Makefile 14 KB

  1. PORTNAME= nushell
  2. DISTVERSION= 0.92.1
  3. CATEGORIES= shells
  5. COMMENT= New type of shell
  6. WWW=
  9. USES= cargo localbase ssl
  10. USE_GITHUB= yes
  11. CARGO_CRATES= addr2line-0.21.0 \
  12. adler-1.0.2 \
  13. adler32-1.2.0 \
  14. ahash-0.7.7 \
  15. ahash-0.8.7 \
  16. aho-corasick-1.1.2 \
  17. alloc-no-stdlib-2.0.4 \
  18. alloc-stdlib-0.2.2 \
  19. allocator-api2-0.2.16 \
  20. alphanumeric-sort-1.5.3 \
  21. android-tzdata-0.1.1 \
  22. android_system_properties-0.1.5 \
  23. ansi-str-0.8.0 \
  24. ansitok-0.2.0 \
  25. anstream-0.6.11 \
  26. anstyle-1.0.4 \
  27. anstyle-parse-0.2.3 \
  28. anstyle-query-1.0.2 \
  29. anstyle-wincon-3.0.2 \
  30. arboard-3.3.2 \
  31. argminmax-0.6.1 \
  32. array-init-cursor-0.2.0 \
  33. arrayvec-0.5.2 \
  34. arrayvec-0.7.4 \
  35. assert-json-diff-2.0.2 \
  36. assert_cmd-2.0.13 \
  37. async-stream-0.3.5 \
  38. async-stream-impl-0.3.5 \
  39. async-trait-0.1.77 \
  40. atoi-2.0.0 \
  41. atoi_simd-0.15.6 \
  42. autocfg-1.1.0 \
  43. avro-schema-0.3.0 \
  44. backtrace-0.3.69 \
  45. backtrace-ext-0.2.1 \
  46. base64-0.13.1 \
  47. base64-0.21.7 \
  48. base64-0.22.0 \
  49. bincode-1.3.3 \
  50. bindgen-0.68.1 \
  51. bit-set-0.5.3 \
  52. bit-vec-0.6.3 \
  53. bitflags-1.3.2 \
  54. bitflags-2.4.2 \
  55. bitvec-1.0.1 \
  56. block-0.1.6 \
  57. block-buffer-0.10.4 \
  58. borsh-1.3.1 \
  59. borsh-derive-1.3.1 \
  60. bracoxide-0.1.3 \
  61. brotli-3.4.0 \
  62. brotli-decompressor-2.5.1 \
  63. bstr-1.9.0 \
  64. bumpalo-3.14.0 \
  65. byte-unit-5.1.4 \
  66. bytecheck-0.6.11 \
  67. bytecheck_derive-0.6.11 \
  68. bytecount-0.6.7 \
  69. bytemuck-1.14.1 \
  70. bytemuck_derive-1.5.0 \
  71. byteorder-1.5.0 \
  72. bytes-1.5.0 \
  73. bytesize-1.3.0 \
  74. calamine-0.24.0 \
  75. cassowary-0.3.0 \
  76. castaway-0.2.2 \
  77. cc-1.0.83 \
  78. cexpr-0.6.0 \
  79. cfg-if-1.0.0 \
  80. cfg_aliases-0.1.1 \
  81. chardetng-0.1.17 \
  82. charset-0.1.3 \
  83. chrono-0.4.35 \
  84. chrono-humanize-0.2.3 \
  85. chrono-tz-0.8.5 \
  86. chrono-tz-build-0.2.1 \
  87. chumsky-0.9.3 \
  88. clang-sys-1.7.0 \
  89. clap-4.4.18 \
  90. clap_builder-4.4.18 \
  91. clap_lex-0.6.0 \
  92. clipboard-win-5.2.0 \
  93. codepage-0.1.1 \
  94. colorchoice-1.0.0 \
  95. compact_str-0.7.1 \
  96. condtype-1.3.0 \
  97. console-0.15.8 \
  98. const-random-0.1.17 \
  99. const-random-macro-0.1.16 \
  100. const_format-0.2.32 \
  101. const_format_proc_macros-0.2.32 \
  102. core-foundation-0.9.4 \
  103. core-foundation-sys-0.8.6 \
  104. cpufeatures-0.2.12 \
