123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224 |
- ---@meta
- ---Utilities
- ------------
- -- Returns the currently loading mod's name, when loading a mod.
- ---@return string
- function minetest.get_current_modname() end
- -- * Returns the directory path for a mod,
- -- e.g. `"/home/user/.minetest/usermods/modname"`.
- -- * Returns nil if the mod is not enabled or does not exist (not installed).
- -- * Works regardless of whether the mod has been loaded yet.
- -- * Useful for loading additional `.lua` modules or static data from a mod,
- -- or checking if a mod is enabled.
- ---@param modname string
- ---@return string
- function minetest.get_modpath(modname) end
- -- * Returns a list of enabled mods, sorted alphabetically.
- -- * Does not include disabled mods, even if they are installed.
- ---@return string[]
- function minetest.get_modnames() end
- -- * Returns a table containing information about the
- -- current game. Note that other meta information (e.g. version/release number)
- -- can be manually read from `game.conf` in the game's root directory.
- ---@return {id: string, title: string, author: string, path: string}
- function minetest.get_game_info() end
- -- * Returns e.g. `"/home/user/.minetest/world"`
- -- * Useful for storing custom data
- ---@return string
- function minetest.get_worldpath() end
- ---@return boolean
- function minetest.is_singleplayer() end
- -- Table containing API feature flags.
- ---@class mt.Feature
- ---@field glasslike_framed boolean (0.4.7).
- ---@field nodebox_as_selectionbox boolean (0.4.7).
- ---@field get_all_craft_recipes_works boolean (0.4.7).
- -- The transparency channel of textures can optionally be used on nodes (0.4.7).
- ---@field use_texture_alpha boolean
- -- Tree and grass ABMs are no longer done from C++ (0.4.8).
- ---@field no_legacy_abms boolean
- -- Texture grouping is possible using parentheses (0.4.11).
- ---@field texture_names_parens boolean
- -- Unique Area ID for AreaStore:insert_area (0.4.14).
- ---@field area_store_custom_ids boolean
- -- `add_entity` supports passing initial staticdata to `on_activate` (0.4.16).
- ---@field add_entity_with_staticdata boolean
- -- Chat messages are no longer predicted (0.4.16).
- ---@field no_chat_message_prediction boolean
- -- The transparency channel of textures can optionally be used on
- -- objects (ie: players and lua entities) (5.0.0).
- ---@field object_use_texture_alpha boolean
- -- Object selectionbox is settable independently from collisionbox (5.0.0).
- ---@field object_independent_selectionbox boolean
- -- Specifies whether binary data can be uploaded or downloaded using
- -- the HTTP API (5.1.0).
- ---@field httpfetch_binary_data boolean
- -- Whether formspec_version[<version>] may be used (5.1.0).
- ---@field formspec_version_element boolean
- -- Whether AreaStore's IDs are kept on save/load (5.1.0).
- ---@field area_store_persistent_ids boolean
- -- Whether minetest.find_path is functional (5.2.0).
- ---@field pathfinder_works boolean
- -- Whether Collision info is available to an objects' on_step (5.3.0).
- ---@field object_step_has_moveresult boolean
- -- Whether `get_velocity()` and `add_velocity()` can be used on players (5.4.0).
- ---@field direct_velocity_on_players boolean
- -- `nodedef`'s `use_texture_alpha` accepts new string modes (5.4.0).
- ---@field use_texture_alpha_string_modes boolean
- -- `degrotate` param2 rotates in units of 1.5° instead of 2°
- -- thus changing the range of values from 0-179 to 0-240 (5.5.0).
- ---@field degrotate_240_steps boolean
- -- ABM supports `min_y` and `max_y` fields in definition (5.5.0).
- ---@field abm_min_max_y boolean
- -- `dynamic_add_media` supports passing a table with options (5.5.0).
- ---@field dynamic_add_media_table boolean
- -- Particlespawners support texpools and animation of properties,
- -- particle textures support smooth fade and scale animations, and
- -- sprite-sheet particle animations can by synced to the lifetime
- -- of individual particles (5.6.0).
- ---@field particlespawner_tweenable boolean
- -- Allows get_sky to return a table instead of separate values (5.6.0).
- ---@field get_sky_as_table boolean
- -- `VoxelManip:get_light_data` accepts an optional buffer argument (5.7.0).
- ---@field get_light_data_buffer boolean
- -- When using a mod storage backend that is not "files" or "dummy",
- -- the amount of data in mod storage is not constrained by
- -- the amount of RAM available. (5.7.0).
- ---@field mod_storage_on_disk boolean
- -- "zstd" method for compress/decompress (5.7.0).
- ---@field compress_zstd boolean
- minetest.features = {}
- ---@param arg string | table<mt.Feature, boolean>
- ---@return boolean, table<mt.Feature, boolean> missing
- function minetest.has_feature(arg) end
- -- Table containing information about a player.
