123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- ---@meta
- ---Crafting recipes
- -------------------
- -- Used by `minetest.register_craft`.
- ---@alias mt.CraftRecipe mt.CraftRecipeRepair|mt.CraftRecipeFuel|mt.CraftRecipeShaped|mt.CraftRecipeCooking|mt.CraftRecipeShapeless
- ---@class mt.CraftRecipeShaped
- ---@field output string|nil
- ---@field recipe string[][]|nil
- -- Replace one input item with another item on crafting.
- ---@field replacements nil|{[1]:string, [2]:string}[]
- ---@class mt.CraftRecipeShapeless
- ---@field type "shapeless"|nil
- ---@field output string|nil
- ---@field recipe string[]|nil
- -- Replace one input item with another item on crafting.
- ---@field replacements nil|{[1]:string, [2]:string}[]
- -- Adds a shapeless recipe for *every* tool that doesn't have the `disable_repair=1`
- -- group. Player can put 2 equal tools in the craft grid to get one "repaired" tool
- -- back.
- --
- -- The wear of the output is determined by the wear of both tools, plus a
- -- 'repair bonus' given by `additional_wear`. To reduce the wear (i.e. 'repair'),
- -- you want `additional_wear` to be negative.
- --
- -- The formula used to calculate the resulting wear is:
- --
- -- 65536 - ( (65536 - tool_1_wear) + (65536 - tool_2_wear) + 65536 * additional_wear )
- --
- -- The result is rounded and can't be lower than 0. If the result is 65536 or higher,
- -- no crafting is possible.
- ---@class mt.CraftRecipeRepair
- ---@field type "toolrepair"|nil
- ---@field additional_wear number|nil Multiplier of 65536.
- ---@class mt.CraftRecipeCooking
- ---@field type "cooking"|nil
- ---@field output string|nil
- ---@field recipe string|nil
- ---@field cooktime number|nil
- ---@class mt.CraftRecipeFuel
- ---@field type "fuel"|nil
- ---@field recipe string|nil
- ---@field burntime number|nil
- -- Replace one input item with another item on crafting.
- ---@field replacements nil|{[1]:string, [2]:string}[]