123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772 |
- #!/usr/bin/python -tt
- # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4
- # Copyright (c) 2009 Intel Corporation
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- # for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
- # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- """Overview of spec2spectacle
- """
- import os
- import sys
- import re
- import glob
- import optparse
- # spectacle modules
- from spectacle.convertor import *
- from spectacle.dumper import *
- from spectacle import logger
- class SpecError(Exception):
- def __ini__(self, cur_state, cur_pkg, cur_line):
- self.cur_state = cur_state
- self.cur_pkg = cur_pkg
- self.cur_line = cur_line
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.cur_state + self.cur_pkg + self.cur_line
- class SpecFormatError(SpecError):
- pass
- class SpecUnknowLineError(SpecError):
- pass
- class SpecUnknowHeaderError(SpecError):
- pass
- HEADERS = ( 'package',
- 'description',
- 'prep',
- 'build',
- 'install',
- 'clean',
- 'check',
- 'preun',
- 'pre',
- 'postun',
- 'post',
- 'files',
- 'changelog' )
- SINGLES = ( 'Summary',
- 'Name',
- 'Version',
- 'Release',
- 'Epoch',
- 'URL',
- 'Url',
- 'Group',
- 'BuildArch',
- 'AutoReq',
- 'AutoProv',
- 'AutoReqProv',
- 'Autoreq',
- 'Autoprov',
- 'Autoreqprov',
- 'ExclusiveArch',
- 'Prefix',
- 'License' )
- REQUIRES = ('BuildRequires',
- 'Requires',
- 'Requires(post)',
- 'Requires(postun)',
- 'Requires(pre)',
- 'PreRequires', 'PreReq', 'Prereq', # alias in old spec
- 'Requires(preun)',
- 'Provides',
- 'Obsoletes',
- 'Conflicts',
- 'BuildConflicts',
- )
- SKIPS = ( 'BuildRoot',)
- # must have keys for 'main' package
- MUSTHAVE = {'Release': '1',
- }
- # state definition of parser
- (
- ) = range(4)
- class SpecConvertor(Convertor):
- """ Convertor for SpecBuild ini files """
- def __init__(self):
- sb_cv_table = {
- 'BuildRequires': 'PkgBR',
- 'pre': 'install-pre',
- 'description': 'Description',
- 'Requires(post)': 'RequiresPost',
- 'Requires(postun)': 'RequiresPostUn',
- 'Requires(pre)': 'RequiresPre',
- 'PreRequires': 'RequiresPre',
- 'PreReq': 'RequiresPre',
- 'Prereq': 'RequiresPre',
- 'Requires(preun)': 'RequiresPreUn',
- 'Url': 'URL',
- 'Autoreq': 'AutoReq',
- 'Autoprov': 'AutoProv',
- 'Autoreqprov': 'AutoReqProv',
- }
- Convertor.__init__(self, sb_cv_table)
- class SpecParser(object):
- """ Parser of SPEC file of rpm package """
- def __init__(self, replace_macros, builder_parsing, include_files):
- # runtime variables
- self.items = {}
- self.table = {}
- self.cur_pkg = 'main'
- self.include_files = include_files
- self.builder_parsing = builder_parsing
- self._Builder = None
- self._Configure = None
- self.replace_macros = replace_macros
- self.macros = []
- def _switch_subpkg(self, subpkg, create=False):
- # whether '-n subpkg'?
