes) 11)))
- => primes))
- ;;; Expects n to be prime
- (def truncatable? (n)
- (and-map prime? `(,@(truncables left-truncate n)
- ,@(truncables right-truncate n))))
- (def truncables (truncator n)
- (if (< n 10) '()
- (let n (truncator n)
- (cons n (truncables truncator n)))))
- (def left-truncate (n) (num (str-drop (str n) 1)))
- (def right-truncate (n) (num (str-take (str n)
- (1- (len (str n))))))