  105. crc-2.1.0 \
  106. crc-catalog-1.1.1 \
  107. crc32fast-1.3.2 \
  108. crossbeam-channel-0.5.11 \
  109. crossbeam-deque-0.8.5 \
  110. crossbeam-epoch-0.9.18 \
  111. crossbeam-queue-0.3.11 \
  112. crossbeam-utils-0.8.19 \
  113. crossterm-0.27.0 \
  114. crossterm_winapi-0.9.1 \
  115. crunchy-0.2.2 \
  116. crypto-common-0.1.6 \
  117. cssparser-0.31.2 \
  118. cssparser-macros-0.6.1 \
  119. csv-1.3.0 \
  120. csv-core-0.1.11 \
  121. ctrlc-3.4.4 \
  122. dashmap-5.5.3 \
  123. deranged-0.3.11 \
  124. derive-new-0.6.0 \
  125. derive_more-0.99.17 \
  126. dialoguer-0.11.0 \
  127. diff-0.1.13 \
  128. difflib-0.4.0 \
  129. digest-0.10.7 \
  130. dirs-next-2.0.0 \
  131. dirs-sys-next-0.1.2 \
  132. divan-0.1.14 \
  133. divan-macros-0.1.14 \
  134. dlib-0.5.2 \
  135. dlv-list-0.5.2 \
  136. doc-comment-0.3.3 \
  137. downcast-rs-1.2.0 \
  138. dtoa-1.0.9 \
  139. dtoa-short-0.3.4 \
  140. dtparse-2.0.0 \
  141. dunce-1.0.4 \
  142. dyn-clone-1.0.16 \
  143. ego-tree-0.6.2 \
  144. either-1.9.0 \
  145. eml-parser-0.1.4 \
  146. encode_unicode-0.3.6 \
  147. encoding_rs-0.8.33 \
  148. enum_dispatch-0.3.12 \
  149. env_logger-0.8.4 \
  150. equivalent-1.0.1 \
  151. erased-serde-0.4.2 \
  152. errno-0.3.8 \
  153. error-code-3.2.0 \
  154. ethnum-1.5.0 \
  155. fallible-iterator-0.3.0 \
  156. fallible-streaming-iterator-0.1.9 \
  157. fancy-regex-0.13.0 \
  158. fast-float-0.2.0 \
  159. fastrand-2.0.1 \
  160. fd-lock-4.0.2 \
  161. file-id-0.2.1 \
  162. filesize-0.2.0 \
  163. filetime-0.2.23 \
  164. fixedbitset-0.4.2 \
  165. flate2-1.0.28 \
  166. float-cmp-0.9.0 \
  167. fnv-1.0.7 \
  168. foreign-types-0.3.2 \
  169. foreign-types-shared-0.1.1 \
  170. foreign_vec-0.1.0 \
  171. form_urlencoded-1.2.1 \
  172. fs_extra-1.3.0 \
  173. fsevent-sys-4.1.0 \
  174. funty-2.0.0 \
  175. futf-0.1.5 \
  176. futures-0.3.30 \
  177. futures-channel-0.3.30 \
  178. futures-core-0.3.30 \
  179. futures-executor-0.3.30 \
  180. futures-io-0.3.30 \
  181. futures-macro-0.3.30 \
  182. futures-sink-0.3.30 \
  183. futures-task-0.3.30 \
  184. futures-util-0.3.30 \
  185. fuzzy-matcher-0.3.7 \
  186. fxhash-0.2.1 \
  187. generic-array-0.14.7 \
  188. gethostname-0.4.3 \
  189. getrandom-0.2.12 \
  190. gimli-0.28.1 \
  191. git2-0.18.1 \
  192. gjson-0.8.1 \
  193. glob-0.3.1 \
  194. h2-0.3.24 \
  195. halfbrown-0.2.4 \
  196. hash32-0.3.1 \
  197. hashbrown-0.12.3 \
  198. hashbrown-0.13.2 \
  199. hashbrown-0.14.3 \
  200. hashlink-0.9.0 \
  201. heapless-0.8.0 \
  202. heck-0.4.1 \
  203. heck-0.5.0 \