- wholename = False
- ls = subpkg.split()
- if '-n' in ls:
- try:
- subpkg = ls[ls.index('-n')+1]
- wholename = True
- except IndexError:
- raise SpecFormatError(subpkg)
- else:
- subpkg = ls[0]
- subpkg_new = 'SubPackages' not in self.items or subpkg not in self.items['SubPackages']
- if subpkg_new and not create:
- logger.warning('<spec2spectacle> un-declared subpkg %s found in spec' % subpkg)
- return None
- if subpkg_new:
- if 'SubPackages' not in self.items:
- self.items['SubPackages'] = {}
- if subpkg not in self.items['SubPackages']:
- self.items['SubPackages'][subpkg] = {}
- if wholename:
- self.items['SubPackages'][subpkg]['AsWholeName'] = True
- # switch
- self.cur_pkg = subpkg
- return self.items['SubPackages'][subpkg]
- def _do_package(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- # skip
- pass
- def _do_prep(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- logger.info('<spec2spectacle> the following is the content of PREP in original spec, please compare them with the generated carefully: \n%s' % v)
- def _do_build(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- """ to handle build script:
- trying to find out the most of the generic cases
- """
- def _save_raw_in_post(items, lines):
- # make sure no 'make' generated auto
- items['Configure'] = 'none'
- items['Builder'] = 'none'
- # put all script to 'post install'
- items['extra']['PostMakeExtras'] = lines
- ### Sub START
- lines = v.splitlines()
- if lines[0].startswith('-'):
- lines.pop(0)
- if not self.builder_parsing:
- _save_raw_in_post(items, lines)
- return
- # parts of build script
- (PRE, POST_CFG, POST_BUILD) = range(3)
- parts = { 'pre': [], 'post': [] }
- cur_part = PRE
- cont_line = False
- for line in lines:
- if cont_line:
- whole_line = whole_line + ' ' + line.strip()
- else:
- if not line.strip() or line.startswith('#'):
- # empty line or comment line, skip
- continue
- whole_line = line.strip()
- if line[-1:] == '\\':
- cont_line = True
- whole_line = whole_line[:-1].strip()
- continue
- else:
- cont_line = False
- found_cfgr = False
- found_bldr = False
- # find configure in current line
- for cfgr in ('configure', 'reconfigure', 'autogen'):
- pieces = whole_line.split()
- if cfgr in pieces or '%'+cfgr in pieces:
- found_cfgr = True
- self._Configure = cfgr
- cfgr_line = whole_line[len(cfgr)+1:].strip()
- break
- # find builder in current line
- if re.match('^(%\{__)?make', whole_line):
- found_bldr = True
- self._Builder = 'make'
- elif re.search('python\W+setup.py\W+build', whole_line):
- found_bldr = True
- self._Builder = 'python'
- if cur_part == PRE:
- if found_cfgr:
- cur_part = POST_CFG
- elif found_bldr:
- cur_part = POST_BUILD
- else:
- parts['pre'].append(whole_line)
- elif cur_part == POST_CFG:
- if found_cfgr:
- # more 'configr', wrong
- cur_part = PRE
- break
- elif found_bldr:
- cur_part = POST_BUILD
- else:
- # another line(s) between configr and buildr, wrong
- # or no supported buildr found, wrong
- cur_part = PRE
- break
- elif cur_part == POST_BUILD:
- parts['post'].append(whole_line)
- if cur_part == PRE:
- # means match failed
- _save_raw_in_post(items, lines)
- else:
- if self._Configure:
- items['Configure'] = self._Configure
- # parse the configure options
- opts = map(lambda s: '--'+s,
- [opt for opt in map(str.strip, cfgr_line.split('--')) if opt])
- if opts:
- items['ConfigOptions'] = opts
- else:
- # no configure found, only need builder
- items['Configure'] = 'none'
- if self._Builder:
- items['Builder'] = self._Builder
- if parts['pre']:
- items['extra']['PreMakeExtras'] = parts['pre']
- if parts['post']:
- items['extra']['PostMakeExtras'] = parts['post']
- def _do_install(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- """ to handle install script:
- trying to find out the most of the generic cases
- """
- lines = v.splitlines()
- if lines[0].startswith('-'):
- lines.pop(0)
- # try to search %find_lang
- filter_lines = []
- for line in lines:
- if line.startswith('%find_lang'):
- m = re.compile('^%find_lang\s+(.*)\s*').match(line)
- if m:
- parts = m.group(1).split()
- if '||' in parts:
- parts = parts[:parts.index('||')]
- items['LocaleName'] = parts.pop(0)
- if parts:
- items['LocaleOptions'] = parts
- continue
- filter_lines.append(line)
- lines = filter_lines
