123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219 |
- ---@diagnostic disable: missing-return
- ---@meta
- ---Helper functions
- -------------------
- -- Returns a string which makes `obj` human-readable.
- ---@param obj any
- ---@param dumped string|nil Default: `{}`.
- ---@return string
- function dump(obj, dumped) end
- -- Returns a string which makes `obj` human-readable, handles reference loops.
- ---@param obj any
- ---@param name string|nil Default: `"_"`.
- ---@param dumped string|nil Default: `{}`.
- ---@return string
- function dump2(obj, name, dumped) end
- -- Get the hypotenuse of a triangle with legs x and y. Useful for distance
- -- calculation.
- ---@param x mt.Vector
- ---@param y mt.Vector
- ---@return number
- function math.hypot(x, y) end
- -- Get the sign of a number.
- --
- -- If the absolute value of `x` is within the `tolerance` or `x` is NaN, `0` is
- -- returned.
- ---@param x number
- ---@param tolerance number|nil Default: `0`
- ---@return -1|0|1
- function math.sign(x, tolerance) end
- ---@param x number
- ---@return number
- function math.factorial(x) end
- -- `"a,b":split","` returns `{"a", "b"}`.
- ---@param str string
- ---@param separator string|nil Default: `","`.
- ---@param include_empty boolean|nil Default: `false`.
- ---@param max_splits number|nil If it's negative, splits aren't limited. Default: `-1`.
- ---@param sep_is_pattern boolean|nil Is separator a plain string or a pattern? Default: `false`.
- ---@return string[]
- function string.split(
- str,
- separator,
- include_empty,
- max_splits,
- sep_is_pattern
- )
- end
- -- Returns the string without whitespace pre- and suffixes.
- -- - e.g. `"\n \t\tfoo bar\t ":trim()` returns `"foo bar"`
- ---@param str string
- ---@return string
- function string.trim(str) end
- -- Adds newlines to the string to keep it within the specified character limit
- --
- -- Note that the returned lines may be longer than the limit since it only
- -- splits at word borders.
- ---@param str string
- ---@param limit number Maximal amount of characters in one line.
- ---@param as_table boolean|nil If `true`, a table of lines instead of a string is returned, default: `false`.
- ---@return string|table
- function minetest.wrap_text(str, limit, as_table) end
- -- Convert a vector to human-readable string `"(X,Y,Z)"`.
- ---@param pos mt.Vector
- ---@param decimal_places number|nil If specified, the x, y and z values of the position are rounded to the given decimal place.
- ---@return string
- function minetest.pos_to_string(pos, decimal_places) end
- -- Convert a string like `"(X,Y,Z)"` to a vector.
- --
- -- If string can't be parsed to a position, nothing is returned.
- ---@return mt.Vector|nil
- function minetest.string_to_pos(string) end
- --[[
- Convert a string like `"(X1, Y1, Z1) (X2, Y2, Z2)"` to two vectors - box angles.
- - `relative_to`: Optional. If set to a position, each coordinate can use the
- tilde notation for relative positions.
- - Tilde notation: `"~"`: Relative coordinate `"~<number>"`: Relative coordinate
- plus `<number>`.
- - Example: `minetest.string_to_area("(1,2,3) (~5,~-5,~)", {x=10,y=10,z=10})`
- returns `{x=1,y=2,z=3}, {x=15,y=5,z=10}`.
- ]]
- ---@param str string
- ---@param relative_to mt.Vector|nil
- ---@return mt.Vector, mt.Vector
- function minetest.string_to_area(str, relative_to) end
- -- Escapes the characters `"["`, `"]"`, `"\"`, `","` and `";"`,
- -- which can not be used in formspecs.
- ---@param str string
- ---@return string
- function minetest.formspec_escape(str) end
- -- Returns true if passed 'y', 'yes', 'true' or a number that isn't zero.