  204. hermit-abi-0.3.4 \
  205. hex-0.4.3 \
  206. home-0.5.9 \
  207. html5ever-0.26.0 \
  208. http-0.2.11 \
  209. http-body-0.4.6 \
  210. httparse-1.8.0 \
  211. httpdate-1.0.3 \
  212. human-date-parser-0.1.1 \
  213. hyper-0.14.28 \
  214. iana-time-zone-0.1.60 \
  215. iana-time-zone-haiku-0.1.2 \
  216. ical-0.11.0 \
  217. idna-0.5.0 \
  218. indexmap-2.2.2 \
  219. indicatif-0.17.7 \
  220. indoc-2.0.4 \
  221. inotify-0.9.6 \
  222. inotify-sys-0.1.5 \
  223. instant-0.1.12 \
  224. inventory-0.3.15 \
  225. is-docker-0.2.0 \
  226. is-wsl-0.4.0 \
  227. is_ci-1.2.0 \
  228. is_debug-1.0.1 \
  229. is_executable-1.0.1 \
  230. itertools-0.11.0 \
  231. itertools-0.12.0 \
  232. itoa-1.0.10 \
  233. itoap-1.0.1 \
  234. jobserver-0.1.27 \
  235. joinery-2.1.0 \
  236. js-sys-0.3.67 \
  237. kqueue-1.0.8 \
  238. kqueue-sys-1.0.4 \
  239. lazy_static-1.4.0 \
  240. lazycell-1.3.0 \
  241. lexical-core-0.8.5 \
  242. lexical-parse-float-0.8.5 \
  243. lexical-parse-integer-0.8.6 \
  244. lexical-util-0.8.5 \
  245. lexical-write-float-0.8.5 \
  246. lexical-write-integer-0.8.5 \
  247. libc-0.2.153 \
  248. libflate-1.4.0 \
  249. libflate_lz77-1.2.0 \
  250. libgit2-sys-0.16.2+1.7.2 \
  251. libloading-0.8.1 \
  252. libm-0.2.8 \
  253. libmimalloc-sys-0.1.35 \
  254. libproc-0.14.2 \
  255. libredox-0.0.1 \
  256. libsqlite3-sys-0.28.0 \
  257. libssh2-sys-0.3.0 \
  258. libz-sys-1.1.15 \
  259. linked-hash-map-0.5.6 \
  260. linux-raw-sys-0.4.13 \
  261. lock_api-0.4.11 \
  262. log-0.4.21 \
  263. lru-0.12.1 \
  264. lscolors-0.17.0 \
  265. lsp-server-0.7.6 \
  266. lsp-types-0.95.0 \
  267. lz4-1.24.0 \
  268. lz4-sys-1.9.4 \
  269. mac-0.1.1 \
  270. mach2-0.4.2 \
  271. malloc_buf-0.0.6 \
  272. markup5ever-0.11.0 \
  273. md-5-0.10.6 \
  274. memchr-2.7.1 \
  275. memmap2-0.7.1 \
  276. miette-7.2.0 \
  277. miette-derive-7.2.0 \
  278. mimalloc-0.1.39 \
  279. mime-0.3.17 \
  280. mime_guess-2.0.4 \
  281. minimal-lexical-0.2.1 \
  282. miniz_oxide-0.7.1 \
  283. mio-0.8.11 \
  284. mockito-1.4.0 \
  285. multiversion-0.7.3 \
  286. multiversion-macros-0.7.3 \
  287. native-tls-0.2.11 \
  288. new_debug_unreachable-1.0.4 \
  289. nix-0.28.0 \
  290. nom-7.1.3 \
  291. notify-6.1.1 \
  292. notify-debouncer-full-0.3.1 \
  293. now-0.1.3 \
  294. ntapi-0.4.1 \
  295. nu-ansi-term-0.50.0 \
  296. num-0.4.1 \
  297. num-bigint-0.4.4 \
  298. num-complex-0.4.4 \
  299. num-format-0.4.4 \
  300. num-integer-0.1.45 \
  301. num-iter-0.1.43 \
  302. num-rational-0.4.1 \
  303. num-traits-0.2.17 \
  304. num_cpus-1.16.0 \