- parts = { 'pre': [], 'post': [] }
- if self._Builder == 'make':
- re_installer = re.compile('make[_ \t]*install')
- elif self._Builder == 'python':
- re_installer = re.compile('python\W+setup.py\W+install')
- re_cleanup = re.compile('(rm|\%\{__rm\})\W+-rf\W+(\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT|\%\{buildroot\})')
- if self._Builder:
- # have found 'Builder' in build scripts
- found_insaller = False
- for line in lines:
- if not found_insaller:
- if re_installer.search(line):
- found_insaller = True
- elif re_cleanup.search(line):
- # skip cleanup line
- pass
- else:
- parts['pre'].append(line)
- else:
- parts['post'].append(line)
- if found_insaller:
- if parts['pre']:
- items['extra']['PreMakeInstallExtras'] = parts['pre']
- if parts['post']:
- items['extra']['PostMakeInstallExtras'] = parts['post']
- return
- # false safe case
- items['extra']['PostMakeInstallExtras'] = lines
- def _do_clean(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- # skip
- pass
- def _do_check(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- items['extra']['check'] = v.strip()
- items['Check'] = True
- def _parse_prog_in_opt(self, header):
- ls = header.split()
- if '-p' in ls:
- try:
- return ls[ls.index('-p')+1]
- except IndexError:
- raise SpecFormatError(h)
- else:
- return ''
- def _do_extra_scripts(self, items, h, v):
- section = h.split()[0][1:]
- items['extra'][section] = v.strip().splitlines()
- inline_prog = self._parse_prog_in_opt(h)
- if inline_prog:
- items['extra'][section].insert(0, inline_prog)
- def _do_pre(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- self._do_extra_scripts(items, h, v)
- def _do_preun(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- self._do_extra_scripts(items, h, v)
- def _do_post(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- self._do_extra_scripts(items, h, v)
- def _do_postun(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- self._do_extra_scripts(items, h, v)
- def _do_changelog(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- logger.warning('<spec2spectacle> Please move changelog in %changelog to *.changes file.')
- def _remove_attrs(self, files):
- # try to remove duplicate '%defattr' in files list
- dup = '%defattr(-,root,root,-)'
- dup2 = '%defattr(-,root,root)'
- if dup in files:
- files.remove(dup)
- if dup2 in files:
- files.remove(dup2)
- def _do_files(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- files = map(str.strip, v.strip().splitlines())
- if files:
- # skip option line
- if files[0].startswith('-'):
- files.pop(0)
- self._remove_attrs(files)
- if self.include_files:
- items['Files'] = files
- else:
- items['extra']['Files'] = files
- def _do_description(self, items, pkg, h, v):
- items['Description'] = v.strip()
- def read(self, filename):
- """ read in all recognized directives and headers """
- comment = re.compile('^#.*')
- directive = re.compile('^([\w()]+):[ \t]*(.*)')
- define_re = re.compile('^%(define|global)\s+(\w+)\s+(.*)')
- header_re = re.compile('^%(' + '|'.join(HEADERS) + ')\s*(.*)')
- state = ST_DEFINE
- items = self.items
- for line in file(filename):
- if state == ST_DEFINE:
- line = line.strip()
- if not line or comment.match(line):
- # skip comment line and empty line
- continue
- m = define_re.match(line)
- if m:
- if self.replace_macros:
- self.table[m.group(2)] = m.group(3)
- else:
- self.macros.append(line)
- continue #short-cut
- else:
- state = ST_MAIN
- # fall through
- if state == ST_INLINE:
- if header_re.match(line):
- state = ST_MAIN
- # fall through
- else:
- if items:
- items[cur_block] += line
- continue
- if state == ST_MAIN:
- line = line.strip()
- if not line or comment.match(line):
- # skip comment line and empty line
- continue
- dm = directive.match(line)
- if not dm:
- hm = header_re.match(line)
- if dm:
- key = dm.group(1)
- val = dm.group(2)
- # special case for Source and Patch
- if key.startswith('Source'):
- key = 'Sources'
- elif key.startswith('Patch'):
- key = 'Patches'
- if key not in items:
- items[key] = [val]
- else:
- items[key].append(val)
- elif hm:
- header = hm.group(1)
- opt = hm.group(2)
- if header not in HEADERS:
- raise SpecUnknowHeaderError(state, self.cur_pkg, header)
- if header == 'package':
- if not opt:
- raise SpecFormatError(line)
