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- KamitKami is a python script which takes as input 2 files of foo.css and bar.html and outputs
- a smaller bar_foo.css file to be included in bar.html . bar_foo.css has only the elements used in bar.html
- and no more. This helps the site to load faster by reducing data to be transferred. It also saves quite some energy
- if adopted by high traffic sites.
- python kamitkami.py foo bar
- For multiple files, use shellscript saglachkami.sh as follows:
- 1. Create directory with all html files and single css file which needs to be made smaller.
- 2. ./saglachkami.sh {path_to_above_directory} {name_of_css_file}
- Caution : Files will be created in current directory and any with name <html_name>_<css_name>.css will be overwritten.
- 1. Minify generated css optionally by keeping a keyword.