  305. num_threads-0.1.6 \
  306. number_prefix-0.4.0 \
  307. objc-0.2.7 \
  308. objc-foundation-0.1.1 \
  309. objc_id-0.1.1 \
  310. object-0.32.2 \
  311. omnipath-0.1.6 \
  312. once_cell-1.19.0 \
  313. open-5.1.1 \
  314. openssl-0.10.63 \
  315. openssl-macros-0.1.1 \
  316. openssl-probe-0.1.5 \
  317. openssl-src-300.2.3+3.2.1 \
  318. openssl-sys-0.9.99 \
  319. ordered-multimap-0.7.1 \
  320. os_display-0.1.3 \
  321. os_pipe-1.1.5 \
  322. owo-colors-4.0.0 \
  323. papergrid-0.10.0 \
  324. parking_lot-0.12.1 \
  325. parking_lot_core-0.9.9 \
  326. parquet-format-safe-0.2.4 \
  327. parse-zoneinfo-0.3.0 \
  328. paste-1.0.14 \
  329. pathdiff-0.2.1 \
  330. peeking_take_while-0.1.2 \
  331. percent-encoding-2.3.1 \
  332. peresil-0.3.0 \
  333. pest-2.7.6 \
  334. pest_derive-2.7.6 \
  335. pest_generator-2.7.6 \
  336. pest_meta-2.7.6 \
  337. petgraph-0.6.4 \
  338. phf-0.10.1 \
  339. phf-0.11.2 \
  340. phf_codegen-0.10.0 \
  341. phf_codegen-0.11.2 \
  342. phf_generator-0.10.0 \
  343. phf_generator-0.11.2 \
  344. phf_macros-0.11.2 \
  345. phf_shared-0.10.0 \
  346. phf_shared-0.11.2 \
  347. pin-project-lite-0.2.13 \
  348. pin-utils-0.1.0 \
  349. pkg-config-0.3.29 \
  350. planus-0.3.1 \
  351. platform-info-2.0.2 \
  352. polars-0.37.0 \
  353. polars-arrow-0.37.0 \
  354. polars-arrow-format-0.1.0 \
  355. polars-compute-0.37.0 \
  356. polars-core-0.37.0 \
  357. polars-error-0.37.0 \
  358. polars-io-0.37.0 \
  359. polars-json-0.37.0 \
  360. polars-lazy-0.37.0 \
  361. polars-ops-0.37.0 \
  362. polars-parquet-0.37.0 \
  363. polars-pipe-0.37.0 \
  364. polars-plan-0.37.0 \
  365. polars-row-0.37.0 \
  366. polars-sql-0.37.0 \
  367. polars-time-0.37.0 \
  368. polars-utils-0.37.0 \
  369. pori-0.0.0 \
  370. portable-atomic-1.6.0 \
  371. powerfmt-0.2.0 \
  372. ppv-lite86-0.2.17 \
  373. precomputed-hash-0.1.1 \
  374. predicates-3.1.0 \
  375. predicates-core-1.0.6 \
  376. predicates-tree-1.0.9 \
  377. pretty_assertions-1.4.0 \
  378. print-positions-0.6.1 \
  379. proc-macro-crate-3.1.0 \
  380. proc-macro-error-1.0.4 \
  381. proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4 \
  382. proc-macro2-1.0.78 \
  383. procfs-0.16.0 \
  384. procfs-core-0.16.0 \
  385. psm-0.1.21 \
  386. ptr_meta-0.1.4 \
  387. ptr_meta_derive-0.1.4 \
  388. pure-rust-locales-0.8.1 \
  389. pwd-1.4.0 \
  390. quick-error-1.2.3 \
  391. quick-error-2.0.1 \
  392. quick-xml-0.31.0 \
  393. quickcheck-1.0.3 \
  394. quickcheck_macros-1.0.0 \
  395. quote-1.0.35 \
  396. quoted_printable-0.5.0 \
  397. radium-0.7.0 \
