1. This assignment was given to me by Benjamin Leiblich of Equity Data Science.
  2. Aim of this is to use a
  3. Inputs:
  4. 1. Metric determined by 2 ratios, numerator and denominator, so say, they can be Price and Earnings, or Enterprise Value and EBITDA, or pB and 1 for the input.
  5. 2. Number of months (period)
  6. 3. Minimum value of the metric
  7. So, here we find how many stocks at all dates have ratios> minVal, find returns to all their corresponding dates(there can be multiple entries of stocks because they might have same ratios on different dates), and plot returns on a histogram so that it can help to find base rates of returns of stocks with such characteristics.
  8. Time taken to code : 2 days (I did not code in R till then)
  9. ** Benjamin wasn't even grateful for the work and the attempt was a huge dissappointment.