- ---@class mt.PlayerInfo
- ---@field address string IP address of client
- ---@field ip_version integer ip_version
- ---@field connection_uptime number seconds since client connected
- ---@field protocol_version integer protocol version used by client
- ---@field formspec_version integer supported formspec version
- ---@field lang_code string Language code used for translation
- ---@field min_rtt number|nil minimum round trip time
- ---@field max_rtt number|nil maximum round trip time
- ---@field avg_rtt number|nil average round trip time
- ---@field min_jitter number|nil minimum packet time jitter
- ---@field max_jitter number|nil maximum packet time jitter
- ---@field avg_jitter number|nil average packet time jitter
- ---@field ser_vers number DEBUG ONLY! serialization version used by client
- ---@field major number DEBUG ONLY! major version number
- ---@field minor number DEBUG ONLY! minor version number
- ---@field patch number DEBUG ONLY! patch version number
- ---@field vers_string string DEBUG ONLY! full version string
- ---@field state string DEBUG ONLY! current client state
- ---@param player_name string
- ---@return mt.PlayerInfo
- function minetest.get_player_information(player_name) end
- -- Creates a directory specified by `path`, creating parent directories
- -- if they don't exist.
- ---@param path string
- ---@return boolean success
- function minetest.mkdir(path) end
- -- Removes a directory specified by `path`.
- -- If `recursive` is set to `true`, the directory is recursively removed.
- -- Otherwise, the directory will only be removed if it is empty.
- ---@param path string
- ---@param recursive boolean
- ---@return boolean success
- function minetest.rmdir(path, recursive) end
- -- Copies a directory specified by `path` to `destination`
- -- Any files in `destination` will be overwritten if they already exist.
- ---@param path string
- ---@param destination string
- ---@return boolean success
- function minetest.cpdir(path, destination) end
- -- Moves a directory specified by `path` to `destination`.
- -- If the `destination` is a non-empty directory, then the move will fail.
- ---@param path string
- ---@param destination string
- ---@return boolean success
- function minetest.mvdir(path, destination) end
- -- Returns list of entry names.
- ---@param path string
- -- * nil: return all entries,
- -- * true: return only subdirectory names,
- -- * false: return only file names.
- ---@param is_dir boolean|nil
- ---@return string[]
- function minetest.get_dir_list(path, is_dir) end
- -- Replaces contents of file at path with new contents in a safe (atomic)
- -- way. Use this instead of below code when writing e.g. database files:
- -- `local f = io.open(path, "wb"); f:write(content); f:close()`
- ---@param path string
- ---@param content string
- ---@return boolean success
- function minetest.safe_file_write(path, content) end
- -- Returns a table containing components of the engine version.
- ---@return mt.EngineVersion
- function minetest.get_version() end
- ---@class mt.EngineVersion
- ---@field project string Name of the project, eg, "Minetest".
- ---@field string string Simple version, eg, "1.2.3-dev".
- -- Full git version (only set if available), eg, "1.2.3-dev-01234567-dirty".
- ---@field hash string
- -- Boolean value indicating whether it's a development build.
- -- Use this for informational purposes only. The information in the returned
- -- table does not represent the capabilities of the engine, nor is it
- -- reliable or verifiable. Compatible forks will have a different name and
- -- version entirely. To check for the presence of engine features, test
- -- whether the functions exported by the wanted features exist. For example:
- -- `if minetest.check_for_falling then ... end`.
- ---@field is_dev boolean
- -- Returns the sha1 hash of data.
- ---@param data string
- ---@param raw boolean|nil `false` return raw bytes instead of hex digits
- ---@return string
- function minetest.sha1(data, raw) end
- -- Converts a ColorSpec to a ColorString.
- -- If the ColorSpec is invalid, returns `nil`.
- ---@param colorspec mt.ColorSpec
- ---@return mt.ColorString|nil
- function minetest.colorspec_to_colorstring(colorspec) end
- -- Converts a ColorSpec to a raw string of four bytes in an RGBA layout.
- ---@param colorspec mt.ColorSpec
- ---@return string
- function minetest.colorspec_to_bytes(colorspec) end
- -- Encode a PNG image and return it in string form.
- ---@param width integer
- ---@param height integer
- -- Image data, one of:
- -- * array table of ColorSpec, length must be width*height
- -- * string with raw RGBA pixels, length must be width*height*4
- --
- -- The data is one-dimensional, starting in the upper left corner of the image
- -- and laid out in scanlines going from left to right, then top to bottom.
- -- Please note that it's not safe to use string.char to generate raw data,
- -- use `colorspec_to_bytes` to generate raw RGBA values in a predictable way.
- -- The resulting PNG image is always 32-bit. Palettes are not supported at the moment.
- -- You may use this to procedurally generate textures during server init.
- ---@param data mt.ColorSpec[]|string
- ---@param compression integer|nil Optional zlib compression level from 0 to 9.
- function minetest.encode_png(width, height, data, compression) end