  398. rand-0.8.5 \
  399. rand_chacha-0.3.1 \
  400. rand_core-0.6.4 \
  401. rand_distr-0.4.3 \
  402. ratatui-0.26.0 \
  403. rayon-1.10.0 \
  404. rayon-core-1.12.1 \
  405. redox_syscall-0.4.1 \
  406. redox_users-0.4.4 \
  407. reedline-0.31.0 \
  408. ref-cast-1.0.22 \
  409. ref-cast-impl-1.0.22 \
  410. regex-1.10.3 \
  411. regex-automata-0.4.5 \
  412. regex-lite-0.1.5 \
  413. regex-syntax-0.8.2 \
  414. relative-path-1.9.2 \
  415. rend-0.4.1 \
  416. rfc2047-decoder-1.0.2 \
  417. rkyv-0.7.43 \
  418. rkyv_derive-0.7.43 \
  419. rle-decode-fast-1.0.3 \
  420. rmp-0.8.12 \
  421. rmp-serde-1.1.2 \
  422. ropey-1.6.1 \
  423. roxmltree-0.19.0 \
  424. rstest-0.18.2 \
  425. rstest_macros-0.18.2 \
  426. rusqlite-0.31.0 \
  427. rust-embed-8.2.0 \
  428. rust-embed-impl-8.2.0 \
  429. rust-embed-utils-8.2.0 \
  430. rust-ini-0.20.0 \
  431. rust_decimal-1.33.1 \
  432. rustc-demangle-0.1.23 \
  433. rustc-hash-1.1.0 \
  434. rustc_version-0.4.0 \
  435. rustix-0.38.31 \
  436. rustversion-1.0.14 \
  437. ryu-1.0.16 \
  438. same-file-1.0.6 \
  439. schannel-0.1.23 \
  440. scoped-tls-1.0.1 \
  441. scopeguard-1.2.0 \
  442. scraper-0.19.0 \
  443. seahash-4.1.0 \
  444. security-framework-2.9.2 \
  445. security-framework-sys-2.9.1 \
  446. selectors-0.25.0 \
  447. semver-1.0.21 \
  448. seq-macro-0.3.5 \
  449. serde-1.0.196 \
  450. serde_derive-1.0.196 \
  451. serde_json-1.0.114 \
  452. serde_repr-0.1.18 \
  453. serde_spanned-0.6.5 \
  454. serde_urlencoded-0.7.1 \
  455. serde_yaml-0.9.30 \
  456. serial_test-3.0.0 \
  457. serial_test_derive-3.0.0 \
  458. servo_arc-0.3.0 \
  459. sha2-0.10.8 \
  460. shadow-rs-0.26.1 \
  461. shell-words-1.1.0 \
  462. shlex-1.3.0 \
  463. signal-hook-0.3.17 \
  464. signal-hook-mio-0.2.3 \
  465. signal-hook-registry-1.4.1 \
  466. simd-json-0.13.8 \
  467. simdutf8-0.1.4 \
  468. similar-2.4.0 \
  469. simplelog-0.12.1 \
  470. siphasher-0.3.11 \
  471. slab-0.4.9 \
  472. smallvec-1.13.1 \
  473. smartstring-1.0.1 \
  474. smawk-0.3.2 \
  475. snap-1.1.1 \
  476. socket2-0.5.5 \
  477. sqlparser-0.39.0 \
  478. stability-0.1.1 \
  479. stable_deref_trait-1.2.0 \
  480. stacker-0.1.15 \
  481. static_assertions-1.1.0 \
  482. str_indices-0.4.3 \
  483. streaming-decompression-0.1.2 \
  484. streaming-iterator-0.1.9 \
  485. strength_reduce-0.2.4 \
  486. string_cache-0.8.7 \
  487. string_cache_codegen-0.5.2 \
  488. strip-ansi-escapes-0.2.0 \
  489. strsim-0.10.0 \
  490. strum-0.26.1 \
  491. strum_macros-0.25.3 \
  492. strum_macros-0.26.1 \
  493. supports-color-3.0.0 \
