123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267 |
- ---@meta
- ---Ore definition
- -----------------
- -- Used by `minetest.register_ore`.
- ---@class mt.OreDef
- ---@field ore_type mt.OreType
- ---@field ore string
- ---@field ore_param2 number Facedir rotation. Default is 0 (unchanged rotation).
- ---@field wherein string|string[]
- -- Ore has a 1 out of `clust_scarcity` chance of spawning in a node.
- -- If the desired average distance between ores is `d`, set this to
- -- `d` * `d` * `d`.
- ---@field clust_scarcity number
- ---@field clust_num_ores number Number of ores in a cluster.
- -- Size of the bounding box of the cluster.
- -- In this example, there is a 3 * 3 * 3 cluster where 8 out of the 27
- -- nodes are coal ore.
- ---@field clust_size number
- ---@field y_min number Lower limit for ore.
- ---@field y_max number Upper limit for ore.
- ---@field flags mt.OreFlags
- -- If noise is above this threshold, ore is placed. Not needed for a
- -- uniform distribution.
- ---@field noise_threshold number
- ---@field noise_params mt.NoiseParams
- ---@field biomes string[]
- ---@field column_height_min number "sheet" type only.
- ---@field column_height_max number "sheet" type only.
- ---@field column_midpoint_factor number "sheet" type only.
- ---@field np_puff_top mt.NoiseParams "puff" type only.
- ---@field np_puff_bottom mt.NoiseParams "puff" type only.
- ---@field random_factor number "vein" type only.
- ---@field np_stratum_thickness mt.NoiseParams "stratum" type only.
- ---@field stratum_thickness number "stratum" type only.
- --[[
- NoiseParams structure describing one of the perlin noises
- used for ore distribution.
- * Needed by "sheet", "puff", "blob" and "vein" ores.
- * Omit from "scatter" ore for a uniform ore distribution.
- * Omit from "stratum" ore for a simple horizontal strata from y_min to y_max.
- Example for 2D or 3D perlin noise or perlin noise maps:
- np_terrain = {
- offset = 0,
- scale = 1,
- spread = {x = 500, y = 500, z = 500},
- seed = 571347,
- octaves = 5,
- persistence = 0.63,
- lacunarity = 2.0,
- flags = "defaults, absvalue",
- }
- For 2D noise the Z component of `spread` is still defined but is ignored. A
- single noise parameter table can be used for 2D or 3D noise.
- ]]
- ---@class mt.NoiseParams
- --[[ After the multiplication by `scale` this is added to the result and is the
- final step in creating the noise value. Can be positive or negative. ]]
- ---@field offset number
- --[[ Once all octaves have been combined, the result is multiplied by this.
- Can be positive or negative. ]]
- ---@field scale number
- --[[
- For octave1, this is roughly the change of input value needed for a very
- large variation in the noise value generated by octave1. It is almost like a
- `wavelength` for the wavy noise variation. Each additional octave has a
- `wavelength` that is smaller than the previous octave, to create finer detail.
- `spread` will therefore roughly be the typical size of the largest structures in
- the final noise variation.
- `spread` is a vector with values for x, y, z to allow the noise variation to be
- stretched or compressed in the desired axes. Values are positive numbers.
- ]]
- ---@field spread mt.Vector
- --[[
- This is a whole number that determines the entire pattern of the noise
- variation. Altering it enables different noise patterns to be created. With
- other parameters equal, different seeds produce different noise patterns and
- identical seeds produce identical noise patterns.
- For this parameter you can randomly choose any whole number. Usually it is
- preferable for this to be different from other seeds, but sometimes it is useful
- to be able to create identical noise patterns.
- In some noise APIs the world seed is added to the seed specified in noise
- parameters. This is done to make the resulting noise pattern vary in different
- worlds, and be 'world-specific'.
- ]]
- ---@field seed number
- --[[
- The number of simple noise generators that are combined. A whole number, 1 or
- more. Each additional octave adds finer detail to the noise but also increases
- the noise calculation load. 3 is a typical minimum for a high quality, complex
- and natural-looking noise variation. 1 octave has a slight 'gridlike'
- appearance.