- items = self._switch_subpkg(opt, True)
- else:
- # inline sections of other headers
- state = ST_INLINE
- if opt and (not opt.startswith('-') or '-n' in opt):
- # section with sub-pkg specified
- items = self._switch_subpkg(opt)
- else:
- # for 'main' package
- items = self.items
- if items:
- cur_block = header
- if cur_block not in items:
- items[cur_block] = line+'\n'
- """
- # options in header line as the first line
- if ' -' in line:
- items[cur_block] = line[line.index(' -'):] + '\n'
- """
- else:
- # unparsed line
- known_skips = ('python_sitelib', 'python_sitearch')
- msg = True
- for skip in known_skips:
- if skip in line:
- msg = False
- break
- if msg:
- logger.warning('<spec2spectacle> un-parsed spec line skipped: %s' % line)
- def cooked_items(self):
- """ return all items, cooked to the input of convertor """
- return self._cook_items('main', self.items)
- def _cook_items(self, pkg_name, items):
- """ helper function to transfer data structure
- <recursive>
- """
- # pattern of macros
- macro_re = re.compile('%{(\w+)}')
- ck_items = {'extra': {}}
- if pkg_name != 'main':
- ck_items['Name'] = pkg_name
- for k, v in items.iteritems():
- if k in SKIPS or k in HEADERS or k == 'SubPackages':
- continue
- if self.table:
- # macro replacing
- nv = []
- for vi in v:
- while macro_re.search(vi):
- nvi = vi
- for m in macro_re.finditer(vi):
- macro, name = m.group(0, 1)
- if name in self.table:
- nvi = nvi.replace(macro, self.table[name])
- if vi == nvi:
- break # break to exit 'while' loop
- vi = nvi
- # now nvi is the replaced string
- nv.append(vi)
- v = nv
- if k in SINGLES:
- # special case for Release
- if k == 'Release':
- m = re.match('(\S+)%{\?dist}', v[0])
- if m: ck_items[k] = m.group(1)
- else: ck_items[k] = v[0]
- else:
- ck_items[k] = v[0]
- elif k in REQUIRES:
- nbr = [] # new 'PkgConfigBR' list
- nv = []
- for vi in v:
- if 'perl' in vi:
- nv.append(vi)
- elif ',' in vi:
- reqs = []
- for entry in re.findall('\S+\s+[<>=]+\s+[^,\s]+|[^,\s]+', vi):
- reqs.append(entry)
- nv += reqs
- elif ' ' in vi:
- reqs = []
- for entry in re.findall('\S+\s+[<>=]+\s+\S+|\S+', vi):
- reqs.append(entry)
- nv += reqs
- else:
- nv.append(vi)
- if 'pkgconfig' in vi and k == 'BuildRequires':
- for nvi in nv:
- pkgbr = re.sub(r'pkgconfig\s*\(\s*([^\)]*)\s*\)', r'\1', nvi)
- if pkgbr != nvi:
- nbr.append(pkgbr)
- nv.remove(nvi)
- ck_items[k] = nv
- if nbr:
- ck_items['PkgConfigBR'] = nbr
- else:
- ck_items[k] = v
- # handle all sectinos with header, IN-ORDER
- for hdr in HEADERS:
- if hdr in items:
- routine = getattr(self, '_do_' + hdr)
- hdr_line, Drop, content = items[hdr].partition('\n')
- routine(ck_items, pkg_name, hdr_line, content)
- if pkg_name != 'main':
- # shortcut for subpkg
- return ck_items
- # handle subpackages
- if 'SubPackages' in items:
- ck_items['SubPackages'] = []
- for sub, sub_items in items['SubPackages'].iteritems():
- ck_items['SubPackages'].append(self._cook_items(sub, sub_items))
- # check must-have keys
- for key, default in MUSTHAVE.iteritems():
- if key not in ck_items:
- ck_items[key] = default
- # check for global macros
- if self.macros:
- ck_items['extra']['macros'] = self.macros
- return ck_items
- def parse_options(args):
- import spectacle.__version__
- usage = "Usage: %prog [options] [spec-path]"
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage, version=spectacle.__version__.VERSION)
- parser.add_option("-o", "--output", type="string",
- dest="outfile_path", default=None,
- help="Path of output yaml file")
- parser.add_option("-r", "--replace-macros", action="store_true",
- dest="replace_macros", default=False,
- help="To replace self-defined macros in spec file")
- parser.add_option("", "--no-builder-parsing", action="store_false",
- dest="builder_parsing", default=True,
- help="Do NOT try to parse build/install scripts")
- parser.add_option("-f", "--include-files", action="store_true",
- dest="include_files", default=False,
- help="To store files list in YAML file")
- return parser.parse_args()
- def check_yaml_file(spec_fpath):
- specDir = os.path.dirname(spec_fpath)
- if not specDir:
- specDir = os.path.curdir
- yaml_s = glob.glob('*.yaml')
- if yaml_s:
- answer = logger.ask(""""*.yaml" file(s) exists in working dir: %s
- Maybe this package has been converted to spectacle enabled one.