  494. supports-hyperlinks-3.0.0 \
  495. supports-unicode-3.0.0 \
  496. sxd-document-0.3.2 \
  497. sxd-xpath-0.4.2 \
  498. syn-1.0.109 \
  499. syn-2.0.48 \
  500. syn_derive-0.1.8 \
  501. sys-locale-0.3.1 \
  502. sysinfo-0.30.5 \
  503. tabled-0.14.0 \
  504. tap-1.0.1 \
  505. target-features-0.1.5 \
  506. tempfile-3.10.1 \
  507. tendril-0.4.3 \
  508. termcolor-1.1.3 \
  509. terminal_size-0.3.0 \
  510. termtree-0.4.1 \
  511. textwrap-0.16.0 \
  512. thiserror-1.0.56 \
  513. thiserror-impl-1.0.56 \
  514. thread_local-1.1.7 \
  515. time-0.3.31 \
  516. time-core-0.1.2 \
  517. time-macros-0.2.16 \
  518. tiny-keccak-2.0.2 \
  519. tinyvec-1.6.0 \
  520. tinyvec_macros-0.1.1 \
  521. titlecase-2.2.1 \
  522. tokio-1.35.1 \
  523. tokio-util-0.7.10 \
  524. toml-0.7.8 \
  525. toml-0.8.8 \
  526. toml_datetime-0.6.5 \
  527. toml_edit-0.19.15 \
  528. toml_edit-0.21.0 \
  529. tower-service-0.3.2 \
  530. tracing-0.1.40 \
  531. tracing-core-0.1.32 \
  532. trash-3.3.1 \
  533. tree_magic_mini-3.0.3 \
  534. try-lock-0.2.5 \
  535. typed-arena-1.7.0 \
  536. typenum-1.17.0 \
  537. typetag-0.2.15 \
  538. typetag-impl-0.2.15 \
  539. ucd-trie-0.1.6 \
  540. umask-2.1.0 \
  541. unicase-2.7.0 \
  542. unicode-bidi-0.3.15 \
  543. unicode-ident-1.0.12 \
  544. unicode-linebreak-0.1.5 \
  545. unicode-normalization-0.1.22 \
  546. unicode-reverse-1.0.8 \
  547. unicode-segmentation-1.11.0 \
  548. unicode-width-0.1.11 \
  549. unicode-xid-0.2.4 \
  550. unsafe-libyaml-0.2.10 \
  551. ureq-2.9.1 \
  552. url-2.5.0 \
  553. utf-8-0.7.6 \
  554. utf8-width-0.1.7 \
  555. utf8parse-0.2.1 \
  556. uu_cp-0.0.25 \
  557. uu_mkdir-0.0.25 \
  558. uu_mktemp-0.0.25 \
  559. uu_mv-0.0.25 \
  560. uu_uname-0.0.25 \
  561. uu_whoami-0.0.25 \
  562. uucore-0.0.25 \
  563. uucore_procs-0.0.24 \
  564. uuhelp_parser-0.0.24 \
  565. uuid-1.8.0 \
  566. v_htmlescape-0.15.8 \
  567. value-trait-0.8.1 \
  568. vcpkg-0.2.15 \
  569. version_check-0.9.4 \
  570. vte-0.10.1 \
  571. vte-0.11.1 \
  572. vte_generate_state_changes-0.1.1 \
  573. wait-timeout-0.2.0 \
  574. walkdir-2.5.0 \
  575. want-0.3.1 \
  576. wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1 \
  577. wasm-bindgen-0.2.90 \
  578. wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.90 \
  579. wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.90 \
  580. wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.90 \
  581. wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.90 \
  582. wax-0.6.0 \
  583. wayland-backend-0.3.3 \
  584. wayland-client-0.31.2 \