- Choose the number of octaves according to the `spread` and `lacunarity`, and the
- size of the finest detail you require. For example: if `spread` is 512 nodes,
- `lacunarity` is 2.0 and finest detail required is 16 nodes, octaves will be 6
- because the 'wavelengths' of the octaves will be 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16
- nodes. Warning: If the 'wavelength' of any octave falls below 1 an error will
- occur.
- ]]
- ---@field octaves number
- --[[
- Each additional octave has an amplitude that is the amplitude of the previous
- octave multiplied by `persistence`, to reduce the amplitude of finer details, as
- is often helpful and natural to do so. Since this controls the balance of fine
- detail to large-scale detail `persistence` can be thought of as the 'roughness'
- of the noise.
- A positive or negative non-zero number, often between 0.3 and 1.0. A common
- medium value is 0.5, such that each octave has half the amplitude of the
- previous octave. This may need to be tuned when altering `lacunarity`; when
- doing so consider that a common medium value is 1 / lacunarity.
- ]]
- ---@field persistence number
- --[[
- Each additional octave has a 'wavelength' that is the 'wavelength' of the
- previous octave multiplied by 1 / lacunarity, to create finer detail.
- 'lacunarity' is often 2.0 so 'wavelength' often halves per octave.
- A positive number no smaller than 1.0. Values below 2.0 create higher quality
- noise at the expense of requiring more octaves to cover a paticular range of
- 'wavelengths'.
- ]]
- ---@field lacunarity number
- -- Leave this field unset for no special handling.
- ---@field flags nil|string
- -- Specify this if you would like to keep auto-selection of eased/not-eased
- -- while specifying some other flags.
- ---|"defaults"
- -- Maps noise gradient values onto a quintic S-curve before performing
- -- interpolation. This results in smooth, rolling noise. Disable this (`noeased`)
- -- for sharp-looking noise with a slightly gridded appearance. If no flags are
- -- specified (or defaults is), 2D noise is eased and 3D noise is not eased.
- -- Easing a 3D noise significantly increases the noise calculation load,
- -- so use with restraint.
- ---|"eased"
- --The absolute value of each octave's noise variation is used when combining
- -- the octaves. The final perlin noise variation is created as follows:
- -- noise = offset + scale _ (abs(octave1) + abs(octave2) _ persistence +
- -- abs(octave3) _ persistence ^ 2 + abs(octave4) _ persistence ^ 3 + ...)
- ---|"absvalue"
- -- These tell in what manner the ore is generated.
- --
- -- All default ores are of the uniformly-distributed `scatter` type.
- ---@alias mt.OreType
- -- Randomly chooses a location and generates a cluster of ore.
- --
- -- If `noise_params` is specified, the ore will be placed if the 3D perlin noise
- -- at that point is greater than the `noise_threshold`, giving the ability to
- -- create a non-equal distribution of ore.
- ---|"scatter"
- -- Creates a sheet of ore in a blob shape according to the 2D perlin noise
- -- described by `noise_params` and `noise_threshold`. This is essentially an
- -- improved version of the so-called "stratus" ore seen in some unofficial mods.
- --
- -- This sheet consists of vertical columns of uniform randomly distributed height,
- -- varying between the inclusive range `column_height_min` and `column_height_max`.
- -- If `column_height_min` is not specified, this parameter defaults to 1.
- -- If `column_height_max` is not specified, this parameter defaults to `clust_size`
- -- for reverse compatibility. New code should prefer `column_height_max`.
- --
- -- The `column_midpoint_factor` parameter controls the position of the column at
- -- which ore emanates from.
- -- If 1, columns grow upward. If 0, columns grow downward. If 0.5, columns grow
- -- equally starting from each direction.
- -- `column_midpoint_factor` is a decimal number ranging in value from 0 to 1. If
- -- this parameter is not specified, the default is 0.5.
