TODO.txt 6.9 KB

  1. ### TODO ###
  2. * Unclassed :
  3. * when choosing folder it should add / at the end of path if user want to change folder and type own name.
  4. * also needs a save button. no enter on kwyboard is only way to save after edit name
  5. * refresh
  6. * Task Meego
  7. ** QGraphicsItem::ungrabMouse: not a mouse grabber
  8. ** TODO [#A] : BUG: host=RM696-34-1_PR_005 kb integration and view mode
  9. * Task Harmattan
  10. ** debian/links : /usr/bin/redak is not compatible with ovi
  11. * Task Symbian
  12. ** TODO [#A] support Qml
  14. **
  15. ** publish redak_install.sis to ovi
  16. * Task Mer/Nemo
  17. ** TODO [#A] :
  18. **
  19. ** TODO [#B] : file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/ToolIcon.qml:66:9: QML QDeclarativeImage_QML_60: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/icon-m-toolbar-close
  20. ***
  21. ***
  22. * Task Others
  23. ** TODO : lighthouse port nescessitas
  24. ** TODO : lighthouse port bb10
  25. ** TODO : lighthouse port iOS
  26. * Task : Bugs / Features / Wishes
  27. ** TODO [#A] : QGraphicsItem::ungrabMouse: not a mouse grabber on NokiaN950 N9
  28. ** TODO [#C] : mkdir in browser view
  29. ** TODO [#C] : path : filename/ dir / parent
  30. ** TODO [#C] : margin : edit / menu
  31. ** TODO [#B] : load large file scroll down , menu about, scroll up :-(
  32. ** TODO [#C] : uninstall on desktop
  33. ** TODO [#C] : confirm popups on discarding, overwrite file
  34. ** TODO [#B] : argv[1] :
  35. * Task : Refatoring
  36. ** Tabs vs pagestack ?
  37. * Task : Support
  38. ** TODO : harmattan : uninstall : XB-Maemo-Flags: visible XB-MeeGo-Desktop-Entry-Name
  39. ** TODO : desktop :
  40. ** TODO :
  41. x### FEATURES ###
  42. <ZogG_laptop> rzr: btw why in load it shows all types of files including jpg and it would be nice to have title with filename or something and maybe line numbers
  43. ### SYMBIAN ###
  44. rebuild
  45. make -f rule/check/platform/symbian
  46. rm -vrf *.sis *.pkg *.rss bld.inf moc *.loc redak.rss redak_exe.mmp redak_exe.mmp
  47. qtcreator: publish
  48. echo "upload: redak_installer_unsigned.sis"
  50. Revision 77 of this content file is in editing mode. Submit changes to QA to start the QA review.
  51. ovi will reject if importing wrong versions of qml compononents even if not used
  52. make -f rule/check/platform/symbian
  53. grep -re "import .* 1.1" qml | grep -ve '[^:]*://'
  54. check files in bld.inf
  55. {
  56. ces (Wed, 26 Sep 2012 20:55:25 +0000)
  57. Dear publisher,
  58. While processing your content we found your Qt Quick app's QML imports old, experimental components with "import Qt.labs.components.native 1.0 ".
  59. This import is deprecated and your app will not run properly if newer Qt Quick components for Symbian 1.1 are installed on a customer's phone. Please use "import 1.0" instead and rebuild your app.
  60. You may refer to this Qt Developer wiki page for additional Qt 4.7.4 compatibility issues.
  61. }
  62. ### MEEGO / MER / NEMO ###
  63. age_: rzr: comments to redak. Drop most (if not all) of the # lines, remove comment from rm -rf %{buildroot} in %install one should have that
  64. file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/ToolIcon.qml:66:9: QML QDeclarativeImage_QML_60: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/icon-m-toolbar-close
  65. file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/ToolIcon.qml:66:9: QML QDeclarativeImage_QML_60: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/icon-m-toolbar-backspace
  66. file:///opt/redak/qml/redak/meego/BrowsePage.qml:159:21: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/icon-s-invitation-pending
  67. file:///opt/redak/qml/redak/meego/BrowsePage.qml:159:21: QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/icon-s-invitation-accept
  68. file:///usr/lib/qt4/imports/com/nokia/meego/ToolIcon.qml:66:9: QML QDeclarativeImage_QML_60: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/icon-m-toolbar-search-selected
  69. icon-m-common-directory.png
  70. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  71. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  72. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  73. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  74. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  75. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  76. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  77. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  78. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  79. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  80. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  81. /tmp/tmp-rzr.tmp/var/lib/
  82. ### PLATFORM / WINDOWS ###
  83. Q: QtCreator complain this it can not write *.user : Disk full ?
  84. A: rm *~*
  85. Q: Could not find simulator for Qt version
  86. Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function.
  87. A: run vcredist_x86.exe of QtSDK
  88. ### DONE ###
  89. ** DONE : cut and paste
  90. ** DONE : WIP symbian
  91. ** DONE : cut and paste
  92. ** DONE : error handling
  93. ### MISC ###
  94. # file://./redak.spec
  95. #Group: Utils
  96. #redak.src: W: specfile-error sh: @__ID_U@: command not found #TODO
  97. #BuildRequires: pkgconfig(QtQuick)
  98. #BuildRequires: qt-qmake
  99. #BuildRequires: libqt-devel
  100. #BuildRequires: libqtdeclarative4
  101. #BuildRequires: QtDeclarative-devel
  102. #zypper help
  103. #configure
  104. #rm -rf %{buildroot}
  105. #make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
  106. #/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/%{name}.png
  107. #%doc docs/*
  108. #%{_bindir}/*
  109. #%{_libdir}/*
  110. #%{_datadir}/*
  111. #%doc