- Continue?""" % ' '.join(yaml_s), False)
- if not answer:
- sys.exit(1)
- def check_ini_file(spec_fpath):
- specDir = os.path.dirname(spec_fpath)
- if not specDir:
- specDir = os.path.curdir
- ini_s = glob.glob('*.ini')
- if ini_s:
- answer = logger.ask(""""*.ini" file(s) exists in working dir: %s
- If being spec-builder file(s), please use ini2spectacle to convert.
- Continue?""" % ' '.join(ini_s), False)
- if not answer:
- sys.exit(1)
- def check_spec_file(spec_fpath):
- heads = """#
- # Do not Edit! Generated by:
- # spectacle version """
- new_heads = """#
- # Do NOT Edit the Auto-generated Part!
- # Generated by: spectacle version """
- fcont = file(spec_fpath).read()
- if fcont.startswith(heads) or fcont.startswith(new_heads):
- logger.error('<spec2spectacle> Input spec file is a spectacle generated one, do NOT convert it again.')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- """ Main Function """
- (options, args) = parse_options(sys.argv[1:])
- if not args:
- # no spec-path specified, search in CWD
- specls = glob.glob('*.spec')
- if not specls:
- logger.error('<spec2spectacle> Cannot find valid spec file in current directory, please specify one.')
- elif len(specls) > 1:
- logger.error('<spec2spectacle> Find multiple spec files in current directory, please specify one.')
- spec_fpath = specls[0]
- else:
- spec_fpath = args[0]
- # Check if YAML file exists
- check_yaml_file(spec_fpath)
- # Check if spec-build's INI file exists
- check_ini_file(spec_fpath)
- # Check if the input file exists
- if not os.path.exists(spec_fpath):
- # input file does not exist
- logger.error("<spec2spectacle> %s: File does not exist" % spec_fpath)
- # Check if spec file is spectacle generated one
- check_spec_file(spec_fpath)
- # check the working path
- if spec_fpath.find('/') != -1 and os.path.dirname(spec_fpath) != os.path.curdir:
- wdir = os.path.dirname(spec_fpath)
- logger.info('<spec2spectacle> Changing to working dir: %s' % wdir)
- os.chdir(wdir)
- spec_fname = os.path.basename(spec_fpath)
- if options.outfile_path:
- out_fpath = options.outfile_path
- else:
- if spec_fname.endswith('.spec'):
- out_fpath = spec_fname[:-4] + 'yaml'
- else:
- out_fpath = spec_fname + '.yaml'
- """Read the input file"""
- spec_parser = SpecParser(replace_macros = options.replace_macros,
- builder_parsing = options.builder_parsing,
- include_files = options.include_files
- )
- try:
- spec_parser.read(spec_fname)
- except SpecFormatError, e:
- logger.warning('<spec2spectacle> Spec syntax error: %s' % str(e))
- except SpecUnknowHeaderError, e:
- logger.warning('<spec2spectacle> Unknown spec header: %s' % str(e))
- convertor = SpecConvertor()
- """Dump them to spectacle file"""
- dumper = SpectacleDumper(format='yaml', opath = out_fpath)
- newspec_fpath = dumper.dump(convertor.convert(spec_parser.cooked_items()))
- logger.info('<spec2spectacle> Yaml file %s created' % out_fpath)
- if newspec_fpath:
- bak_spec_fpath = os.path.join('spec.backup', newspec_fpath)
- logger.info('<spec2spectacle> New spec file %s was generated by new yaml file,' % newspec_fpath)
- logger.info('<spec2spectacle> and orignal spec file was saved as %s' % bak_spec_fpath)