- --
- -- The ore parameters `clust_scarcity` and `clust_num_ores` are ignored for this
- -- ore type.
- ---|"sheet"
- -- Creates a sheet of ore in a cloud-like puff shape.
- --
- -- As with the `sheet` ore type, the size and shape of puffs are described by
- -- `noise_params` and `noise_threshold` and are placed at random vertical
- -- positions within the currently generated chunk.
- --
- -- The vertical top and bottom displacement of each puff are determined by the
- -- noise parameters `np_puff_top` and `np_puff_bottom`, respectively.
- ---|"puff"
- -- Creates a deformed sphere of ore according to 3d perlin noise described by
- -- `noise_params`. The maximum size of the blob is `clust_size`, and
- -- `clust_scarcity` has the same meaning as with the `scatter` type.
- ---|"blob"
- -- Creates veins of ore varying in density by according to the intersection of two
- -- instances of 3d perlin noise with different seeds, both described by
- -- `noise_params`.
- --
- -- `random_factor` varies the influence random chance has on placement of an ore
- -- inside the vein, which is `1` by default. Note that modifying this parameter
- -- may require adjusting `noise_threshold`.
- --
- -- The parameters `clust_scarcity`, `clust_num_ores`, and `clust_size` are ignored
- -- by this ore type.
- --
- -- This ore type is difficult to control since it is sensitive to small changes.
- -- The following is a decent set of parameters to work from:
- --
- -- noise_params = {
- -- offset = 0,
- -- scale = 3,
- -- spread = {x=200, y=200, z=200},
- -- seed = 5390,
- -- octaves = 4,
- -- persistence = 0.5,
- -- lacunarity = 2.0,
- -- flags = "eased",
- -- },
- -- noise_threshold = 1.6
- --
- -- **WARNING**: Use this ore type *very* sparingly since it is ~200x more
- -- computationally expensive than any other ore.
- ---|"vein"
- -- Creates a single undulating ore stratum that is continuous across mapchunk
- -- borders and horizontally spans the world.
- --
- -- The 2D perlin noise described by `noise_params` defines the Y co-ordinate of
- -- the stratum midpoint. The 2D perlin noise described by `np_stratum_thickness`
- -- defines the stratum's vertical thickness (in units of nodes). Due to being
- -- continuous across mapchunk borders the stratum's vertical thickness is
- -- unlimited.
- --
- -- If the noise parameter `noise_params` is omitted the ore will occur from y_min
- -- to y_max in a simple horizontal stratum.
- --
- -- A parameter `stratum_thickness` can be provided instead of the noise parameter
- -- `np_stratum_thickness`, to create a constant thickness.
- --
- -- Leaving out one or both noise parameters makes the ore generation less
- -- intensive, useful when adding multiple strata.
- --
- -- `y_min` and `y_max` define the limits of the ore generation and for performance
- -- reasons should be set as close together as possible but without clipping the
- -- stratum's Y variation.
- --
- -- Each node in the stratum has a 1-in-`clust_scarcity` chance of being ore, so a
- -- solid-ore stratum would require a `clust_scarcity` of 1.
- --
- -- The parameters `clust_num_ores`, `clust_size`, `noise_threshold` and
- -- `random_factor` are ignored by this ore type.
- ---|"stratum"
- ---@alias mt.OreFlagString
- -- If set, puff ore generation will not taper down large differences in
- -- displacement when approaching the edge of a puff. This flag has no effect for
- -- ore types other than `puff`.
- ---|"puff_cliffs"
- -- By default, when noise described by `np_puff_top` or `np_puff_bottom` results
- -- in a negative displacement, the sub-column at that point is not generated. With
- -- this attribute set, puff ore generation will instead generate the absolute
- -- difference in noise displacement values. This flag has no effect for ore types
- -- other than `puff`.
- ---|"puff_additive_composition"
- ---@alias mt.OreFlagsTable table<mt.OreFlagString|string, boolean>
- ---@alias mt.OreFlags mt.OreFlagString|mt.OreFlagsTable