- ---@param arg any
- ---@return boolean
- function minetest.is_yes(arg) end
- -- Returns true when the passed number represents NaN.
- ---@param arg any
- ---@return boolean
- function minetest.is_nan(arg) end
- -- Returns time with microsecond precision. May not return wall time.
- ---@return number
- function minetest.get_us_time() end
- -- Returns a deep copy of `t`.
- ---@generic T:table
- ---@param t T
- ---@return T
- function table.copy(t) end
- --[[
- Returns the smallest numerical index containing
- the value `val` in the table `list`. Non-numerical indexes are ignored. If
- `val` could not be found, `-1` is returned. `list` must not have negative
- indexes.
- ]]
- ---@param list any[]
- ---@param val any
- ---@return integer
- function table.indexof(list, val) end
- -- Appends all values in `other_table` to `table` - uses `#table + 1` to find
- -- new indexes.
- ---@param table table
- ---@param other_table table
- function table.insert_all(table, other_table) end
- -- Returns a table with keys and values swapped.
- --
- -- If multiple keys in `t` map to the same value, it is unspecified which value
- -- maps to that key.
- ---@param t table
- ---@return table swapped
- function table.key_value_swap(t) end
- -- Shuffles elements `from` to `to` in `table` in place.
- ---@param table table
- ---@param from number|nil Default: `1`
- ---@param to number|nil Default: `#table`
- ---@param random_func nil|fun(number, number?):number Default: `math.random`
- function table.shuffle(table, from, to, random_func) end
- -- Returns the exact position on the surface of a pointed node.
- ---@param placer mt.ObjectRef
- ---@param pointed_thing mt.PointedThing
- ---@return mt.Vector position
- function minetest.pointed_thing_to_face_pos(placer, pointed_thing) end
- --[[
- Simulates a tool being used once and returns the added wear, such that, if
- only this function is used to calculate wear, the tool will break exactly
- after `uses` times of uses.
- ]]
- ---@param uses number Number of times the tool can be used.
- ---@param initial_wear number|nil Initial wear the tool starts with (default: `0`).
- ---@return number
- function minetest.get_tool_wear_after_use(uses, initial_wear) end
- -- Simulates an item that digs a node.
- ---@param groups mt.ObjectGroups
- ---@param tool_capabilities mt.ToolCaps
- ---@param wear number|nil Amount of wear the tool starts with (default: `0`).
- ---@return mt.DigParams
- function minetest.get_dig_params(groups, tool_capabilities, wear) end
- ---@class mt.DigParams
- ---@field diggable boolean `true` if node can be dug, `false` otherwise.
- ---@field time number|nil Time it would take to dig the node.
- -- How much wear would be added to the tool (ignored for non-tools).
- ---@field wear number|nil
- --[[
- Groups are stored in a table, having the group names with keys and the group
- ratings as values. Group ratings are integer values within the range [-32767,
- 32767]. For example:
- -- Default dirt
- groups = {crumbly=3, soil=1}
- -- A more special dirt-kind of thing
- groups = {crumbly=2, soil=1, level=2, outerspace=1}
- Groups always have a rating associated with them. If there is no useful meaning
- for a rating for an enabled group, it shall be `1`.
- When not defined, the rating of a group defaults to `0`. Thus when you read
- groups, you must interpret `nil` and `0` as the same value, `0`.
- You can read the rating of a group for an item or a node by using
- minetest.get_item_group(itemname, groupname)
- ]]
- ---@alias mt.ObjectGroups table<string, number>
- -- Simulates an item that punches an object.
- ---@param groups mt.ObjectGroups
- ---@param tool_caps mt.ToolCaps
- ---@param last_punch_time number|nil Time in seconds since last punch action.
- ---@param wear number|nil Amount of wear the item starts with (default: `0`).
- ---@return mt.HitParams
- function minetest.get_hit_params(groups, tool_caps, last_punch_time, wear) end
- ---@class mt.HitParams
- ---@field hp number
- ---@field wear number