  585. wayland-protocols-0.31.2 \
  586. wayland-protocols-wlr-0.2.0 \
  587. wayland-scanner-0.31.1 \
  588. wayland-sys-0.31.1 \
  589. which-6.0.0 \
  590. wild-2.2.1 \
  591. winapi-0.3.9 \
  592. winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
  593. winapi-util-0.1.6 \
  594. winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0 \
  595. windows-0.44.0 \
  596. windows-0.52.0 \
  597. windows-0.54.0 \
  598. windows-core-0.52.0 \
  599. windows-core-0.54.0 \
  600. windows-result-0.1.0 \
  601. windows-sys-0.48.0 \
  602. windows-sys-0.52.0 \
  603. windows-targets-0.42.2 \
  604. windows-targets-0.48.5 \
  605. windows-targets-0.52.4 \
  606. windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.42.2 \
  607. windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.48.5 \
  608. windows_aarch64_gnullvm-0.52.4 \
  609. windows_aarch64_msvc-0.42.2 \
  610. windows_aarch64_msvc-0.48.5 \
  611. windows_aarch64_msvc-0.52.4 \
  612. windows_i686_gnu-0.42.2 \
  613. windows_i686_gnu-0.48.5 \
  614. windows_i686_gnu-0.52.4 \
  615. windows_i686_msvc-0.42.2 \
  616. windows_i686_msvc-0.48.5 \
  617. windows_i686_msvc-0.52.4 \
  618. windows_x86_64_gnu-0.42.2 \
  619. windows_x86_64_gnu-0.48.5 \
  620. windows_x86_64_gnu-0.52.4 \
  621. windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.42.2 \
  622. windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.48.5 \
  623. windows_x86_64_gnullvm-0.52.4 \
  624. windows_x86_64_msvc-0.42.2 \
  625. windows_x86_64_msvc-0.48.5 \
  626. windows_x86_64_msvc-0.52.4 \
  627. winnow-0.5.35 \
  628. winreg-0.52.0 \
  629. winresource-0.1.17 \
  630. wl-clipboard-rs-0.8.1 \
  631. wyz-0.5.1 \
  632. x11rb-0.13.0 \
  633. x11rb-protocol-0.13.0 \
  634. xattr-1.3.1 \
  635. xxhash-rust-0.8.8 \
  636. yansi-0.5.1 \
  637. zerocopy-0.7.32 \
  638. zerocopy-derive-0.7.32 \
  639. zip-0.6.6 \
  640. zstd-0.13.0 \
  641. zstd-safe-7.0.0 \
  642. zstd-sys-2.0.9+zstd.1.5.5
  643. OPENSSLINC= /usr/include
  644. OPENSSLLIB= /usr/lib
  645. PLIST_FILES= bin/nu
  647. DATAFRAME_DESC= Include the dataframe feature
  648. DATAFRAME_VARS= CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+=--features=dataframe
  650. .include <>
  651. .if ${ARCH} == powerpc
  653. LDFLAGS= -L/usr/local/lib/gcc${GCC_DEFAULT} -latomic
  654. .endif
  655. .include <>
  656. # avoid address space exhaustion in compiler
  657. .if ${ARCH:Marmv?}
  658. LTO_UNSAFE= yes
  659. .endif
  660. post-install:
  661. @${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/nu
  662. .include <>